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Boykin is garbage man...

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Manning started because he was once in a generation, like i said.

To expect boykin to come in and look like a starter is foolish. Cut the kid some slack

I have no idea what you're talking about... Where did I say that I expect him to look like a starter? You should've read through the posts before making that comment...

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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If the defense does its job and the running game does its job, it should help mitigate the holes in Boykin's game until he's been around long enough to start fixing those holes. Carroll's tenure has largely consisted of teams that play great defense and run the ball well and it's a philosophy that has served the team well when the passing offense has become predictable or just plain ineffective for one reason or another (*cough* offensive line *cough*). While they look like they want to open up the offense this year... if they end up having to go to Boykin for an extended period of time, I can see them going back to the "great defense and great running game" method of winning if necessary.

I get what you're saying but how often does McDaniel handle the ball? How often would Boykin handle the ball? That in my mind, lies the difference...

I'm all for Boykin being a 3rd string QB on this team but I don't feel comfortable w/ him as our #2...

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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McDaniels value goes hand in hand with RW being able to stay healthy. If RW gets hurt.....doesn't matter if the backup is TJak or Boykin IMO. If it's for a game or two Pete will attempt to game plan around it, run the ball, quick routes for receivers, dump off passes etc. Boykin can do that as well as TJak. Personally not impressed with TJak, panicky under pressure, locks on to one receiver,doesn't go thru progressions, not actually that slippery at avoiding sacks, about the one and only thing he had going for him is he knew the system. Others QBs can learn the system.

OK... I said a "Veteran like TJack"... I meant that we should have someone back there w/ experience... Didn't necessarily lock in on only TJack as our backup...


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Twin Peaks
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OK... I said a "Veteran like TJack"... I meant that we should have someone back there w/ experience... Didn't necessarily lock in on only TJack as our backup...
Well considering what's been on the FA market for QBs, seems like developing their own backup QB isn't a bad idea, but I get what your saying, risky having such a raw backup to such a important position. It's a gamble, but apparently one the Seahawks feel good about taking and that's good enough for me.:suds:


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Apr 23, 2013
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I'd rather take my chances with a inexperienced QB with a chance to learn the game and develop vs a over paid back up QB. Point is if RW goes down, the season is a wash.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Boykin is athletic and you can't teach that BUT he also lacks arm talent ( it's strong but not accurate )another thing you can not teach, he also lacks the mental know how when people are flying around him. I was hoping that Heaps would play all of the second half but once again they pull him and put Boykin back in. At least Heaps showed flashes of some really good arm talent but he never played long enough to get into any type of rhythm. Things i noticed about Heaps was a quick release and the ball just zips off his release more often than not. He needed reps to get his timing down and never got it. I think the Hawks blew a chance here.

I also believe they will be watching the waiver wire like a hawk to grab a QB. Boykin showed he is not even close to a NFL caliber back up QB. Not even in the same neighborhood.

Fingers crossed that they find someone that can help if the worst happens. Boykins made Clipboard Jesus look like a All-pro.

Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
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I have to agree, I don't feel comfortable with Boykin as the back up, at least not this year. We need somebody who can keep our head above water if RW is out for a game or two and I don't think Boykin is the guy.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Who would have ever figured that Boykin would bail on the NFL to be a garbage man. Not that there is anything wrong with being a garbage man.


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He's certainly not "garbage". Lots of talent there, just not much experience. We've been really spoiled the last 4 years.

It's tough to find those QB's with mental toughness, so many have it physically but the position is so mental ... Wilson totally blew me away even is rookie season, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. GAME manager my @#$^@#$^ ....


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Seahawks might have to sign a veteran QB back-up in the next several day's ....

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Seahawks might have to sign a veteran QB back-up in the next several day's ....

Agreed... I can see why the Hawks would want to hang onto Boykins as a guy to develop the next season or two but I don't see why they'd feel comfortable going into the season w/ him as the main backup...

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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It's tough to find those QB's with mental toughness, so many have it physically but the position is so mental ... Wilson totally blew me away even is rookie season, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. GAME manager my @#$^@#$^ ....

Isn't that the truth... Die hard Hawk fans noticed he had the "IT" factor the moment he was drafted...


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Twin Peaks
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Seahawks might have to sign a veteran QB back-up in the next several day's ....

A lot of pundits have expressed this thought. However if you look at the list of FA QBs, it leaves a lot to be desired.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Im sorry but this kid just isn't smart enough to be a good QB in this league. I knew it the moment he ran out of bounds on 4th down the other game and had a big smile on his face afterward for some odd reason.

After seeing him take even another step BACKWARD today, I have absolutely no confidence that he could win any games for us if we needed him to. If Russell goes down with any kind of bad injury, we have no hope. Boykin is fast but that's about all he has going for him at the moment. Even his flashes of cool plays where people were jockin on him, those plays were surrounded by bad ones. What happened to that kid Vernon Adams?
The 1st 2 picks in this years draft are not looking all that great. Apparently Goff is relegated to 3rd string.
Boykin wasn't even drafted.
I also am not comfy with TB as our QB is Russell goes down, but he has more upside than the Sanchez' of the world.