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Clean slates

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Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
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It would seem Rob Base after threatening people is now running to mods to have them come fight for him. Now the mods are running here to tell people we better not be mean to rob because they like him and its ok for him to threaten to strangle people and drown them and whatever else. Why not address that?


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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It would seem Rob Base after threatening people is now running to mods to have them come fight for him. Now the mods are running here to tell people we better not be mean to rob because they like him and its ok for him to threaten to strangle people and drown them and whatever else. Why not address that?

Exactly, but I'm not willing to press the issue because I don't want to get banned over a mod's ego.


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It would seem Rob Base after threatening people is now running to mods to have them come fight for him. Now the mods are running here to tell people we better not be mean to rob because they like him and its ok for him to threaten to strangle people and drown them and whatever else. Why not address that?

Believe what you want, but cut out the BS. Old arguments are just that, old. Move on. Don't dig up arguments from years ago, unless you are a female.

Exactly, but I'm not willing to press the issue because I don't want to get banned over a mod's ego.

Nothing to do with a mods ego. Everything to do with not having a functional forum because threads are derailed with offtopic and irrelevant bull. If Rob's OP was attacking you guys over an old argument, then I would simply kill the thread because it is a waste. But if it is talking about a football/Lions topic and someone brings up an old fight, what's the point?


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I didn't get a PM from anyone, when I see a thread that is very active I scan it.

I don't care if it is one guy going against the rest, when I see "the rest" killing what appear to be decent threads (at least on topic) because they are dragging up old arguments like a chick would do...I feel the need to step in and ask that it stop.

Not to be argumentative, but why is it cool for one guy to literally threaten to drown one guy in a toilet, and then strangle another with his bare hands, but the person who responds to that with inflammatory remarks gets warned to stop?

Again, I'm not trying to argue with the mods- I don't want to get banned- but it doesn't look like you've had a chance to dig up the whole story here. Rob's whole thing is to stir the pot and start little flame wars every day, and these responses you're seeing are a result of people getting fed-up with it. If he was here simply to talk, and even argue about, football we'd have no problems. But he's not at all, sadly...


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
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Believe what you want, but cut out the BS. Old arguments are just that, old. Move on. Don't dig up arguments from years ago, unless you are a female.

Nothing to do with a mods ego. Everything to do with not having a functional forum because threads are derailed with offtopic and irrelevant bull. If Rob's OP was attacking you guys over an old argument, then I would simply kill the thread because it is a waste. But if it is talking about a football/Lions topic and someone brings up an old fight, what's the point?

LOL rob derails every thread and turns it into dumb idiotic crap. But hey, as long as you are protecting your friends I suppose you are doing your job. It would appear anything Rob is doing is fine, but everyone else is wrong for engaging in it with Rob. Unbiased is overrated.


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People don't get banned for arguing with mods here. They get banned for being obnoxious assholes who refuse to stop.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Clean slate thread has a clean slate. Cool.


Personally, I'm excited to see how Leshoure is used this year. We had WAY too many 3rd and 1's where we came out in the shotgun. I'd like to see Leshoure get some of those play calls in 2014.

Yeah i never figured coming out in shotgun 3rd and 1 and throwing the ball....too much can go wrong...tipped pass....sack....bad snap....plus bell is usually good for a yard...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Believe what you want, but cut out the BS. Old arguments are just that, old. Move on. Don't dig up arguments from years ago, unless you are a female.

Nothing to do with a mods ego. Everything to do with not having a functional forum because threads are derailed with offtopic and irrelevant bull. If Rob's OP was attacking you guys over an old argument, then I would simply kill the thread because it is a waste. But if it is talking about a football/Lions topic and someone brings up an old fight, what's the point?

I'm not saying this has anything to do with your ego, I've just learned not to start any arguments with those who are in control. You guys have the power, I have none, thus I won't argue very much with you. I'll try to politely disagree, maybe, but arguing with mods can't possibly end well for anyone but the mod. Perks of the job for you guys! :suds:


Supporting Member Level 3
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Not to be argumentative, but why is it cool for one guy to literally threaten to drown one guy in a toilet, and then strangle another with his bare hands, but the person who responds to that with inflammatory remarks gets warned to stop?

Again, I'm not trying to argue with the mods- I don't want to get banned- but it doesn't look like you've had a chance to dig up the whole story here. Rob's whole thing is to stir the pot and start little flame wars every day, and these responses you're seeing are a result of people getting fed-up with it. If he was here simply to talk, and even argue about, football we'd have no problems. But he's not at all, sadly...

It isn't cool to do that, and I'll address that with him. Had the poster he threatened not rolled into the thread with the comments he did, then the threat would be dealt with more severely. It's not like Rob out of the blue made that comment, it was only after the person made a completely off topic and aggressive post.

There are many people derailing the thread here, there is one person making threats. I deal with one on one issues through PM when possible, but don't want to have 5 different PM strings going with different posters.


is a little bit warmer
Dec 18, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
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I'm throwing my hat in the ring here also. I don't know about any of the bullshit drama storylines here. All I see is a thread that was started by RobBase about FOOTBALL then immediately kreton takes shots at RobBase...

Look, I know we want individual boards to police themselves but I will personally clean this board up in line with how we want SportsHoopla to be if this doesn't stop.

To answer the question of who is in jeopardy right now.... If you feel like you are, then you are. Consider this my first and last warning to all on this board. I don't know you as posters but I will pick you off as posters. Get your acts together.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
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I'm throwing my hat in the ring here also. I don't know about any of the bullshit drama storylines here. All I see is a thread that was started by RobBase about FOOTBALL then immediately kreton takes shots at RobBase...

Look, I know we want individual boards to police themselves but I will personally clean this board up in line with how we want SportsHoopla to be if this doesn't stop.

To answer the question of who is in jeopardy right now.... If you feel like you are, then you are. Consider this my first and last warning to all on this board. I don't know you as posters but I will pick you off as posters. Get your acts together.

It was me that took the first shot not Kreton, and I apologize for that. My response was not so much to this thread, but to that exact same type of post every day for a few weeks. I had a similar run in at CBS with him as well, we just are not two people that get along it seems. I added him to ignore and I won't be a problem like that again. Sorry for adding to the drama from the Lions board, I am more then happy to keep it to football from now on.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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There are many people derailing the thread here, there is one person making threats.
Man, these boards sure have gotten lively the last few months.

Not that it matters much, but here's my take. There's a lot of posters on the board here that are tired of Rob's antics. And he'll probably be the first to admit that he says a lot of the stuff he does to get a rise out of people. And he succeeds. But, everyone has continued to call him names and other stuff and that doesn't help the matter.

Rob, these other posters aren't bullies man, you're bigger than a lot of em I'm sure. And if u consider what they're doing as bullying, then that's weak. They're simply irritated with how you come across on the board. I've learned to simply ignore as much of these antics as I can and focus on the football related shit. There are a couple posters(not just on the Lions board) that I simply ignore 99% of the time bc it doesn't do any good giving into their trolling behavior.

And there are times where you can have a very good discussion about the Lions or football in general, but I think there are too many times where your snide remarks and "jokes" just get old. When we, as a board, are simply discussing the Lions, a lot of great debates arise. But people take things way too serious sometimes when differing opinions collide. Many are guilty of making dumbass comments or "jokes", not just you.

I can't give a resolution to this matter, but I can hope that we can just forget about this fucking nonsense. Maybe the posters with issues with Rob can just ignore him and maybe he can tone down his comments? I dunno, I'm no peace keeper, I'm just trying to make this board a better place to discuss shit. There's a lot of knowledge on this board and some varying opinions that make it worthwhile. But the shit in the middle makes it ridiculous at times.

If I'm wrong about this, then my apologies. This is just my opinion on the matter. I could say more, but this shit is long winded enough and I never could stand Meow's long winded posts. Soooo...... ;)

:suds: to everyone!


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Colorado Springs, to be exact. Nice condo you got there. I'll let you know if I'm ever in town. And you let me know when you'll be back in MI.
I am curious though as to how you know this info rob? Or is this another bs post? :noidea::scratch:

I just thought it was odd you would've known where he lived. Coulda been an epic looking fight scene with the mountains in the background.


is a little bit warmer
Dec 18, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
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It was me that took the first shot not Kreton, and I apologize for that. My response was not so much to this thread, but to that exact same type of post every day for a few weeks. I had a similar run in at CBS with him as well, we just are not two people that get along it seems. I added him to ignore and I won't be a problem like that again. Sorry for adding to the drama from the Lions board, I am more then happy to keep it to football from now on.

My bad on that. I meant you at first and Kreton later but I'm not in here to name names and put out some sort of list of potential problem posters. I don't know the background here to be able to do so fairly. Good idea about ignore... Wish more people would use that feature. No need to apologize, just shake it off and move on. We got a good group of Lions posters here, I just hate to see the infighting, it's completely pointless and counterproductive to growing your board.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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The week 1 inner circle and friends is coming at me from all directions.
Does it really bother you that a group of us get together every year and hang out the weekend of the home opener? Or that we've actually become pretty good friends? Bc you keep making comments about this group, many of who aren't even in this fight with you. Kreton, mebert, gandy, and maybe a couple I forgot haven't even met this group before nor been to any games together. So you see, it's not just this "ic" that's taken exception to you.

I mean, we invited you to join us last year, and you accepted. Does that automatically make you part of this alleged"ic"? If so, how dare you trash the good name of your group? :)

Seriously though, I'm just trying to get this shit calmed down. If this is how some of the posters want it, cool. I can't control what they type or how they feel. I'm just trying to make this a place where peeps don't have to sift through pages of bullshit to talk about the actual Detroit Lions.



Apr 4, 2011
minneapolis MN by way of pittsburgh
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Man, these boards sure have gotten lively the last few months.

Not that it matters much, but here's my take. There's a lot of posters on the board here that are tired of Rob's antics. And he'll probably be the first to admit that he says a lot of the stuff he does to get a rise out of people. And he succeeds. But, everyone has continued to call him names and other stuff and that doesn't help the matter.

Rob, these other posters aren't bullies man, you're bigger than a lot of em I'm sure. And if u consider what they're doing as bullying, then that's weak. They're simply irritated with how you come across on the board. I've learned to simply ignore as much of these antics as I can and focus on the football related shit. There are a couple posters(not just on the Lions board) that I simply ignore 99% of the time bc it doesn't do any good giving into their trolling behavior.

And there are times where you can have a very good discussion about the Lions or football in general, but I think there are too many times where your snide remarks and "jokes" just get old. When we, as a board, are simply discussing the Lions, a lot of great debates arise. But people take things way too serious sometimes when differing opinions collide. Many are guilty of making dumbass comments or "jokes", not just you.

I can't give a resolution to this matter, but I can hope that we can just forget about this fucking nonsense. Maybe the posters with issues with Rob can just ignore him and maybe he can tone down his comments? I dunno, I'm no peace keeper, I'm just trying to make this board a better place to discuss shit. There's a lot of knowledge on this board and some varying opinions that make it worthwhile. But the shit in the middle makes it ridiculous at times.

If I'm wrong about this, then my apologies. This is just my opinion on the matter. I could say more, but this shit is long winded enough and I never could stand Meow's long winded posts. Soooo...... ;)

:suds: to everyone!

Does it really bother you that a group of us get together every year and hang out the weekend of the home opener? Or that we've actually become pretty good friends? Bc you keep making comments about this group, many of who aren't even in this fight with you. Kreton, mebert, gandy, and maybe a couple I forgot haven't even met this group before nor been to any games together. So you see, it's not just this "ic" that's taken exception to you.

I mean, we invited you to join us last year, and you accepted. Does that automatically make you part of this alleged"ic"? If so, how dare you trash the good name of your group? :)

Seriously though, I'm just trying to get this shit calmed down. If this is how some of the posters want it, cool. I can't control what they type or how they feel. I'm just trying to make this a place where peeps don't have to sift through pages of bullshit to talk about the actual Detroit Lions.


finally a sensible person kudos to you sir :suds:


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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gandy, and maybe a couple I forgot haven't even met this group before nor been to any games together. So you see, it's not just this "ic" that's taken exception to you.

I mean, we invited you to join us last year, and you accepted. Does that automatically make you part of this alleged"ic"? If so, how dare you trash the good name of your group? :)

I did not bother trying to explain he had been to more opening functions once I was considered in the "IC"...
I am now a bully. I get the offer to fight from Rob and I am the instigater. Maybe the mods need to look at his post history before accusing me of fucking with this guy. The guy pokes and prodes and can't handle sarcasm. So he offers to fight. He is such a victim here...


Apr 4, 2011
minneapolis MN by way of pittsburgh
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you gents need to bury the proverbial hatchet .. everyone involved is at fault this includes rob also for those of you that will ask what about rob ..you are all good posters .. so wtf


Mass Debater
Apr 18, 2013
Rochester, Michigan
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You mods keep telling us to move on, burry the hatchet, don't talk about personal shit, but none of us really do that until rob does. You don't realize that this is a problem that has followed us from the CBS boards. We all know what the solution to this is. You can't telll 80% of a board that they are in the wrong.


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It was me that took the first shot not Kreton, and I apologize for that. My response was not so much to this thread, but to that exact same type of post every day for a few weeks. I had a similar run in at CBS with him as well, we just are not two people that get along it seems. I added him to ignore and I won't be a problem like that again. Sorry for adding to the drama from the Lions board, I am more then happy to keep it to football from now on.

The voice of reason. :suds:

If you have a problem with Rob, ignore him or leave. Simple as that. Either one will work well.

t_paulus needs to make his decision in the next 24 hours because I swear, he takes one more shot at the mods and he's history. He's trying to make us look like trigger-happy bullies and I'm sick of it.

And another thing, we have a strict policy here about creating alts; it's what sets up apart from that ESPN bullshit. Don't think you can fool the alt detector because you can't.

I hope everyone stays but if you decide SportsHoopla's not for you vaya con dios, putos!
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