Sarcastic F-wad

This.Interesting observation on my part. The White People were unaware that there was a race based alliance going on, but the Black People were hyper aware and bonded at the beginning. Does this mean racism is lacking among the White People? A common opinion of the Black People is that I want someone who looks like me to win. Yet, the Black People are very diverse in look and personality. Had you switch the race of these people, it would have been considered racist. Everyone on the "Cookout" could have made it far without the race factor.
And to be clear, I don’t have a problem with them banding together for whatever reason they see fit. My problem is the double standard. If a group of white people got together in the house and made an open goal of eliminating all the POCs, the show would likely be stopped immediately. I think they were pressured to influence the game in S15 when a bunch of comments were made in the house by Arryn that were viewed as racist. And of course all the “controversy” surrounding Jack’s week 1 nominations a few seasons back.
The thing is we as a country are way passed the if it were a whites only alliance. This season showed the white people were too afraid of people called racist. Was really shocked that X took Kyland out. IMO he should’ve taken him to final 2 and chips lay where they may. I see him winning against Derek F and if Aza is sitting next to him Tiffany was pretty vocal that she wanted a black woman to win.This.
And to be clear, I don’t have a problem with them banding together for whatever reason they see fit. My problem is the double standard. If a group of white people got together in the house and made an open goal of eliminating all the POCs, the show would likely be stopped immediately. I think they were pressured to influence the game in S15 when a bunch of comments were made in the house by Arryn that were viewed as racist. And of course all the “controversy” surrounding Jack’s week 1 nominations a few seasons back.
The thing is we as a country are way passed the if it were a whites only alliance. This season showed the white people were too afraid of people called racist. Was really shocked that X took Kyland out. IMO he should’ve taken him to final 2 and chips lay where they may. I see him winning against Derek F and if Aza is sitting next to him Tiffany was pretty vocal that she wanted a black woman to win.
And that’s the point.
The double standard is bs
If you can flip the races and it’s wrong, then it’s wrong as is. It’s really that simple.
But then again, Lebron has openly admitted to being racist against white people on multiple occasions and no one says anything
honestly, i am tired of people crying about the double standards... there are double standards for most things in life... Crying about double standards IMO is what makes Liberals constantly call republicans racists, whether true or not...
Let me throw you an example where nobody would ever CRY double standard...
when a wife beats on her husband, and the police or the courts just gives her a slap on the wrist...
do i agree that that there is a double standard?? absolutely... but sometimes crying about the double standard shows a lot of ignorance...
with that said, this season of big brother sucked, i think we all agree that the BB higher ups did everything they could to make a black champion... so having one does seem a little forced...
as to X getting out Kyland... that was common sense... i mean, if you are are playing the game and you have final 2 plans with all 3 contestants left, why wouldnt you think that everyone else does too??
and if kyland did not go home, then there would have been a serious contender to compete in the last competion with... if you cant trust anybody, it is best to win yourself... Kyland would have made it an actual competition...
and we all know neither Derek or Aza have any chance to beat X... and none of the jury are bitter with X, so there is no reason to vote against him... but if Kyland was there, he could make a valid case for himself to win... as he won more challenges than X did...
i do agree that it makes it worse... but it makes it worse also that sometimes these double standards are necessary to show people that it was an issue in the first place...I totally agree on your game strategy point.
I get what you're saying on the above, my point is allowing it doesn't help anyone and in fact just continues to make things worse.
i do agree that it makes it worse... but it makes it worse also that sometimes these double standards are necessary to show people that it was an issue in the first place...
it is also very hard to correct problems that always have been without allowing double standards to exist until there looks like there is progress in fixing those problems...
fighting things gradually has basically shown to be very inefficient... especially since not enough people acknowledge that there was an actual problem...
and back to BB, as much as we hate how this season went, and the CHEAP way that they got the champion that they were looking to get, The in a couple years, all that will be talked about is the fact that they had a black winner... and the BB big wigs can use this FACT to protect themselves from any future complaints...
There have always been essentially 3 types of cast members…good finale for a bad season IMO..
Big D did a great job selling himself... was actually pretty impressed with his arguments...
Aza continued to be an absolute idiot when it comes to game play... if she was all out to give xavier the win, then what was the point of playing???
serious question was Xavier a plant?? he had to be right?? i mean the BB higher ups wanted a black winner, so why not make one of your best atheletic contestants a black contestant and make him very smart and very likable too...
has there ever been a more perfect mold??
and this is also why Aza may have been the worst BB player of all time...
There have always been essentially 3 types of cast members…
Recruits - These are typically “real” people who production wants. They will typically be part of the twist (a friend of another guest or something like that).
Super fans - These are the people who apply for the show.
Central Casting - These are used to fill in the rest of the spots. These people are typically actors, musicians, social media personalities etc. They are real players, but the show is more like their next gig than something they really wanted to do.
X was likely a recruit. Someone they thought would have a serious chance of winning. i get the sense most of this season’s cast was from the recruit pile. They built this season very specifically.
I didn’t say he didn’t. I specifically said he was likely recruited as a potential winner.But X played a good game. He had when he needed to and made the big moves, Ky and Tiff, when he needed to.
But with that said. I liked alot of big D did. He didn't win comps, which is big to me, but he mainly protection detail for the cookout. Nice for someone get acknowledgement for doing the small things.
There have always been essentially 3 types of cast members…
Recruits - These are typically “real” people who production wants. They will typically be part of the twist (a friend of another guest or something like that).
Super fans - These are the people who apply for the show.
Central Casting - These are used to fill in the rest of the spots. These people are typically actors, musicians, social media personalities etc. They are real players, but the show is more like their next gig than something they really wanted to do.
X was likely a recruit. Someone they thought would have a serious chance of winning. i get the sense most of this season’s cast was from the recruit pile. They built this season very specifically.
There have always been essentially 3 types of cast members…
Recruits - These are typically “real” people who production wants. They will typically be part of the twist (a friend of another guest or something like that).
Super fans - These are the people who apply for the show.
Central Casting - These are used to fill in the rest of the spots. These people are typically actors, musicians, social media personalities etc. They are real players, but the show is more like their next gig than something they really wanted to do.
X was likely a recruit. Someone they thought would have a serious chance of winning. i get the sense most of this season’s cast was from the recruit pile. They built this season very specifically.
There have always been essentially 3 types of cast members…
Recruits - These are typically “real” people who production wants. They will typically be part of the twist (a friend of another guest or something like that).
Super fans - These are the people who apply for the show.
Central Casting - These are used to fill in the rest of the spots. These people are typically actors, musicians, social media personalities etc. They are real players, but the show is more like their next gig than something they really wanted to do.
X was likely a recruit. Someone they thought would have a serious chance of winning. i get the sense most of this season’s cast was from the recruit pile. They built this season very specifically.