Well-Known Member
Shouldn't you need peak human strength and athleticism, like Cap, to effortlessly throw the shield?
Basically, the new Cap will be weaker because the serum doesn't exist anymore, right?
Shouldn't you need peak human strength and athleticism, like Cap, to effortlessly throw the shield?
They can go back in time anytime they want now. Serum is just a transport away.Basically, the new Cap will be weaker because the serum doesn't exist anymore, right?
I dont think this spoils anything but I dont want to chance revealing anything to anyone. I was super annoyed Paul Bettany/Vision didnt show up in the end credits when each character got their time. Jarvis/Vision was in more than most of the characters.
Jarvis was in the movie. Just not Bettany. He was the driver for Howard Stark when Tony and Cap went to the 70's.
But I know what you mean. They made mention at the end that they couldn't bring Vision back though when Scarlet Witch says something to the effect of 'they couldn't bring either of them back'. That was who I thought she was talking about since it came from her.
Granted now that they can time travel and apparently pulling Gamora from her own timeline doesn't hurt anything... they should be able to do the same for BW and IM. And it wouldn't really hurt anything story wise lol
4. In the beginning, Tony mentions that they are lightyears away and only have one day left of oxygen. Captain Marvel shows up (conveniently, but whatever) and somehow gets them back to Earth in at least a day.... from being LIGHTYEARS away. She can do all this shit and is insanely strong and NOW I have to believe she can travel faster than the speed of light? C'mon man.
A few more things... 1. why do they need a "lightspeed drive" when all these spaceships use jump points?
You won’t know who Mary Sue is if you don’t see Mary Sue: The Motion PictureHaven't seen it, so don't want any details but will it really make much difference if I don't see Captain Marvel before End Game?
Was that guy played by Joe Russo? I had no idea...And Joe Russo is gay, apparently.
These 8 Chinese posters form a polyptych:
FTR, when I saw that 10 second clip of the women all together I knew that there would be a bunch of dudes offended that a comic book movie would try to appeal to non-males. How dare they try to appeal to the other 50% of the population.
Regarding the new captain America
Falcon takes over the role in the comics. Bucky does for a bit too.
It wouldn’t make sense for Thor to do it, he has no real connection to America.
He’s exactly the same as he was in the comics when he was able to make a Bruce/Hulk combo.
They'll probably go off this;
It looks like GOTG 3 will be the team searching for her.
So you do not like RESCUE in the comics or was it just the movie version you have a problem with?
It's not a movie, it's a tv series with them set in the 1950's.
GOTG was delayed because James Gunn is working on Suicide Squad for DC, Marvel was willing to accommodate that because they know how valuable he is to them.
As someone who did not read the comics I have no idea what peppers name is and didn't know she had a suit of her own. Making an assumption that the people who watch the movies read the comics is going to fail every time.
So the new captain america is going to have super strength like the white CA? If so, how? Cause he got a shield?
Pepper flew her suit in Iron Man 3 as well. Not just a comic canon item.As someone who did not read the comics I have no idea what peppers name is and didn't know she had a suit of her own. Making an assumption that the people who watch the movies read the comics is going to fail every time.
So the new captain america is going to have super strength like the white CA? If so, how? Cause he got a shield?