The Q
Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Viewing this show expecting little-to-no plot holes is truly a fools errand.
Has there been a worse Network-level CB TV show in the last 30 years or so?
Fox's Flash was not horrible, IIRC.
L&C was solid.
Smallville was VERY solid.
SHIELD is great.
Agent Carter is OK.
Netflix shows are great.
Arrowverse is mostly good (except LoT, which is truly crap)
What am I forgetting?
Smallville wasn't perfect.
They had some issues.
The Kents and Whitney lost so many cars they shouldn't have been able to drive like halfway through season 1.
They used red kryptonite only to keep Clark/Lana apart (much like SG/Jimmy Olsen) and then that one time clark ran to metropolis. After that it wasn't really used all that much.
The whole SG losing her memory thing...idk if that was a plot flaw or just a bad plot.
But the girls running into danger and interrogating clark over and over and over again was the flaw (much like Arrow now).
And Clark always running in accusing lex, getting kicked out and then needing to deal with it later. ain't being much of a friend homey.
I'm also torn on the start a storyline in season 3, end it in season 6 model they used for one part.