Nobody has ever had a conversation on this board saying Marvin became in control of draft picks after '08. Nor has any information ever leaked as such.
Mike Brown is a sociopath. As if he'd ever give up control or admit to ANY mistake EVER. Tubbs is just drunk. That's an acceptable excuse in my book.
As fans of this sorry franchise I feel we have to band together and come to an understanding of just what exactly we are and what we plan to accomplish in the future. This infighting is nothing but detrimental to a brighter future.
I would encourage anyone and everyone I know to not buy any tickets or merchandise that would benefit the Cincinnati Bengals in any way.
I think, in my opinion, that ultimately the disbanding of this franchise or the movement to another city is in the best interest of every party involved. Fans, players, ownership, and disinterested taxpayers of Hamilton County.