
You are wrong. In infinite wars there was an all female scene where the women fouth and were saved by the Scarlett witch. Great scene just heroes being heroes. I can Teel the difference between forces and not forcesd. I would rather all heroes are treated equal others seem to want to treat the females different as if they need special treatment to be noticed or to be heroes.I typed out a bunch because its a deeper attempt to talk about this stuff to you and others that have a problem with the scene what and why that scene actually is. It's not a simple one sentence right off as "PC garbage" or what you, hockey, or whoever said it was. You can't talk about this stuff with short, one line posts. There's a reason it stuck out for all of you to comment on it and its not as simple as you want it to be. To the ones that had a problem with it, you can address and think through those reasons and the meaning behind them that compelled to point it out to begin with or you can write it off as simply stating your opinion without ever engaging about why it sparks you that way.
You're still going with the narrow focus to hide behind. The entire movie, and movies of this genre and other movies in general, the vast majority is made up of males doing things of that nature. It's been the default. So we have males in those scenes. Then we'll have males and females mixed doing those scenes. Those are ok to you. But when its a female only scene, its "forced" and unnecessary? That's a copout.
And I've never insulted you once. Don't try to deflect
LOL. It stuck out, because it was poorly done. If you want to make that into some giant social sexist issue, be my guest.
Where's all the sexists complaining about black widow's pivotal death scene? Or Captain Marvel being the ultimate protagonist of the film? Oh, that's right, they're not, because those were well done, and seemed natural and organic.
I think you are taking this way too seriously.
You are wrong. In infinite wars there was an all female scene where the women fouth and were saved by the Scarlett witch. Great scene just heroes being heroes. I can Teel the difference between forces and not forcesd. I would rather all heroes are treated equal others seem to want to treat the females different as if they need special treatment to be noticed or to be heroes.
I will stick with treating them all the same.
And yes this is about super hero movies. Trying to bring up other genre as if they are all connected is misguided to say the least.
What's a natural way to do a fan service scene? Fan service by its definition isn't really natural. A lot of things that happen in comic book movies are forced, contrived, or fan servicey. . If that's what makes it poorly done then you and anyone else should have problems with more than just that scene. But its telling that that's the scene that was pointed out.
It's not special treatment though. It's giving the same opportunities that your group already has. That's what you're not acknowledging. That as a male, you're already being given these fan servicey moments to enjoy. There's no criticism after it. It's just existed as the default. It's always been that way. So then a fan service moment for fans of these characters and especially girls to enjoy a moment comes about, but you and others criticize it because its not natural or organic and its forced. But if the goal is to treat everyone the same, those fan service moments should be there for all kinds of audiences just like they have already been there for you.
I dunno, I thought the movie was pretty mediocre. The time travel thing, I mean.... okay? Thanos is now somehow stronger without the infinity stones than he was last movie, a lot of the action shots didn't make any sense and were shot extremely up close. Captain Marvel, did some stuff? But then just disappeared? The whole movie for nearly 3 hours run time felt disjointed. I was generally lost in terms of where the plot was until the final 3rd in which case it was just Infinity War x2.
I had to go to the Internet a few times to understand why Steve could wield the hammer and how Iron Man got all the stones back, and why some dork didn't just put it on in the first place and snap his fingers, which apparently makes "all bad guys turn into confetti" now. Hawkeye was already willing to sacrifice himself and had it, so why not put the f'ing thing on and end it?
And of course, "Make sure we foreshadow that Captain America will be a black guy!" in there, despite Thor/Steve having much more chemistry. No wonder RD Jr. decided to bail from Disney's mess. The 'women power' was of course full force but it was so weird. Scarlet Witch dominates Thanos, then disappears. Captain Marvel dominates Thanos, then disappears. I will say this was 100% the appropriate time to end the Avengers because they just had too many characters and the story felt 100% disjointed the entire time.
4/10, I wasn't impressed at all. I though Infinity War was decent, at least it had good action scenes. End Game seemed to have very little. And yah okay half the population gets wiped out, why the fuck does every shot look like a zombie apocalypse happened that wiped out 99% of the population?
Regarding the new captain America
Falcon takes over the role in the comics. Bucky does for a bit too.
It wouldn’t make sense for Thor to do it, he has no real connection to America.
This was just a disjointed mess.
But they are not. The fan service moment was when Captain Marvel came and destroyed the big ship. Or when Black Widow was the default leader keeping them together at the beginning of the movie or when she sacrifices for the stone. Those are hero moments that just happen to be women. Those are great fan service moments and exactly how they sound be done. There are lots of great female super heroes that are great being heroes and dont need to be treated special. They need to treated as all of the other heroes.What's a natural way to do a fan service scene? Fan service by its definition isn't really natural. A lot of things that happen in comic book movies are forced, contrived, or fan servicey. . If that's what makes it poorly done then you and anyone else should have problems with more than just that scene. But its telling that that's the scene that was pointed out.
It's not special treatment though. It's giving the same opportunities that your group already has. That's what you're not acknowledging. That as a male, you're already being given these fan servicey moments to enjoy. There's no criticism after it. It's just existed as the default. It's always been that way. So then a fan service moment for fans of these characters and especially girls to enjoy a moment comes about, but you and others criticize it because its not natural or organic and its forced. But if the goal is to treat everyone the same, those fan service moments should be there for all kinds of audiences just like they have already been there for you.
As a standalone movie, maybe.
As a movie meant to tie up the dozens of loose ends the other movies failed to address? I think it does a very good job.
To me this is the MCU Kill Bill Vol 2. You don't compare it to Vol 1 because they're two halves of the same movie.I hate to do the ol' 'agree to disagree' crap, but that's just where I'm going to have to leave it. All the other Avengers movies had me rewinding/backtracking numerous times and getting 'WOW' aloud comments. This I was like, "Okay just fuckin end already."
To me this is the MCU Kill Bill Vol 2. You don't compare it to Vol 1 because they're two halves of the same movie.
The Last Jedi?Kill Bill vol. 2 left me 100% satisfied and Madsen/Thurman were fucking brilliant.
This movie was just... I mean... how do I put it. It's when you jack off and get cum all over your pants and desk. You're happy it's done with, but pissed off and what you're left with.
The Last Jedi?
it was forced from a few different perspectives.You are wrong. In infinite wars there was an all female scene where the women fouth and were saved by the Scarlett witch. Great scene just heroes being heroes. I can Teel the difference between forces and not forcesd. I would rather all heroes are treated equal others seem to want to treat the females different as if they need special treatment to be noticed or to be heroes.
I will stick with treating them all the same.
And yes this is about super hero movies. Trying to bring up other genre as if they are all connected is misguided to say the least.
I actually like the movie for the most part but I've never been that into Star Wars lore. I'm not sure any of them were into the lore, either.Don't even get me started on that train wreck.
I actually like the movie for the most part but I've never been that into Star Wars lore. I'm not sure any of them were into the lore, either.
Endgame took care of all of their characters. That stuff matters.
Gotcha. I didn't even realize it was Falcon, I thought it was Black Panther, lol. Regardless I wasn't a huge fan of EndGame, I thought it was fairly lackluster. The previous Avengers movies were somewhat stupid in plot but they gave me a bunch of AWESOME action scenes and showed off each hero pretty damn well. This was just a disjointed mess.
Tough crowd.Black Widow - didn't take her clothes off.
It was a Captain America and Iron Man emo movie... that's all. And fine, I'm whatever with it. But this movie 100% banked on a bunch of lazy/confusing CGI and the MCU name, and it 100% showed.