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Bradford Gone


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Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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2014 NFL season will be Bradford's make or break year... We'll see what happens.

Definitely. This time injury will not save him like it did in last year.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Yet you, like many other Sam antagonists, continue to drop bombs (deer
headlights look, no fire, looking sceered
) and then say
your done with


me that's like cold cocking someone and then saying you can't deal with a
right now.

You're either done or you're not. And you and BOSS are not done otherwise
you shut it already!

Somebody's a little sensitive... :) You sure you're not related?

Us "antagonists" all agree on certain things and IF we laugh about it and that's the joy we get out of being 7-9 again WITH CLEMENS BEATING NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO, AND INDY... Then by golly gee BEAVER we're gonna do it.

Am I done with arguing with you Bradford "lovers"?? Yeah. But that doesn't mean I can't have fun when fun is being had!


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Somebody's a little sensitive... :) You sure you're not related?

Us "antagonists" all agree on certain things and IF we laugh about it and that's the joy we get out of being 7-9 again WITH CLEMENS BEATING NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO, AND INDY... Then by golly gee BEAVER we're gonna do it.

Am I done with arguing with you Bradford "lovers"?? Yeah. But that doesn't mean I can't have fun when fun is being had!

You betcha SJ


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May 17, 2012
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2014 NFL season will be Bradford's make or break year... We'll see what happens.
I swear Ive heard this before. This is like a female fwb of mine who tells me she is going to move up to Columbia so he can be together about once a year. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...we need another QB in here to at least challenge Bradford.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Fav. Team #3
Now where's my dam sheep!??


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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SJ76;4575233[B said:
]Somebody's a little sensitive...[/B] :) You sure you're not related?

Us "antagonists" all agree on certain things and IF we laugh about it and that's the joy we get out of being 7-9 again WITH CLEMENS BEATING NEW ORLEANS, CHICAGO, AND INDY... Then by golly gee BEAVER we're gonna do it.

Am I done with arguing with you Bradford "lovers"?? Yeah. But that doesn't mean I can't have fun when fun is being had!
No but you've conceded stats are not your gig so why are you even trying to insinuate BS when you also concede many were early on in his career with a poor line. Don't we really want to form our opinions on where he is at today and not challenges he faced early on? :noidea:

If so, let's get current here.

And if those numbers are correct, it makes me wonder if the guy can avoid a sack? I know many early were with a poor Oline, but is some of it that his decision making is slow and the game is too fast for him? Can he make split decisions? It's never good to develop happy feet, but does he have the quickness to avoid a sack? And from what I've seen, I would say no.

Lot of variables when you throw out stats.
Just too many variables for you to make assumptions looking at career stats which are skewed by the onslaught suffered early in his career.

So with that said let's look at where we are currently...

Sam was actually in the top ten last year when looking at sacks per pass attempt. Sacked once every 17.47 pass attempt. That's pretty damn good! Now it's not not nearly the level of Peyton who enjoyed 36.67ppa but still Sam had an excellent year and a marked improvement in this area from his career numbers.

So Sam went from the bottom of the league in his career to near the top of the league last year. Much like he did in redzone efficiency last year. He had marked improvements yet he is still getting slammed.

Why? :noidea:

Because it fits your argument?

Can we just scratch this one off the list too or do those career stats work better so you can unjustly bombard the guy & make statements like this... is some of it that his decision making is slow and the game is too fast for him? Can he make split decisions? It's never good to develop happy feet, but does he have the quickness to avoid a sack?

You are condemning the guy in this area based on bad information!

This is what I mean and it gets old seeing Sam 'antagonists' continue bombarding Sam with BS. As demonstrated in my last post, I just want the best QB play we can have behind center for the Rams so labeling me as a Sam lover just ain't so just because I challenge the BS statements Sam antagonists continue to make.

Come strong with a take and I'll back you up 100%!!

Otherwise you will hear about the reality of the matter.

Just helping all you Sam antagonist keep it real! :suds:
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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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It keeps coming up because it's Sam's modus operandi Vita. Until he proves otherwise the criticism remains the same and is still valid. So what now, we're not supposed to criticize Sam because we did it already? The same criticism is going to come up again as soon as the season starts....and in turn the same lame old excuses as well. SJ is right, we've beaten the Sam Bradford argument to death here, but be that as it may, don't say the criticism is no longer valid....he is still a deer in the headlights....difference is he is going to be mounted on the den wall of one of the defensive ends in our division next season. Book is out on Bradford, and the onus is on him to change it. Until then it's status quo with him.
I don't see anyone making these type of excuses for Sam that you are complaining about around here for sometime. And yea, if we are all willing to set our differences aside until the season starts why criticize when it's clearly argumentum ad nauseam!

Nothing is happening right now to change anything anyway. He can't change anything until the season starts, so lets let those sleeping dogs lie and discuss those things that matter!

Otherwise when I see BS I'll challenge it every time I have the time!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Now I know these are only stats, and that stats don't always tell the whole story, BUT, in Sammies 4 years he has been one of the lesser sacked QB's in 3 of those years. Now in 2011 if he hadn't gotten hurt he would have been sacked over 50 times and would have easily lead the league.

The other 3 years he has been in the lower half of the league in getting sacked per pass attempt. In fact his high for any year was 36, there were 14 QB's this year that were sacked more than that! and quite a few of those QB's put up some big numbers and "lead" there teams to good years despite have crappy olines!

That being said I will have to say he has to throw more short passes than any QB in the league which means that he is baling out his oline because he's not sitting back there waiting to throw the long ball, which would result in even more sacks.

But since he throws more short passes than any other QB his completion percentage should be a lot better than it is. Now you can blame it on WR drops, but I don't believe that. Yes they drop passes, but not enough to prevent him from having a much higher completion percentage.

Just my view, doesn't mean it's right, but that's what I am seeing!