Yes and you should go to the nearest Gold's Gyn and apologize to each one personally for calling them meatheads.Holy crap dude, it was one observation out of many. You know what else sucked? The Hulk. Does that mean I'm alienating fucking meathead body builders or people with syphilis?
You guys take this shit way too seriously. The movie wasn't even that good, ffs.
No you're not. Now head to the Gold's Gym and take your beating.Dude, you are the one typing huge manifestos. I think you are the one that is bothered and defensive.
I'm entitled to my opinion. If you want to attempt to define or label that opinion, have at it. I promise you, it's not as over-complicated as you want to make it.
They'll probably go off this;1. Falcon should not become Cap, he should be Falcon who is badass in his own right. I'm scared to death they are going to make him like Patriot in a Young Avengers.
3. Missed opportunity with Gamora and I'll leave it at that.
5. Pepper Potts fighting was stupid.
6. Mad we are getting a Scarlet Witch / Vision movie.
GOTG has been delayed because I think they are writing Thor in which probably wasn't originally the plan.
He sucksHe’s exactly the same as he was in the comics when he was able to make a Bruce/Hulk combo.
YepHe sucks
Apparently it's only a rumor right now.This real? How much? I've actually been waiting the entire 11 years to buy them all at once.
Which ones of those 2 hates women?Just saw it today after avoiding all spoilers.... If it hasn't been done already, Please someone make a meme using this photo for the arguments between sides.
They didn't just decide the black guy would become Captain America. That happened nearly twenty years ago in the actual comics, that was simply a nod to the comics. The original story was that Bucky would become the second Captain America and due to unforeseen circumstances, can't remember what it was, it ended up being Falcon. And another newsflash before they do it in the movies and completely blow your brains to shreds, Falcon also ends up gay in the comics.I dunno, I thought the movie was pretty mediocre. The time travel thing, I mean.... okay? Thanos is now somehow stronger without the infinity stones than he was last movie, a lot of the action shots didn't make any sense and were shot extremely up close. Captain Marvel, did some stuff? But then just disappeared? The whole movie for nearly 3 hours run time felt disjointed. I was generally lost in terms of where the plot was until the final 3rd in which case it was just Infinity War x2.
I had to go to the Internet a few times to understand why Steve could wield the hammer and how Iron Man got all the stones back, and why some dork didn't just put it on in the first place and snap his fingers, which apparently makes "all bad guys turn into confetti" now. Hawkeye was already willing to sacrifice himself and had it, so why not put the f'ing thing on and end it?
And of course, "Make sure we foreshadow that Captain America will be a black guy!" in there, despite Thor/Steve having much more chemistry. No wonder RD Jr. decided to bail from Disney's mess. The 'women power' was of course full force but it was so weird. Scarlet Witch dominates Thanos, then disappears. Captain Marvel dominates Thanos, then disappears. I will say this was 100% the appropriate time to end the Avengers because they just had too many characters and the story felt 100% disjointed the entire time.
4/10, I wasn't impressed at all. I though Infinity War was decent, at least it had good action scenes. End Game seemed to have very little. And yah okay half the population gets wiped out, why the fuck does every shot look like a zombie apocalypse happened that wiped out 99% of the population?
Look just because Cap and Iron Man get caught naked together in bed doesn't mean they are gay. The fade away was just to get to the next scene.Finally going to see it tonight. Theaters are still sold out here. I thought if I waited a week it would die down but I guess not.