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Am I crazy to think that our schedule looks pretty easy?

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
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After watching the preseason so far it looks as though a lot of teams aren't looking nearly as good as once thought. The NFC East looks awful with the exception of Philly. The AFC West has Denver and SD, but KC lost a lot from last year (but we still play them at Arrowhead). GB is now down their starting center and dt for our week 1 matchup and Carolina lost a lot of offensive starters over the offseason.

And then there is our division. Bradford is now out for the year, the cardinals lost some big name starters on D, and SF has looked pathetic up to this point. Our first three games are tough: GB, @SD, and DEN. But if we get through that unscathed then we may be on cruise control until week 12 when we host the Cardinals.

Of course a lot will happen between now and then but what once was thought to be a brutal schedule is starting to look a LOT more manageable.

BJ Raji was a shell of his former self and the backup is miles ahead of him. Unfortunately, our GM starts the players that have the most experience or biggest contract and not the most talent. The Center is pretty much a wash both equally as good.
Jul 9, 2013
North of Patagonia / South of Iguazu Falls
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Thursday's opener should be a great game. My biggest fear is that NBC will focus way too much of its pregame and in-game coverage on what happened two years ago between these teams. You know they're gonna show the clip at least once and spend time talking about it, but they should just show it the one time if they have to show it at all and then be done with it.


You know the clip is coming unfortunately... I would not be surprised if they show it more than once... wonder if Vegas has an over/under on the clip and number of times it is shown.

I think it will be great game.

Keys for Packers:
- Able to run the ball with Lacy, Starks, Harris (that will help with Seahawks pass rush as will need to respect the run)
- Linsley holds up at center and no rookie errors
- Packers rush defense played like it did in preseason and early last year (not late last year)
- Keep Wilson in the pocket... he makes a lot of plays when out of the pocket and has ability to scramble for big yards.

Should be a good game... hopefully both teams have no injuries in the game.


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You know the clip is coming unfortunately... I would not be surprised if they show it more than once... wonder if Vegas has an over/under on the clip and number of times it is shown.

I think it will be great game.

Keys for Packers:
- Able to run the ball with Lacy, Starks, Harris (that will help with Seahawks pass rush as will need to respect the run)
- Linsley holds up at center and no rookie errors
- Packers rush defense played like it did in preseason and early last year (not late last year)
- Keep Wilson in the pocket... he makes a lot of plays when out of the pocket and has ability to scramble for big yards.

Should be a good game... hopefully both teams have no injuries in the game.

Good post.:suds:

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
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Hawks offense can take advantage of our pathetic middle LB's and safeties by passing over the middle to TE's all day. If shields is covering Harvin then I expect Percy to have a 100+ yds. Our run D will be vastly improved as well as our pass rush without blitzing. The 3-4 scheme confused Wilson in the last game which is one of the main reasons for his struggles. He's more experienced now and expect him to handle the 3-4 with few issues this time around.

Our offense probably has the best all around O-line since 2003, the best RB since Ahman Green and the most depth at RB since???? Rodgers seems to be smarter with the football in running when the lanes are given and settling for the short check downs instead of waiting for the players down field to get open or taking ridiculous sacks. Bulaga will start this time around on the LT instead of a pathetic backup. Bulaga gave up 1 total sack in 2011, and 4 for his career. On the defensive side for Seattle they lost their starting DE's and a DT I believe. They are also relying on more inexperienced play from the CB level but still posess the 2 best safeties in the NFL so I don't expect the Pack to toast them with the long ball unless the run is just dominating.

If it's close the Packers will lose as usual as they play not to lose in the end of games instead of sticking to works (just like the previous game in Seattle). I blame the loss in Seattle 100% on the play calling. All we needed was one first down and the game was over yet we run three straight times up the middle for -3 yards. Then on defense instead of sticking to what was working all game we go to prevent defense mode rush three men and giving Wilson 8 seconds (I counted) to throw the ball). Packers matchup well vs the Hawks but inept coaching will be our downfall.

Many say the refs will crack down on the hawks physical secondary but I don't believe the refs want to be the main story of this game again so the will tone down the yellow party for this game at least.

Good luck Hawks and stay healthy. I really believe Wilson is the most underrated player in the game still . People believe majority of the young QB's (kaep, Luck) are still better than Wilson and don't consider him a top ten player because of the talent around him. I say he had to deal with one of the worst pass blocking teams in the country, have 0 elite passing threat and then a bunch of #2-and 3's as options at WR. All the team has is Lynch and the solid run blocking. If it's not working then it's up to Wilson to bail them out on 3rd and long majority of the time. I believe he was number 2 in the MVP voting for the first half of the season last year. If the preseason is any indication of what's to come this year he could win it. However, being a run first team he might never posses the flashy stats to acquire this individual reward but will be one of if not the most efficient QB's in the NFL (TQBR, TD/INT ratio, comp%, etc). I believe he's a top 5 QB right now and going into the future for the next decade their is no QB I would take over him. I believe he will surpass Rodgers in 4-5 years as the best overall QB in the game. I remember Hawks fans that were doubting the decision to make Wilson their starter 3 years ago especially the radio announcers. Just shows the ignorance of many of these fans. The true fans knew he was the better player and Flynn was not up to par especially with the injured elbow.


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Apr 21, 2013
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You know the clip is coming unfortunately... I would not be surprised if they show it more than once... wonder if Vegas has an over/under on the clip and number of times it is shown.

I think it will be great game.

Keys for Packers:
- Able to run the ball with Lacy, Starks, Harris (that will help with Seahawks pass rush as will need to respect the run)
- Linsley holds up at center and no rookie errors
- Packers rush defense played like it did in preseason and early last year (not late last year)
- Keep Wilson in the pocket... he makes a lot of plays when out of the pocket and has ability to scramble for big yards.

Should be a good game... hopefully both teams have no injuries in the game.

I think this could end up being an underrated key to the game because I think most people tend to take the center-quarterback exchange for granted until something goes wrong. I don't know how many snaps Linsley got with the #1's in the preseason, but he's gonna have his work cut out for him in this game. It'll be interesting to keep an eye on that to see how he handles himself in that environment in his first game as a pro.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Hawks offense can take advantage of our pathetic middle LB's and safeties by passing over the middle to TE's all day. If shields is covering Harvin then I expect Percy to have a 100+ yds. Our run D will be vastly improved as well as our pass rush without blitzing. The 3-4 scheme confused Wilson in the last game which is one of the main reasons for his struggles. He's more experienced now and expect him to handle the 3-4 with few issues this time around.

Our offense probably has the best all around O-line since 2003, the best RB since Ahman Green and the most depth at RB since???? Rodgers seems to be smarter with the football in running when the lanes are given and settling for the short check downs instead of waiting for the players down field to get open or taking ridiculous sacks. Bulaga will start this time around on the LT instead of a pathetic backup. Bulaga gave up 1 total sack in 2011, and 4 for his career. On the defensive side for Seattle they lost their starting DE's and a DT I believe. They are also relying on more inexperienced play from the CB level but still posess the 2 best safeties in the NFL so I don't expect the Pack to toast them with the long ball unless the run is just dominating.

If it's close the Packers will lose as usual as they play not to lose in the end of games instead of sticking to works (just like the previous game in Seattle). I blame the loss in Seattle 100% on the play calling. All we needed was one first down and the game was over yet we run three straight times up the middle for -3 yards. Then on defense instead of sticking to what was working all game we go to prevent defense mode rush three men and giving Wilson 8 seconds (I counted) to throw the ball). Packers matchup well vs the Hawks but inept coaching will be our downfall.

Many say the refs will crack down on the hawks physical secondary but I don't believe the refs want to be the main story of this game again so the will tone down the yellow party for this game at least.

Good luck Hawks and stay healthy. I really believe Wilson is the most underrated player in the game still . People believe majority of the young QB's (kaep, Luck) are still better than Wilson and don't consider him a top ten player because of the talent around him. I say he had to deal with one of the worst pass blocking teams in the country, have 0 elite passing threat and then a bunch of #2-and 3's as options at WR. All the team has is Lynch and the solid run blocking. If it's not working then it's up to Wilson to bail them out on 3rd and long majority of the time. I believe he was number 2 in the MVP voting for the first half of the season last year. If the preseason is any indication of what's to come this year he could win it. However, being a run first team he might never posses the flashy stats to acquire this individual reward but will be one of if not the most efficient QB's in the NFL (TQBR, TD/INT ratio, comp%, etc). I believe he's a top 5 QB right now and going into the future for the next decade their is no QB I would take over him. I believe he will surpass Rodgers in 4-5 years as the best overall QB in the game. I remember Hawks fans that were doubting the decision to make Wilson their starter 3 years ago especially the radio announcers. Just shows the ignorance of many of these fans. The true fans knew he was the better player and Flynn was not up to par especially with the injured elbow.

GD, solid post and I gave you a thumbs up. However, I am not convinced GB matches up well against us.
The strength of our team is it's pass defense. The strength of GB is pass offense. I feel our PD>over GB's PO.
Additionally, I feel our offense will cause problems for the GB defense.
The kool-aid drinking homer in me says Sea>GB by 10 or more.
Jul 9, 2013
North of Patagonia / South of Iguazu Falls
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However, I am not convinced GB matches up well against us.
The strength of our team is it's pass defense. The strength of GB is pass offense. I feel our PD>over GB's PO.

Packers are no longer just passing offense

2013 stats:

Rushing Yards / game
Seattle 136.8 #4 in NFL
Green Bay 133.5 #7 in NFL

Avg yards / rush

Seattle 4.3 yards #12 in NFL
Green Bay 4.7 yards # 4 in NFL

Packers rushing offense picked up in 2nd half of year after Lacy came back from injury and with Rodgers out. Their rushing ability was not because of teams respecting Rodgers as he was not on the field.

Packers do not need to rely only on passing game now, very balanced offense. Packers 1st string rush offense looked very good in preseason.

That is why it is important Packers can rush the ball on Thursday. You do not beat Seattle by throwing the ball.

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
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GD, solid post and I gave you a thumbs up. However, I am not convinced GB matches up well against us.
The strength of our team is it's pass defense. The strength of GB is pass offense. I feel our PD>over GB's PO.
Additionally, I feel our offense will cause problems for the GB defense.
The kool-aid drinking homer in me says Sea>GB by 10 or more.

Thanks, that's exactly how I felt with the first match up and my prediction came to fruition.

The difference in this game is GB will actually have it's starting OT's instead of the worst in football OT backups, Seattle's DE's are not as solid as the pass rushers they released, GB actually has a run game to balance the passing attack, and GB has added check downs (10X more than previously).

So, instead of more elite DE's facing scrub backups pinning their ears back and going full speed vs inept OT's and knowing the Packers will be throwing and Rodgers holding onto the ball way to long you'll have lesser DE's going against Solid OT's not knowing if it's a run or pass and Rodgers throwing many more check downs.

I'm worried about the center exchange even though coaches keep telling us there will be no issue. The center has taken 0 snaps with Rodgers, 0 snaps in an NFL game, hasn't even played with the starters, and will be in the toughest road environment in the NFL. IDK but I can easily see a couple high snaps, or errors in blocking assignments occurring.

I don't even recall the last time GB lost by 10+ in the regular season with Rodgers starting. Maybe during his first starting year but even then I remember all the games being close. With the home crowd and Seattle's ability to ride the momentum that one bad snap could be all they need to win by 10 plus or even worse blow us out. I can't see us blowing you guys out since your SPT's coverage is solid, nobody really has fumbling and RW isn't mistake prone plus your safeties won't allow anything deep.

I believe Hawks will win the SB again as they are the best all around team (coaches, players, etc). Packers are equally as talented but some coaching deficits (especially on defense hinder this program). We'll make the playoffs baring no long term major injuries and lose to one of the really physical D's again as we always do (G-men, Seattle, 49ers, maybe even AZ).

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
11th Dimension
Hoopla Cash
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Packers are no longer just passing offense

2013 stats:

Rushing Yards / game
Seattle 136.8 #4 in NFL
Green Bay 133.5 #7 in NFL

Avg yards / rush

Seattle 4.3 yards #12 in NFL
Green Bay 4.7 yards # 4 in NFL

Packers rushing offense picked up in 2nd half of year after Lacy came back from injury and with Rodgers out. Their rushing ability was not because of teams respecting Rodgers as he was not on the field.

Packers do not need to rely only on passing game now, very balanced offense. Packers 1st string rush offense looked very good in preseason.

That is why it is important Packers can rush the ball on Thursday. You do not beat Seattle by throwing the ball.

You beat me. The stats can be a little over exaggerated as GB plays far weaker Rush D opponents than Sea did last season but they were still very effective against the likes of SF in rushing.

We now finally have a full strength O-line, our best RB corps since I've been a Packer fan combined with a healthy Rodgers.

That being said I don't expect 200+ rushing yards or averaging 5-6 YPC vs this Hawks D. If we can just pick up those 3rd and shorts with the run consistently and get 4-5 yds on first down runs I will say the running job performed adequately enough to win. Then it's up to the passing game.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Rodgers is a talent .... He's a guy that play's with allot of confidence and has the arm strength to sneak allot of passes in there... This is a tough match-up starting the season ... While Green Bay's D wasn't lights out last year our O-line does have a couple question marks that worries me a bit... Also how tight are the refs gonna enforce the emphasis on illegal contact... That will give Rodgers and any top qb for that matter a definite advantage vs secondaries... That will make it tough for the Pack to stop Wilson though on the flip side... I"m hoping like hell the refs back off and let defenses play aggressive...


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Apr 23, 2013
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Thanks, that's exactly how I felt with the first match up and my prediction came to fruition.

The difference in this game is GB will actually have it's starting OT's instead of the worst in football OT backups, Seattle's DE's are not as solid as the pass rushers they released, GB actually has a run game to balance the passing attack, and GB has added check downs (10X more than previously).

So, instead of more elite DE's facing scrub backups pinning their ears back and going full speed vs inept OT's and knowing the Packers will be throwing and Rodgers holding onto the ball way to long you'll have lesser DE's going against Solid OT's not knowing if it's a run or pass and Rodgers throwing many more check downs.

I'm worried about the center exchange even though coaches keep telling us there will be no issue. The center has taken 0 snaps with Rodgers, 0 snaps in an NFL game, hasn't even played with the starters, and will be in the toughest road environment in the NFL. IDK but I can easily see a couple high snaps, or errors in blocking assignments occurring.

I don't even recall the last time GB lost by 10+ in the regular season with Rodgers starting. Maybe during his first starting year but even then I remember all the games being close. With the home crowd and Seattle's ability to ride the momentum that one bad snap could be all they need to win by 10 plus or even worse blow us out. I can't see us blowing you guys out since your SPT's coverage is solid, nobody really has fumbling and RW isn't mistake prone plus your safeties won't allow anything deep.

I believe Hawks will win the SB again as they are the best all around team (coaches, players, etc). Packers are equally as talented but some coaching deficits (especially on defense hinder this program). We'll make the playoffs baring no long term major injuries and lose to one of the really physical D's again as we always do (G-men, Seattle, 49ers, maybe even AZ).

All good points and hard to disagree with. I know Lacey has upped your running game. A wise move for GB is to try to run the ball thereby setting up your pass game.
We can state pluses and minuses compared to the last game we played but I wish to point out we did not have Avril, Bennett, or Harvin on that team. Our D in 2013 was better than our D in 2012 and I expect to see no dropoff going into 2014 defensively.
Our offense will be much better in that we don't have a rookie at QB and I say our WR's in 2014>Wr's in 2012 or 2013.
Of course just my opinions and I welcome your solid input.


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Every year is different, but to me this game will be decided on how well our run defense plays. We lost Big Red but Williams is very good, so with McDaniel sliding into Reds spot and Williams taking over McDaniel's spot, we should be just as good as last year against the run with our base defense. I do have some concerns when we bring in our pass rushers, that they will be more subject to giving up the big runs because of their smaller stature in size. The big advantage is this game is at home so it will be harder for the Packers to match up with all of our substitutions on the defensive line.

It was really hard to gauge our run defense in this years pre-season. We never really went in there with a starting LB unit or with Bam Bam. They are very big when it comes to us stopping the run. If they come into the game at full speed we along with the crowd noise should be able to defend the run without biting too much on the play action. Staying in your lanes and committed to your assignments is what it is all about.


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It is nice that you are basing your judgements for this years defenses based on last years performances because it is not at all possible that any of these teams have had an changes. I think after Thursdays game you may scratch your head and rethink your strategy.

Yes, my judgement is based on last year's defenses, since that is all I can go on. I wrote in my prior post that it was based on last season and that things can change with injuries, player movement, coaches, etc. That is also why I based my view on very top defenses and very bottom defenses. There will be some defenses moving up or down based on new players, coaches, injuries, etc., but not usually from the bottom to the top, or the top to the bottom.

My guess is you took offense to GB being a bottom defense. Well, they were last season. That does not mean they will be a bottom defense again this season, especially since having an offense that can put you in the lead, or keep getting 1st downs which helps a defense significantly. I do not see the GB defense moving from the bottom 10 into the top ten though.

I am curious what new additions, other than having a functional offense, will make this defense better. I do not know the Packers that well, but do know you got Peppers and drafted Ha Ha. I am not too concerned with Peppers and don't even know if Ha Ha will be starting. I am curious how Guion will play in basically his first snaps of the season taking over for Raji. Is his hammy completely healed up? Can Shields and Williams cover Percy and Baldwin?

I am concerned about the Hawks defense stopping your RBs. We still have Mebane in the middle, but lost Red Bryant. I see Williams like I see Guion. They both came from the Vikings and I am not sure what to expect. What is in our favor is Home field, so that may help the defense a bit.

In my opinion, GB is still a bottom defense. I guess they will have to prove me wrong.

Great Dayne

I was right even if you believe I was wrong
Sep 1, 2013
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All good points and hard to disagree with. I know Lacey has upped your running game. A wise move for GB is to try to run the ball thereby setting up your pass game.
We can state pluses and minuses compared to the last game we played but I wish to point out we did not have Avril, Bennett, or Harvin on that team. Our D in 2013 was better than our D in 2012 and I expect to see no dropoff going into 2014 defensively.
Our offense will be much better in that we don't have a rookie at QB and I say our WR's in 2014>Wr's in 2012 or 2013.
Of course just my opinions and I welcome your solid input.

I agree that the WR's are much improved for the Hawks and Wilson is substantially better than before. We offset that with a potentially better pass rush Peppers and a vastly improved secondary.

The DE's were already noted by the slight drop off (might be equal) of a pass rush.

I was going to add the Harvin Factor even though I feel we have the most talented CB's in the NFL with Hayward, House, Hyde, T. Williams and Shields. However Shileds reminds me of a younger over paid Deangelo Hall. The guy makes splash plays and once in a while is in good position. But he never learns from his mistakes as he bites on the pump fake and double move almost every single time. If Shields lines up against Harvin it could be a long day for him just like his struggles vs Crabtree in the postseason. EVERYONE ELSE WAS SHUTDOWN in that game but Crabtree because shields is for a lack of a better word (DUMB). He's extremely fast and if Harvin just attempts to beat him with speed it won't work. If they use double moves and pumps he will toast him. Shields was so impressive in 2010 during the SB run because our pass rush was the best in the NFL and teams didn't know that he falls for the double move at this point. Now they realize he's a soft tackler and continually makes mistakes.

T. Williams played like an MVP in 2011 but was injured the following year with his shoulder. He was never really the same until the second half of last season where he was the Packers MVP on defense for that time period. Hayward had 6 int's in his rookie season and within the first nine games. Then he was injured and for the last part of the season and majority of last year. House is 6'2 210 lbs and plays lock down D on any WR (again staying on the field is his major issue). He shutdown crabtree every time he was covering him and made excellent plays in the second half when he was healthy. Hyde has now moved into the Woodson role as a safety/CB as he's our best pure tackling DB plays perfect coverage and rarely gets beat. His weakness is he runs a pedestrian 4.54 40 time so he doesn't play the speedy WR's too often. Many are predicting he will have a breakout season. All these players are better than Shields but we were ignorant to give him the big contract for splash plays so our coaching staff will let the higher paid player play instead of the better player which Carol has done the exact opposite.


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Yes, my judgement is based on last year's defenses, since that is all I can go on. I wrote in my prior post that it was based on last season and that things can change with injuries, player movement, coaches, etc. That is also why I based my view on very top defenses and very bottom defenses. There will be some defenses moving up or down based on new players, coaches, injuries, etc., but not usually from the bottom to the top, or the top to the bottom.

My guess is you took offense to GB being a bottom defense. Well, they were last season. That does not mean they will be a bottom defense again this season, especially since having an offense that can put you in the lead, or keep getting 1st downs which helps a defense significantly. I do not see the GB defense moving from the bottom 10 into the top ten though.

I am curious what new additions, other than having a functional offense, will make this defense better. I do not know the Packers that well, but do know you got Peppers and drafted Ha Ha. I am not too concerned with Peppers and don't even know if Ha Ha will be starting. I am curious how Guion will play in basically his first snaps of the season taking over for Raji. Is his hammy completely healed up? Can Shields and Williams cover Percy and Baldwin?

I am concerned about the Hawks defense stopping your RBs. We still have Mebane in the middle, but lost Red Bryant. I see Williams like I see Guion. They both came from the Vikings and I am not sure what to expect. What is in our favor is Home field, so that may help the defense a bit.

In my opinion, GB is still a bottom defense. I guess they will have to prove me wrong.

Just having it be the first game and no injuries is a big improvement. The Packers lead the league in starters missing games with 153 in the last 2 years. There will be much improvement just being healthy. Starters missing time or out for the season last year were Burnett, Hayward,Matthews, Neal, Brad Jones, Picket, and Jolly.

So improvement will come from being healthy. Then with the addition of Peppers teams will not be able to double up on Matthews as if they do Peppers will cause troubles. so that double threat going against a rookie tackle may cause some issues for Seattle. The Packer rush defense is much improved over last year as well and will hold Lynch to under 100 yards. Lacey will have more total yards than Lynch does.

What needs to be seem is if the new strategies that have been developed that have not been seen yet by Capers will work to keep Wilson in the pocket and be able to keep him from running. If not that will be an issue.

The Packer secondary is an equal to the Seahawks being one of the top in the league with Hayward back this year and 2cnd year Hyde now at safety and now have Clinton Dix and House is also back to healthy form.

You will notice a significantly improved Packer defense where if they stay healthy will be top 10.

Of course preseason means nothing but when looking at over all stats and comparing them to the Packer defense during last years preseason they have done much better. They were ranked 4th in total defense among all the teams this year and last year they were 16th

The defense you will see on Thursday night will not be like anything you saw the Packers do last year. Nobody knows just what they will do so it will be fun to see it unfold in front of us.


Jul 9, 2013
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Yes, my judgement is based on last year's defenses, since that is all I can go on. I wrote in my prior post that it was based on last season and that things can change with injuries, player movement, coaches, etc. That is also why I based my view on very top defenses and very bottom defenses. There will be some defenses moving up or down based on new players, coaches, injuries, etc., but not usually from the bottom to the top, or the top to the bottom.

My guess is you took offense to GB being a bottom defense. Well, they were last season. That does not mean they will be a bottom defense again this season, especially since having an offense that can put you in the lead, or keep getting 1st downs which helps a defense significantly. I do not see the GB defense moving from the bottom 10 into the top ten though.

I am curious what new additions, other than having a functional offense, will make this defense better. I do not know the Packers that well, but do know you got Peppers and drafted Ha Ha. I am not too concerned with Peppers and don't even know if Ha Ha will be starting. I am curious how Guion will play in basically his first snaps of the season taking over for Raji. Is his hammy completely healed up? Can Shields and Williams cover Percy and Baldwin?

I am concerned about the Hawks defense stopping your RBs. We still have Mebane in the middle, but lost Red Bryant. I see Williams like I see Guion. They both came from the Vikings and I am not sure what to expect. What is in our favor is Home field, so that may help the defense a bit.

In my opinion, GB is still a bottom defense. I guess they will have to prove me wrong.

Also added Clay Matthews and Casey Hayward


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Our nickel defense has to be a concern. Yesterday Lane was limited in practice and Simon did not practice


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Jul 26, 2013
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Okay here is an update on the Packer defense and why it cannot at all be compared to last years defense which was my point in questioning why one would do that to make predictions on how this years defense would be like and to expect things to be same from year to year.

The defense that will show up on Thursday will be something that will be new to all those watching the game as it is new the players are different and the strategies from Capers will be different.


Packers’ new-look pass rush set to make debut

Clay Matthews and Julius Peppers lead a changed defense into Seattle

GREEN BAY—It wasn’t quite the “big letters” proclamation about the running game he made last year, but – intentionally or not – Mike McCarthy on Monday thrust the all-but-guaranteed improvement label on pressuring the quarterback in 2014.

“It looks good,” McCarthy said when asked about the defense’s pass-rush abilities heading into Thursday’s opener in Seattle. “We’re a better pass-rush team today than we’ve been in a long time.”

The Packers are banking on a healthy Clay Matthews, the addition of Julius Peppers and the continued development of players such as Mike Daniels, Mike Neal, Nick Perry and Datone Jones to make McCarthy’s words a reality.

Players have also talked about the tweaks Dom Capers has made to his scheme. Those adjustments have been under wraps and not on display through the preseason. Matthews talked about “unleashing” them in this first game with a more mature cast of characters.

“We feel good. We feel like we’ve got some talent out there,” said Matthews, who led the defense with 7 ½ sacks last season despite missing five games and playing hindered in several others

“We feel like we’re physical, fast, aggressive, ready to make a statement and kind of get back to that defense we were accustomed to in 2009, 2010, early in my career.”

Back then, the Packers were among the league’s best at stopping the run, and they get a major test in that department immediately on Thursday in Seattle’s Marshawn Lynch.

A powerful, tackle-breaking workhorse of a back, Lynch has piled up more than 4,000 yards on the ground and rushed for 35 TDs over the last three regular seasons.

Up front, the Packers have replaced run stuffers Ryan Pickett, C.J. Wilson and Johnny Jolly with smaller but more active linemen such as Daniels and Jones, while Josh Boyd and Letroy Guion will fill the void in the middle created by B.J. Raji’s season-ending injury.

Even without the personnel turnover, though, the Packers knew when the schedule was released in April for whom to prepare in Week 1.

“They’re going to give the ball to Marshawn Lynch,” McCarthy said. “They’re going to run the football, their style, schematically how they run it. That’s a starting point, and I would think Percy Harvin is going to get his touches, too.”

Due to injuries, Harvin has played in just 10 games over the past two seasons, but the Packers are plenty familiar with the speedy, all-everything receiver from his early years with the Vikings. He returned five kickoffs for scores in 3 ½ seasons with the NFC North rival. Against the Packers, he had a 51-yard TD catch as a rookie in 2009 and a 17-yard TD run in 2010.

“The ol’ Minnesota days,” cornerback Tramon Williams said. “The guy’s one of the best football players out there. Anytime you have him on your team, it brings a whole ’nother dimension. He’s a guy you always have to keep your eyes on.”

But getting back to the pass rush, for the Packers defense all eyes will be on Matthews and Peppers as they work in tandem for the first time. Coming off the edge, they’ll have to strike the proper balance between getting after Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson while also containing him so he can’t extend plays with his feet.

Peppers had the transition to make, to a new team and a new outside linebacker position, and he talked in the preseason about it being a gradual process. A man of few words with the media, Peppers was asked again about that process.

“I’m fine,” he said. “I’m ready to go.”

He feels the same way about the defense as a whole, that it grew as he grew into his role. There’s plenty of anticipation surrounding just what Green Bay’s defense will look like with such a high-profile new addition.

“I think we’re ready to get out there,” veteran linebacker AJ Hawk said. “We’ve been talking about it for so long, it’s crazy. It’s finally here.”

As for what would constitute success with whatever form this defensive debut takes on Thursday, Peppers had even fewer words.

“A win,” he said. “That’s it.”


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
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$ 1,000.00
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I'm at the point with Capers' D where I won't believe he can effectively contain dual threat quarterbacks until I see his defense do it.

I'm also skeptical of Green Bay's ability versus the run, especially with their starting NT out for the season.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,300.00
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Okay here is an update on the Packer defense and why it cannot at all be compared to last years defense which was my point in questioning why one would do that to make predictions on how this years defense would be like and to expect things to be same from year to year.

The defense that will show up on Thursday will be something that will be new to all those watching the game as it is new the players are different and the strategies from Capers will be different.


Packers’ new-look pass rush set to make debut

Clay Matthews and Julius Peppers lead a changed defense into Seattle

GREEN BAY—It wasn’t quite the “big letters” proclamation about the running game he made last year, but – intentionally or not – Mike McCarthy on Monday thrust the all-but-guaranteed improvement label on pressuring the quarterback in 2014.

“It looks good,” McCarthy said when asked about the defense’s pass-rush abilities heading into Thursday’s opener in Seattle. “We’re a better pass-rush team today than we’ve been in a long time.”

The Packers are banking on a healthy Clay Matthews, the addition of Julius Peppers and the continued development of players such as Mike Daniels, Mike Neal, Nick Perry and Datone Jones to make McCarthy’s words a reality.

Players have also talked about the tweaks Dom Capers has made to his scheme. Those adjustments have been under wraps and not on display through the preseason. Matthews talked about “unleashing” them in this first game with a more mature cast of characters.

“We feel good. We feel like we’ve got some talent out there,” said Matthews, who led the defense with 7 ½ sacks last season despite missing five games and playing hindered in several others

“We feel like we’re physical, fast, aggressive, ready to make a statement and kind of get back to that defense we were accustomed to in 2009, 2010, early in my career.”

Back then, the Packers were among the league’s best at stopping the run, and they get a major test in that department immediately on Thursday in Seattle’s Marshawn Lynch.

A powerful, tackle-breaking workhorse of a back, Lynch has piled up more than 4,000 yards on the ground and rushed for 35 TDs over the last three regular seasons.

Up front, the Packers have replaced run stuffers Ryan Pickett, C.J. Wilson and Johnny Jolly with smaller but more active linemen such as Daniels and Jones, while Josh Boyd and Letroy Guion will fill the void in the middle created by B.J. Raji’s season-ending injury.

Even without the personnel turnover, though, the Packers knew when the schedule was released in April for whom to prepare in Week 1.

“They’re going to give the ball to Marshawn Lynch,” McCarthy said. “They’re going to run the football, their style, schematically how they run it. That’s a starting point, and I would think Percy Harvin is going to get his touches, too.”

Due to injuries, Harvin has played in just 10 games over the past two seasons, but the Packers are plenty familiar with the speedy, all-everything receiver from his early years with the Vikings. He returned five kickoffs for scores in 3 ½ seasons with the NFC North rival. Against the Packers, he had a 51-yard TD catch as a rookie in 2009 and a 17-yard TD run in 2010.

“The ol’ Minnesota days,” cornerback Tramon Williams said. “The guy’s one of the best football players out there. Anytime you have him on your team, it brings a whole ’nother dimension. He’s a guy you always have to keep your eyes on.”

But getting back to the pass rush, for the Packers defense all eyes will be on Matthews and Peppers as they work in tandem for the first time. Coming off the edge, they’ll have to strike the proper balance between getting after Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson while also containing him so he can’t extend plays with his feet.

Peppers had the transition to make, to a new team and a new outside linebacker position, and he talked in the preseason about it being a gradual process. A man of few words with the media, Peppers was asked again about that process.

“I’m fine,” he said. “I’m ready to go.”

He feels the same way about the defense as a whole, that it grew as he grew into his role. There’s plenty of anticipation surrounding just what Green Bay’s defense will look like with such a high-profile new addition.

“I think we’re ready to get out there,” veteran linebacker AJ Hawk said. “We’ve been talking about it for so long, it’s crazy. It’s finally here.”

As for what would constitute success with whatever form this defensive debut takes on Thursday, Peppers had even fewer words.

“A win,” he said. “That’s it.”

Bears fan here, and I don't think the packers defense is going to be anything special and that article does nothing to change my mind. Julius Peppers isn't going to be the player you paid for. He'll be alright, but he won't be a game breaker. You're secondary looks awful. I'm not a fan of Sam shields and we all know tramon Williams is garbage. I'm eager to see how Clinton Dix turns out, but a rookie will not save that secondary. BJ Rajis injury is going to hurt, but he hasn't really been much the last few years. AJ Hawk is average, as well as your d line. Honestly, the only real game breaker you have is Matthews. I don't think the packer defense is going to be much better than average, but the offense will be top 3.

I fully expect the packers d to be average at everything but getting to jay cutler this year.
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