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Bring in Matt Slauson DO IT!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 6,290.90
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This guy is an above average Olineman and would add great competition at Guard/Center. Slauson had a 98.4 pass block efficiency rating last season and is durable. He could easily become the best Olineman on this team. To me this is a no brainer, BRING HIM IN!

wait how much cap space do we have? lol Doesn't matter free up the space to BRING HIM IN... JUST DO IT! :P He finished ranked the 18th best guard in the NFL out of the 64 starting guards.

Ok thats my soapbox rant now i want you Hooplers to chime in, what do you think of Matt and would he be worth it to bring in if say they had to release someone on the oline like ( Lewis ) Remember Slauson is a Center and guard.

knee jerk reaction? should i just wait and see how the rooks do?
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Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
This guy is an above average Olineman and would add great competition at Guard/Center. Slauson had a 98.4 pass block efficiency rating last season and is durable. He could easily become the best Olineman on this team. To me this is a no brainer, BRING HIM IN!

wait how much cap space do we have? lol Doesn't matter free up the space to BRING HIM IN... JUST DO IT! :P He finished ranked the 18th best guard in the NFL out of the 64 starting guards.

Ok thats my soapbox rant now i want you Hooplers to chime in, what do you think of Matt and would he be worth it to bring in if say they had to release someone on the oline like ( Lewis ) Remember Slauson is a Center and guard.

knee jerk reaction? should i just wait and see how the rooks do?

Probably, but if the team really is about always compete - then they need to bring in the best players they can afford. Can they afford him? Maybe not - but they should at least look at it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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If you can get him on a no dead money deal so you can cut him, yes.