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- #521
Mountain Goat Racer
Fanart by ellejart (Nikolay Mochkin) of Avengers vs. the coronavirus:

I was just thinking about how everyone came back from the snap at the exact location that they disintegrated.
this causes a lot of technical issues (relative location, people who snapped in vehicles such as ocean liners or planes or cars on the freeway, or if they came back and the place they were standing is now occupied by someone/something else).
But ignoring that level of extrapolation, how did Spidey get back to earth? Did they address that in Endgame or Homecoming?
I looked up the topic online after I posted and there was a scene in Endgame explaining Spidey and the others. I don’t remember it, but I accept it was there.Spider Man, Strange, Star Lord etc blipped back to Titan where they were dusted. They emerged back on Earth through the portal, where you can see Titan in the background.
I heard a theory, probably on NewRockstars on youtube regarding people being replaced and how that might work without people just falling out of the sky after being dusted on a plane. Mostly I can just look passed that for the big picture.
Are they actually alive?So I'm guessing the Eternals were not affected by the snap?
They wouldn't be Eternal if that was the case.So I'm guessing the Eternals were not affected by the snap?
I looked up the topic online after I posted and there was a scene in Endgame explaining Spidey and the others. I don’t remember it, but I accept it was there.
As for the other stuff, I am willing to ignore it as well. The entire situation is impossible anyway, so you can’t really look too close at it. Just have fun with it.
For the record, Thanos erased 50% of all life. Not just intelligent life. Therefore 50% of bacteria and such would also have been dusted. That would have caused every complex organism to die in short order because complex organisms rely on bacteria for multiple functions to work properly.