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Sep 3, 2013
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Well if anyone knows about losing respect Vangina would be right up there.
Can you really lose something you never really had? A couple of the worst hirings ever to think someone close to BB could actually be BB.


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Can you really lose something you never really had? A couple of the worst hirings ever to think someone close to BB could actually be BB.
Well he was respected enough to get some head coaching jobs. I guess being a billionaire doesn't equate to having brains.

But I get your point.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
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Let's see if I can put all of this straight.

Mangini was the NE Patriots DC in 2005. Took over for Romeo Crennel.
Became the "hated" Head Coach of the NY Jets in 2006. He blew the whistle on Bill Belichick illegally taping a game from an forbidden area.
Became even more hated when the Patriots were fined money and a draft pick.
Became the Head Coach of the Cleveland Browns in 2008 after being fired by the New York Jets
Fired by the Browms in 2010.
Has not coached in the NFL since.

Everyone loved him in New England until he took a head coaching job for a ton more money. They were all pissed but that became hatred because Bill Belichick was warned by the league about filming and he decided to disregard the Commissioner who hates him because he left the NY Jets high and dry in 1999 when the Commissioner was the legal beagle of the NY Jets. So Bill Belichick decides that he can pretty much do what he wants and Mangini just happens to be the guy that BB chooses to test.

So here we are 17 years later and Mangini is still the bad guy in New England.

So you're told by the police not to hit your kid with a belt. You say I don't give a shit what the cop says and you take the belt to your kid again. The kid tells his teacher, she calls the cops and you get arrested and get five years in jail. Everyone blames the teacher for reporting the fact that your kid has welts and cuts all over his back. No one thinks that you should be punished. The teacher is hated and vilified for the next 17 years and actually it got so bad that she became an Assistant Produce Manager at Food Lion because she couldn't teach anymore.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
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Let's see if I can put all of this straight.

Mangini was the NE Patriots DC in 2005. Took over for Romeo Crennel.
Became the "hated" Head Coach of the NY Jets in 2006. He blew the whistle on Bill Belichick illegally taping a game from an forbidden area.
Became even more hated when the Patriots were fined money and a draft pick.
Became the Head Coach of the Cleveland Browns in 2008 after being fired by the New York Jets
Fired by the Browms in 2010.
Has not coached in the NFL since.

Everyone loved him in New England until he took a head coaching job for a ton more money. They were all pissed but that became hatred because Bill Belichick was warned by the league about filming and he decided to disregard the Commissioner who hates him because he left the NY Jets high and dry in 1999 when the Commissioner was the legal beagle of the NY Jets. So Bill Belichick decides that he can pretty much do what he wants and Mangini just happens to be the guy that BB chooses to test.

So here we are 17 years later and Mangini is still the bad guy in New England.
Spygate (one more time!)

Dec 10th 2006, Miami beat NE 21-0. I was at the game in Miami. Patriots players complained that when Brady called out the play at the line, the Fins players immediately moved their defensive positions to cover the new play - it was like they knew what the plays were - all of them.
Belichick had been complained to new Commish Rodger about lesser teams cheating against them. He wanted something done.
New Commish sent out a letter saying: don't cheat" Belichick was furious! He wanted more.....
Miami press after the 21-0 Dolphins win, reported that Dolphins had electronically separated Brady's audibles from the game tapes.
The Dolphins bragged about it, reported themselves to Goodell, and were told, "don't do it again."
Belichick took matters into his own hands. He directed videos to be taken openly to force Goodell to take action. Goodell did.
Hindsight shows that it was stupid for Bill to butt heads with Goodell openly and he found himself staring at severe punishment.
He got more than he bargained for. The reports on the Dolphins cheating were taken down from the internet and you will not find them

I will end with this:
I personally was at the game and witnessed the strange behavior.
I personally read the articles from Miami websites on the Fins cheatingand bragging about it - they are now gone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Belichick took matters into his own hands. He directed videos to be taken openly to force Goodell to take action. Goodell did.
Hindsight shows that it was stupid for Bill to butt heads with Goodell openly and he found himself staring at severe punishment.

My question is and has always been why didn't Belichick speak up at the time of the whole spygate thing? Why didn't he say "Everybody is fucking cheating. Shut the fuck up" like his usual arrogant self. He just chose to not say anything and let the media destroy him.

It was a few years ago that a reporter asked a spygate question and Bill responded with something like "give me a break. 60,000 fans can film signals from anywhere in the stands".

Why didn't he respond like that in 2007?


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Apr 4, 2017
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Spygate (one more time!)

Dec 10th 2006, Miami beat NE 21-0. I was at the game in Miami. Patriots players complained that when Brady called out the play at the line, the Fins players immediately moved their defensive positions to cover the new play - it was like they knew what the plays were - all of them.
Belichick had been complained to new Commish Rodger about lesser teams cheating against them. He wanted something done.
New Commish sent out a letter saying: don't cheat" Belichick was furious! He wanted more.....
Miami press after the 21-0 Dolphins win, reported that Dolphins had electronically separated Brady's audibles from the game tapes.
The Dolphins bragged about it, reported themselves to Goodell, and were told, "don't do it again."
Belichick took matters into his own hands. He directed videos to be taken openly to force Goodell to take action. Goodell did.
Hindsight shows that it was stupid for Bill to butt heads with Goodell openly and he found himself staring at severe punishment.
He got more than he bargained for. The reports on the Dolphins cheating were taken down from the internet and you will not find them

I will end with this:
I personally was at the game and witnessed the strange behavior.
I personally read the articles from Miami websites on the Fins cheatingand bragging about it - they are now gone.
Ohh Jesus Fucking Christ, if this aint a new approach.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ohh Jesus Fucking Christ, if this aint a new approach.

To be fair, I vividly remember reading an article about the Rams taping the Patriots Super Bowl walkthrough for the 2001 season Super Bowl. The article came out a few months after the game and nothing became of it.

Then the spygate debacle happened and unsubstantiated rumors get floated that the Pats taped the Rams walkthrough for that game, 6 years after the game.

I cannot find the article I read anywhere and I've tried hard to find it. And I can assure you that article did exist.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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To be fair, I vividly remember reading an article about the Rams taping the Patriots Super Bowl walkthrough for the 2001 season Super Bowl. The article came out a few months after the game and nothing became of it.

Then the spygate debacle happened and unsubstantiated rumors get floated that the Pats taped the Rams walkthrough for that game, 6 years after the game.

I cannot find the article I read anywhere and I've tried hard to find it. And I can assure you that article did exist.
Yeah Yeahm, whatever. I am referring to the whole BB is the Martyr approach.

I have made my stance clear on this in the past. I still remain incredibly dumfounded how Pats fans still rationalize this shit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Yeah Yeahm, whatever. I am referring to the whole BB is the Martyr approach.

I have made my stance clear on this in the past. I still remain incredibly dumfounded how Pats fans still rationalize this shit.

You've definitely made your stance clear. And I guess I am rationalizing it when I say other teams have cheated as bad or worse but nothing has become of it. Just the Pats because they won.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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You've definitely made your stance clear. And I guess I am rationalizing it when I say other teams have cheated as bad or worse but nothing has become of it. Just the Pats because they won.
My issues are fans here acting like the Pats didn't cheat. And now the assumption the BB filmed on purpose to get the league to react, that assertion just further supports the Rose colored glasses fans wear.

I have always said all teams cheat the Pats just suck at it.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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Ohh Jesus Fucking Christ, if this aint a new approach.
Not new. I have reported it from the beginning. It is factual - not an opinion.
Bill was in the wrong. I get it. The rest of the bullshit is just that.
He lost out on a power struggle with Roger.....


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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To be fair, I vividly remember reading an article about the Rams taping the Patriots Super Bowl walkthrough for the 2001 season Super Bowl. The article came out a few months after the game and nothing became of it.

Then the spygate debacle happened and unsubstantiated rumors get floated that the Pats taped the Rams walkthrough for that game, 6 years after the game.

I cannot find the article I read anywhere and I've tried hard to find it. And I can assure you that article did exist.
There have been a lot of articles taken down.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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Not new. I have reported it from the beginning. It is factual - not an opinion.
Bill was in the wrong. I get it. The rest of the bullshit is just that.
He lost out on a power struggle with Roger.....
Yeah sure okay Skippy. BB Sacrificed fines and picks to get Godell to punish him. It's not fact it's opinion and it's dumb.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
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For the 1000th time, it doesn't matter what the level of 'cheating' or anything else was that Bill Belichick did. It doesn't matter whether or not he or the Patriots were guilty or not.

You have to first understand that BB becoming the Head Coach ofthe New England Patriots after accepting and then quiting as the HC of the NYJ was a spear to the heart of a huge Jets fan population and Jets' team lawyer Roger Goodell. Worse, Belichick drafted Tom Brady which was not a big deal in 1999 but turned out to be the biggest draft pick in the history of the NFL.

You also have to understand that most Jets fans firmly believe that the six Super Bowl Lombardi trophies belong to the New York Jets because Brady would have been a Jet and not a Patriot. Goodell is in that group.

You also have to understand that Goodell refused to apologize or back away from Deflategate and suspended Tom Brady for no reason whatsoever, other than he could because the CBA allowed him to do it.

Goodell fell from grace with the owners after the Deflategate fiasco but was able to save his own ass with gigantic television contracts that put monetary salve over the wounds he caused. Have you noticed how far in the background the $50M a year commissioner puts himself these days? He has multiple bullet shields like Troy Vincent who are more than willing to get $25M a year and have huge handfuls of shit thrown at them and hit them square in the face. They just wipe it off, wash their face and collect a half million paycheck the following week.

As Southie has said several times this week. "Time waits for no man and Time heals all wounds."


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
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Yeah sure okay Skippy. BB Sacrificed fines and picks to get Godell to punish him. It's not fact it's opinion and it's dumb.
Here's the part you never get. Many other teams do it. Not several, many. Is this where I go on about that being ok, or rationalize it as normal? No.

Any action should be treated based on the action and some semblance of "America fairness" should be applied. That includes honesty and reasonable transparency by "authorities". Punishments should be equal for all violators with regard to severity of an infraction, though of course additional consequences should apply to repeat offenders.

Spy-gate - There wasn't any competitive advantage gained since that same footage could have be taken by legal means. It was a tit for tat squabble by two organizations that included one team over stepping a policy. What that became was bullshit that ultimately <opinion> led to the greatest team ever being severely distracted and not able to take their mantle</opinion>.

Deflate-gate - Authorities were not only not transparent, they were outright deceptive and purposely unfair. They enabled a false narrative of events from the get go, based conclusions on assumptive evidence (guy goes into a bathroom and leaves after enough time to take a leak isn't automatically guilty of deflating balls - that never were really proven to be deflated at all). Add to it rumors that the league had been tampering with the footballs to begin with.

You may not like this inconvenient truth: people in general make an effort to fly as close to the sun as possible to gain some advantages over their opposition. Whether it be capturing signs in baseball, flopping in basketball, or dislodging a net in hockey, many of these actions start with some legal intent but cross lines. It happens. But one team being singled out and having their actions exaggerated and completely misrepresented is completely unfair, not to mention the anti-competitive penalties applied.

I know shit happened and I don't like it, and yes he was a schmuck. But schmucks don't belong in jail for speeding. They deserve speeding tickets just like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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Here's the part you never get. Many other teams do it. Not several, many. Is this where I go on about that being ok, or rationalize it as normal? No.

Any action should be treated based on the action and some semblance of "America fairness" should be applied. That includes honesty and reasonable transparency by "authorities". Punishments should be equal for all violators with regard to severity of an infraction, though of course additional consequences should apply to repeat offenders.

Spy-gate - There wasn't any competitive advantage gained since that same footage could have be taken by legal means. It was a tit for tat squabble by two organizations that included one team over stepping a policy. What that became was bullshit that ultimately <opinion> led to the greatest team ever being severely distracted and not able to take their mantle</opinion>.

Deflate-gate - Authorities were not only not transparent, they were outright deceptive and purposely unfair. They enabled a false narrative of events from the get go, based conclusions on assumptive evidence (guy goes into a bathroom and leaves after enough time to take a leak isn't automatically guilty of deflating balls - that never were really proven to be deflated at all). Add to it rumors that the league had been tampering with the footballs to begin with.

You may not like this inconvenient truth: people in general make an effort to fly as close to the sun as possible to gain some advantages over their opposition. Whether it be capturing signs in baseball, flopping in basketball, or dislodging a net in hockey, many of these actions start with some legal intent but cross lines. It happens. But one team being singled out and having their actions exaggerated and completely misrepresented is completely unfair, not to mention the anti-competitive penalties applied.

I know shit happened and I don't like it, and yes he was a schmuck. But schmucks don't belong in jail for speeding. They deserve speeding tickets just like everyone else.
My current point of contention is that BB filmed on purpose to make the commissioner act upon cheating. That's a crock of shit. Until Spygate, far as I am aware no team was caught cheating / filming especially after the commish put it out not too. Then the Pats do it and complain they did not understand the rule. So on one hand BB filmed on purpose to get the commish to react then wants to claim he did not understand the rules.

Fuck let people believe whatever fairytale helps them sleep at night. I will maintain all teams cheat some suck at it.


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My current point of contention is that BB filmed on purpose to make the commissioner act upon cheating. That's a crock of shit. Until Spygate, far as I am aware no team was caught cheating / filming especially after the commish put it out not too. Then the Pats do it and complain they did not understand the rule. So on one hand BB filmed on purpose to get the commish to react then wants to claim he did not understand the rules.

Fuck let people believe whatever fairytale helps them sleep at night. I will maintain all teams cheat some suck at it.
Fair enough. My point of contention is many teams break rules and are not disciplined equally.

Where we meet: Our team did something beyond the known rules.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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Fair enough. My point of contention is many teams break rules and are not disciplined equally.

Where we meet: Our team did something beyond the known rules.
I agree. My point of contention is how did the Colts not even get a slap on the wrist for manipulating a ball on the sidelines during the game? It's a clear cut rule you can't, they admitted to doing it. Yet nothing. Total Roger Goofball predjudice. F Roger


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
Hoopla Cash
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When was the last time the Cowboys lost a first rounder??

Did the Saints lose one for Bountygate??

Everyone has dirty underwear. Patriots have always had theirs hung out for everyone to see.