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Carlos Boozer to the Lakers


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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If I were a Lakers fan, I'd be thrilled about the pick up. It will allow them to remain competitive in the West. Randle will be the building block, and there's an all-star caliber PF that was added to the roster where the Lakers won't have to rely on Randle so heavily during the regular season and give him a chance to maturate.

As it was mentioned before, Boozer logged quality time in Chicago. The only reason why Bulls fans were pissed at Boozer is because he was grossly over paid. He was a good shooter and rebounder, but played zero defense. At $3.2 million for this one year, the Lakers will be alright. If it doesn't work out and his best days are behind him, then the Lakers know this on an expiring contract as opposed to guaranteeing him a long term deal and finding out later in the process.

Some fans are just never happy.


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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Gonna respectfully disagree TF. Kobe wasn't ready straight out of high school to take Eddie Jones' spot. Randle is ready imo. I think it'd be best if we just "threw him into the fire". I'm just gonna have to go down with the ship on this one as I really feel that Randle is ready to contribute right now

You have to be careful about that, Kold. I think Randle is arguably the 2nd most NBA ready player next to Parker. But if you have an opportunity to sit him behind a quality veteran, then you do it. It's almost similar to not starting rookies in the NFL, particularly QBs. Sometimes, a player's ego can't handle not excelling quickly at the next stage.


Beavers Suck
Apr 18, 2013
God's Country No Dakota
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If I were a Lakers fan, I'd be thrilled about the pick up. It will allow them to remain competitive in the West. Randle will be the building block, and there's an all-star caliber PF that was added to the roster where the Lakers won't have to rely on Randle so heavily during the regular season and give him a chance to maturate.

As it was mentioned before, Boozer logged quality time in Chicago. The only reason why Bulls fans were pissed at Boozer is because he was grossly over paid. He was a good shooter and rebounder, but played zero defense. At $3.2 million for this one year, the Lakers will be alright. If it doesn't work out and his best days are behind him, then the Lakers know this on an expiring contract as opposed to guaranteeing him a long term deal and finding out later in the process.

Some fans are just never happy.







Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Gonna respectfully disagree TF. Kobe wasn't ready straight out of high school to take Eddie Jones' spot. Randle is ready imo. I think it'd be best if we just "threw him into the fire". I'm just gonna have to go down with the ship on this one as I really feel that Randle is ready to contribute right now

I like Randle and think he could be a stud.

Problem is, he has a Bull in a China shop style of play that won't be as successful in the pros.

Guys are bigger, stronger, faster and it will take some adjusting to because he is used to running thru guys.

I don't think his learning curve will take a Season.

But, it would be good for him not to have insta-pressure from the get go.

He doesn't seam mentally fragile.

But, almost every top 10 guy from last Summers draft were :gaah:basketcases by the end of the Season.

Olidipo, MCW, Burke were the only guys that had good years.


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
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So I'm bitching and crying because I see dumb move after dumb move and disagree...

1) sign Kobe to a 48mil deal... Dumb move

2) try to sign Melo and/or Bron... Dumb move IMO

3) allow Pau to walk, for free at that... Dumb move if we were getting Boozer any way wouldn't we want a pick too...? It was a great move when we got Lin or so I'm told...

4) get Lin and pick... Dumb move but I get it...

5) pick a PF at 7... Dumb move IMO many like it so I'll be the wrong one here...

6) sign Boozer when we have 3 PF and let Bazemore walk for less than 1mil than we got Boozer for... Dumb move

7) still not have a coach... Dumb move

8) resign Swaggy... Good move

9) resign Hill... Good move

10) get Clarkson... Great move

Am I missing anything...? Many of you TRASH Gasol yet high 5 about Boozer, who takes minutes away from Randall... That's a 3mil dollar problem... Don't we want to tank to get our pick back...? So we have 4PF 4 PG, Kobe's coming off injury and old, who's his back up...? Bazemore would have been nice... Henry...? You guys see they finally add somebody and jump in here like, YEAH WLK!!! WHAT NOW!!!:laugh3: this move sucked, admit it... Yeah good price for a guy we don't need... That's like buying condoms because they were on sale when your wife takes birth control... I guess you could use them but why would you...?:noidea:


Jul 2, 2013
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Don't be so pessimistic, wlk. This is a great signing. Championship here we come!


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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You have some valid points wlk3 but like last year, I am going to see how things play out and if they are bad moves as you have stated and the results dictate that, you'll be the first tell me I told you so and I'll be the first to tell you you were right all along.

Like I have stated previously, I have been watching the Lakers for 52 years and have seen this before. Granted, short buss has dug us a pretty big hole with some of his insanity and it'll take a while to get out of that rut but if everything you have stated is correct, then we will be in that mess for a long time and again you'll be able to tell me I told you so!


New Member
Apr 18, 2013
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You have to be careful about that, Kold. I think Randle is arguably the 2nd most NBA ready player next to Parker. But if you have an opportunity to sit him behind a quality veteran, then you do it. It's almost similar to not starting rookies in the NFL, particularly QBs. Sometimes, a player's ego can't handle not excelling quickly at the next stage.

Ok that's totally different fron the nfl... I think the nba is the only sport where you can stick a young rookie in there to play and won't do them any harm but improve them faster. You already know what your getting in boozer which isn't much but with randel you will never know until you put him out there. He is already nba ready... Don't waste a year of his growth for boozer.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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[QUOTE. Yeah good price for a guy we don't need... That's like buying condoms because they were on sale when your wife takes birth control... I guess you could use them but why would you...?:noidea:[/QUOTE]

This last bit was AWESOME :laugh3:.

On that note, Goodnight :yahoo:


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Apr 18, 2013
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Don't we want to tank to get our pick back...?

Don't think the Lakers ever said that. Mitch has done a great job of making this team somewhat competitive without tying up future cap space. Pau wasn't going to be back unless we signed Melo or Bron anyway, and Boozer for 3 mil is about as good as it gets for a replacement.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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When someone find that "win now" button, please let Wlk3 have it, since he think it exists.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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Just to be clear, the 48 million dollar Kobe deal was an admission that the Lakers will not compete for at least a couple of years. They will not let their cash cow go in the meantime.


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Don't think the Lakers ever said that. Mitch has done a great job of making this team somewhat competitive without tying up future cap space. Pau wasn't going to be back unless we signed Melo or Bron anyway, and Boozer for 3 mil is about as good as it gets for a replacement.

But what are we competing for...? I'd rather lose and keep the pick... The fun will be seing if Randle is the goods and if Kobe still has the goods... Why sign Boozer when we have Davis...? Why sign Davis when we have Kelly and Randle...? Why did we let go of Bazemore...? I get we need the cap space for the future, but we'll need a bench... We'll need a coach... Signing Boozer doesn't help us much, in fact it may take us as was joked earlier up 1 game, realistically that's pretty close no...? So why sign him 1 year for 3.25, instead of Bazemore 2 for 4mil...? To win 1-5 more games... I'd rather have Bazemore... Does that make me stupid...? I'm really not understanding why you guys are giving me all this shit when deep down you know this is bullshit...

I know, and stated as much, I don't know what they have or haven't done... But this is a bad move, no...? Are you telling me that the FO has done everything possible to better the team and not tie up future cap space and all we could do was get Lin and mid 20 pick, Boozer, a rookie some call a cornerstone but shouldn't start yet and 2 guys we already had... And Clarkson... And still not have a coach...? If this is the best we got, how do we get Love...? Or any other FA...? :noidea:


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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You have some valid points wlk3 but like last year, I am going to see how things play out and if they are bad moves as you have stated and the results dictate that, you'll be the first tell me I told you so and I'll be the first to tell you you were right all along.

Like I have stated previously, I have been watching the Lakers for 52 years and have seen this before. Granted, short buss has dug us a pretty big hole with some of his insanity and it'll take a while to get out of that rut but if everything you have stated is correct, then we will be in that mess for a long time and again you'll be able to tell me I told you so!

All due respect, I don't want to say I told you so... I'd rather be wrong, but it's the lack of direction that is troubling... We don't look like the storied franchise we like to think about... We look like the Cavs...

When we got D12 and Nash I was like HELL YEAH!!! Ring time... It eased the pain of hearing the singing of Mike Brown... So when he got fired I was like HELL YEAH!!! They are letting people know you don't got time up in here, handle business or get the boot... What happened since that day has been bullshit...

From how they snuck behind Phil... to the billboards... to right now... Everything since that hire of Dantoni has been reactionary... This plan b everybody refers to isn't a plan because you can't plan the moves that have been made... They didn't know Boozer would get amnestied or Houston would take a swing at Bosh... They got lucky... I just feel more could have been done, and hope to see some good things done, because unfortunately for you guys I'm gonna be Lakers fan until I die or they move the franchise... Which ever comes first...:suds:


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nice pick up for sure. Boozer may be on the downside but a cheap price. This signing should help elevate Lakers record some, if thats the plan.


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Apr 18, 2013
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But what are we competing for...? I'd rather lose and keep the pick... The fun will be seing if Randle is the goods and if Kobe still has the goods... Why sign Boozer when we have Davis...? Why sign Davis when we have Kelly and Randle...? Why did we let go of Bazemore...? I get we need the cap space for the future, but we'll need a bench... We'll need a coach... Signing Boozer doesn't help us much, in fact it may take us as was joked earlier up 1 game, realistically that's pretty close no...? So why sign him 1 year for 3.25, instead of Bazemore 2 for 4mil...? To win 1-5 more games... I'd rather have Bazemore... Does that make me stupid...? I'm really not understanding why you guys are giving me all this shit when deep down you know this is bullshit...

I know, and stated as much, I don't know what they have or haven't done... But this is a bad move, no...? Are you telling me that the FO has done everything possible to better the team and not tie up future cap space and all we could do was get Lin and mid 20 pick, Boozer, a rookie some call a cornerstone but shouldn't start yet and 2 guys we already had... And Clarkson... And still not have a coach...? If this is the best we got, how do we get Love...? Or any other FA...? :noidea:

I'm not giving you shit WLK, I'm just expressing my opinion. You've been here with us for a long time, I'm not dissing you at all.

The Lakers have never tanked and will never tank, we aren't bitches.

Let's be honest here, how many playoff teams would Ryan Kelly be in the rotation for? I really don't see him as being that good, for 1 mil he's cool to have on team but I don't think he's going to end up being a good player. So we basically got Hill, Boozer, Davis and Randle to hold down the C and PF positions, seems fine to me.

Boozer at 3.25 mil is a MUCH better value than Bazemore at 2 mil, Bazemore has a little talent but I'd much rather have Boozer, it's not even a debate in my mind. Bazemore is another guy who would probably be a bench warmer on a team that wins more than 27 games. We just don't need him, he started 15 of his 23 games last season and only averaged 13 PPG in D'Antoni's offense on a 27 win team, is that worth 4 million dollars? Don't go all Isiah Thomas on me now.

I get we need the cap space for the future, but we'll need a bench

I think it's much more enticing to FA's if we are able to say 'we'll build around you'.

Are you telling me that the FO has done everything possible to better the team and not tie up future cap space and all we could do was get Lin and mid 20 pick, Boozer,

I can't think of any other players who were better than Lin and Boozer, available to be had, and on an expiring contract at the time. Don't listen to the retrospective know-it-alls WLK, I trust Mitch and the 4 championships on his resume. He got Dwight and Nash, and he also got Pau Gasol and CP3 (even though it was vetoed) for a bag of potatoes, all within the past 8-10 years. Last season was the first losing season for the Lakers in 10 years and only the 4th since 1980. I don't know why people think the sky is falling just because we aren't the championship favorites.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Hill will start at C. He better, they are paying him like a starter (9 million per season).

i have no problem with that. he grabs boards like crazy and his offense was starting to pick up towards the end of last season...


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Apr 18, 2013
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i have no problem with that. he grabs boards like crazy and his offense was starting to pick up towards the end of last season...

His jumpshot was starting to look pretty sweet from mid-range. :nod:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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I love how Lakers fan is trying to sell themselves on Boozer. This is great stuff...

lol not me, man. i know what we're getting with this guy. lotta negatives with him, but hey...IF used right(caveat 1), and has something left in the tank(caveat 2) then maybe...just MAYBE...he can be a little productive...

hey, a cat can hope, right...?