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Alabama's Da'shawn hand arrested for DUI


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May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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As I said -- as long as you aren't a star, he will punish you. If you are a star, he makes excuses up not to suspend you and instead will handle it internally (i.e. Make believe community service and sign some autographs for the police, I mean, go on ride alongs)

That's not the case here, but if it was - I would support it.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Holy fuck. This shit show is still on the air? :L


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Holy fuck. This shit show is still on the air? :L

Yep, we've just matched the same number of pages for all the other players in college football who get arrested(not counting other Alabama players who get their own threads of course)....in the past 2 offseasons.

Fulmer Cup Sticky?


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May 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Back in the day suspensions were the common punishment and seemed like the thing to do.

If a coach thinks that's what is needed to bring about the proper change, then I'm all for that. If Saban decides to suspend him for a game and thinks that's what's needed, I support that as well.

I don't know the kid and don't know what motivates him. Saban does, and he gets paid $10 million a year or whatever to deal with these things. Until I see somekind of Baylor shit going on, I'm going to let him do his thing. I've seen him speak on the subject and agreed with him 100% in his philosophy about these things.

Not gonna lie, you kind of sound like Baylor fans. "we trust Art Briles to do the right thing and will not ever question it".

Luckily for you Saban doesn't need to keep serial rapists on the team to win games, but your mindset would absolutely allow it.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not gonna lie, you kind of sound like Baylor fans. "we trust Art Briles to do the right thing and will not ever question it".

Luckily for you Saban doesn't need to keep serial rapists on the team to win games, but your mindset would absolutely allow it.

If Saban is ever shown to do anything remotely like Art Briles, he needs to be fired and arrested for interfering. Covering up violent crimes(or really, any crime) is a huge no-no.

But I can't judge Saban based on him. In the 10 years he's been the HC at Alabama, I've never seen anything remotely like that. I would say Saban is basically the opposite of that. Maybe it's a luxury we have due to the talent, or whatever, but even when it comes to the NCAA Saban is a self reporting, get it over with, face the consequences kind of person. And it's one of the things I really like about him and is a breathe of fresh air. I remember back when Stallings told the NCAA to go fuck itself over Langham and that really started the tone for the "Dark Ages". I can't imagine he would be covering things up from law enforcement.

I think there is a difference between trusting your HC to make the right decisions and turning a blind eye. A blind eye requires evidence to be ignored.


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May 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If Saban is ever shown to do anything remotely like Art Briles, he needs to be fired and arrested for interfering. Covering up violent crimes(or really, any crime) is a huge no-no.

But I can't judge Saban based on him. In the 10 years he's been the HC at Alabama, I've never seen anything remotely like that. I would say Saban is basically the opposite of that. Maybe it's a luxury we have due to the talent, or whatever, but even when it comes to the NCAA Saban is a self reporting, get it over with, face the consequences kind of person. And it's one of the things I really like about him and is a breathe of fresh air. I remember back when Stallings told the NCAA to go fuck itself over Langham and that really started the tone for the "Dark Ages". I can't imagine he would be covering things up from law enforcement.

I think there is a difference between trusting your HC to make the right decisions and turning a blind eye. A blind eye requires evidence to be ignored.

Once again, I'm not comparing Saban and Briles because I don't think they are anything alike either. However, nobody knew what Briles was doing for years over there until one female finally came forward and blew the lid off the whole thing. The trust Briles mindset was permeated through the fan base and the University itself. All I'm saying is don't give your coach too much trust. Absolute power corrupts.

But I'm not going to get all stirred up about a crime many college students commit. He should face the same punishment any other student would face from the University. Nothing more, and nothing less. So I think we might even agree all these additional suspensions aren't always justified. Unless that's what any other student would get as well.


i know you don't like to hear the truth, but...
Jul 2, 2013
Sunny and 75
Hoopla Cash
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And I'm fine with whatever Saban decides is appropriate punishment. It's what he gets paid for. If he announces this guy is suspended for the FSU game, then I'm fine with that. I personally think the entire notion that it's up to the schools to provide criminal punishment is dumb. What should matter to the coaches is what is in the best interest of the players and the team.

For example, maybe if he had an existing pattern of behavior where he was messing up, more punishment would be in order. But if someone had a good pattern of behavior prior, it might not be needed. These are things none of us know, but the coaches will. So I trust that the coaches are the ones to make the best decision. And if that coach makes the wrong decision - it will be the school that pays for it.

It has nothing to do with win at all cost attitude. I have the same opinion on this topic no matter what team it is, and have said the same things when it comes to other teams. So you'll need to find another excuse on that.

I'm glad Hand didn't get suspended. There really was never any doubt, was there? He never drove, he was just sleeping in a running car. If you believe that, I have some beach front property I can sell you real cheap in Tuscaloosa.

Rolando McClain, and many other former players under Nick Saban appreciate what the school did to keep them eligible on the field at Alabama. It was "the best interest of the players and team"...I agree 100% 4down.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I'm glad Hand didn't get suspended. There really was never any doubt, was there? He never drove, he was just sleeping in a running car. If you believe that, I have some beach front property I can sell you real cheap in Tuscaloosa.

Rolando McClain, and many other former players under Nick Saban appreciate what the school did to keep them eligible on the field at Alabama. It was "the best interest of the players and team"...I agree 100% 4down.

Rolando is from my hometown and is a friend of my family. The structure and consequences provided to him at Alabama is what kept him in line. So before you pretend to know something, you might want to pick another player.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm glad Hand didn't get suspended. There really was never any doubt, was there? He never drove, he was just sleeping in a running car. If you believe that, I have some beach front property I can sell you real cheap in Tuscaloosa.

Rolando McClain, and many other former players under Nick Saban appreciate what the school did to keep them eligible on the field at Alabama. It was "the best interest of the players and team"...I agree 100% 4down.

Me too...same with Winston...I'm glad he only got suspended for baseball season for stealing those crabs and I'm glad he didn't get in trouble for raping that chick...gold digging bitch. Same with those other 17 gold digging bitches who alleged sexual assault against FSU players.


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Sep 7, 2011
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What did he say different other than he thinks Hand intended to drive?

You clearly don't see a difference? Do you not know how to read? It s the single reason I'm in this thread he stated different. Jesus you are dumb.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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You clearly don't see a difference? Do you not know how to read? It s the single reason I'm in this thread he stated different. Jesus you are dumb.

For some reason, I don't see you naming anything specific.

I wonder what could be the reason for that.



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Sep 7, 2011
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Hoopla Cash
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Wow, its funny and so two faced. You accept his "opinion" and he stated pretty much the same thing I did on several posts. The one difference between his post and some of mine was it was my "opinion" suspending him would not teach him a lesson in this instance (and i took it further and said to me its not much of a punishment). Yet having almost identical posts caused you in one instance to trip over the edge and lose your shit for many pages, while you accept his, first post. This thread is as long as it is because you are what BB posted about in his post, a Bama hater, plain and simple.

View attachment 164056

You just answered your question buckwheat. That difference in your posts is the single reason I'm still in this thread as are many others. YOU ARE TRYING TO ARGUE MISSIN A GAME ISNT PUNISHMENT. You even admit it. You are ethier very stupid or a bama homer. Also both could be correct.


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Sep 7, 2011
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Hoopla Cash
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For some reason, I don't see you naming anything specific.

I wonder what could be the reason for that.


Because I thought you could see it? Silly me for thinking you could comprehend. He is not saying anything about a suspension being not much or not a punishment.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Because I thought you could see it? Silly me for thinking you could comprehend. He is not saying anything about a suspension being not much or not a punishment.

He literally said nothing different than I did except that he thinks Hand intended to drive.


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Sep 7, 2011
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Hoopla Cash
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He literally said nothing different than I did except that he thinks Hand intended to drive.

He literally does not say suspension is not a punishment. Again, thee single reason I'm still in this thread. Jesus man it's not that difficult to understand.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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He literally does not say suspension is not a punishment. Again, thee single reason I'm still in this thread. Jesus man it's not that difficult to understand.

I don't recall ever saying it's not a punishment. I said it's a lame punishment that is most for you social justice warrior types who want to see Alabama suffer.


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Sep 7, 2011
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Hoopla Cash
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I don't recall ever saying it's not a punishment. I said it's a lame punishment that is most for you social justice warrior types who want to see Alabama suffer.

You so full a shit. One of your posts you say suspending him does nothing for him or the team. This is the whole difference you idiot.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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You so full a shit. One of your posts you say suspending him does nothing for him or the team. This is the whole difference you idiot.

It's a lame punishment that will do nothing towards fixing whatever malfunction he had(or would have) and only serves the purpose of appeasing butthurt social justice warriors. But it's obviously still a punishment.


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Sep 7, 2011
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It's a lame punishment that will do nothing towards fixing whatever malfunction he had(or would have) and only serves the purpose of appeasing butthurt social justice warriors. But it's obviously still a punishment.

Translation: I was full of shit for saying it wasn't before. But now I realize I was wrong so I'll just call everyone for it butthurt while I say it's lame.



Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Translation: I was full of shit for saying it wasn't before. But now I realize I was wrong so I'll just call everyone for it butthurt while I say it's lame.


Page 2:

He won't be suspended at all, and I fully support it.

It's dumb that these coaches suspend a player for a game. It's more about appeasing SJW types than it is actually helping anyone.