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Alabama's Da'shawn hand arrested for DUI


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We have a justice system to handle it. I'm all for EXTREMELY strick DUI laws in our justice system. I think he should lose his DL for a year, have to do a good bit of community service, pay large fines, be made aware of every single drunk driving death for a single year, etc.

If the DUI laws aren't enough punishment for a football player, then they aren't enough for anyone.

Saban's job is to help the kid and the team. Suspending him for a game does neither of those things. Punishment is provided, Saban needs to do what he can to prevent it from happening again - no matter where the kid is for the future.


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And that's different how? I was unaware the word punishment was based on it's effectiveness.

You seems to think in that same post that the punishment from the legal system would be effective. Just going off your thoughts.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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You seems to think in that same post that the punishment from the legal system would be effective. Just going off your thoughts.

If it's not effective, then obviously we have a bigger problem than just football players. If you want to throw his ass in jail for the entire season, be my guest.


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If it's not effective, then obviously we have a bigger problem than just football players. If you want to throw his ass in jail for the entire season, be my guest.

I hate to tell you this, but it's not always effective. Just as suspending him isn't always effective. Still this could be a good situation for both to be done. It certainly sends a message both ways. Ohh well.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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You just answered your question buckwheat. That difference in your posts is the single reason I'm still in this thread as are many others. YOU ARE TRYING TO ARGUE MISSIN A GAME ISNT PUNISHMENT. You even admit it. You are ethier very stupid or a bama homer. Also both could be correct.
No, I am arguing "in my opinion" its not much of a punishment. And I am not arguing it for Alabama, I and saying this for individual players.

What is so hypocritical is you keep saying You dont care about it being my opinion, yet keep railing on it, trying to chaNge it. You are obviously incapable of accepting you are nevsr going to change two things, my opinion and the fact this is not about Alabama. I have this same opinion about players on every team, does this also make me a homer for those teams as well? So you have a choice, be the bigger man and accept some people have different opinions you cannot change. Or, keep beating your head against that Titanium wall. So are you the bigger man, or a small minded moron simply seeking to always think you're right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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No, I am arguing "in my opinion" its not much of a punishment. And I am not arguing it for Alabama, I and saying this for individual players.

What is so hypocritical is you keep saying You dont care about it being my opinion, yet keep railing on it, trying to chaNge it. You are obviously incapable of accepting you are nevsr going to change two things, my opinion and the fact this is not about Alabama. I have this same opinion about players on every team, does this also make me a homer for those teams as well? So you have a choice, be the bigger man and accept some people have different opinions you cannot change. Or, keep beating your head against that Titanium wall. So are you the bigger man, or a small minded moron simply seeking to always think you're right?

Just wanted to point out - there isn't a bigger punishment you could give to a D-1 CFB player than suspending him (sans kicking them off the team)


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just wanted to point out - there isn't a bigger punishment you could give to a D-1 CFB player than suspending him (sans kicking them off the team)
Thats an opinion we dont share, but thanks for voicing yours.


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No, I am arguing "in my opinion" its not much of a punishment. And I am not arguing it for Alabama, I and saying this for individual players.

What is so hypocritical is you keep saying You dont care about it being my opinion, yet keep railing on it, trying to chaNge it. You are obviously incapable of accepting you are nevsr going to change two things, my opinion and the fact this is not about Alabama. I have this same opinion about players on every team, does this also make me a homer for those teams as well? So you have a choice, be the bigger man and accept some people have different opinions you cannot change. Or, keep beating your head against that Titanium wall. So are you the bigger man, or a small minded moron simply seeking to always think you're right?

Jesus Christ, you asked what the difference was while pointing out the difference in your last post. Could you be any stupider?

You continue to hypocritically state you don't care if he is suspended all the while continuing to argue with me that he shouldn't because it's not much of a punishment in "your opinion."

Spare me the "any other team" or it's just about bama crap. If there was another thread about this I'd be saying the same thing. Just as you would as you state. Does that still make this about Alabama?

An don't give me that bigger man shit, this is a message board dude. You state your opinion and I state mine. I will still never agree with your opinion but that's just what it is. But continuing to argue all the while saying you don't care isn't a good look for you ethier. Bigger man shit, bahahahahahahaha


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Just wanted to point out - there isn't a bigger punishment you could give to a D-1 CFB player than suspending him (sans kicking them off the team)

You're not being the bigger man. Quit it, you are going to offend this North Carolina fuck.



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Apr 19, 2013
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Thats an opinion we dont share, but thanks for voicing yours.

It is no different than raising a kid, except those kids are grown men. If you want to get a point across, you don't enable them by giving them a slap on the wrist.

You take away what is most important to them. For my kid -- right now it is batman action figures. If he acts up and I give him a time out. He will act up an hour later doing the same thing he was just punished for. If he acts up and I take away his batman action figures for an hour and tell him if it happens again, they are gone for good. It doesn't happen again

Same principles in CFB -- if you get arrested, ESPECIALLY for a DUI (or some sort of assault), it should be an automatic suspension. Take away what is most important to them. Let them know if it happens again, they are kicked off the team.

'Community service', ride alongs, etc mean nothing to these kids. It teaches them nothing. Suspending them takes away what is most important to them and they let down the other thing that is most important to them (their teammates).


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Jesus Christ, you asked what the difference was while pointing out the difference in your last post. Could you be any stupider?

You continue to hypocritically state you don't care if he is suspended all the while continuing to argue with me that he shouldn't because it's not much of a punishment in "your opinion."

Spare me the "any other team" or it's just about bama crap. If there was another thread about this I'd be saying the same thing. Just as you would as you state. Does that still make this about Alabama?

An don't give me that bigger man shit, this is a message board dude. You state your opinion and I state mine. I will still never agree with your opinion but that's just what it is. But continuing to argue all the while saying you don't care isn't a good look for you ethier. Bigger man shit, bahahahahahahaha
Thanks for proving which you are.


Trolley conductor in Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.
Oct 11, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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It is no different than raising a kid, except those kids are grown men. If you want to get a point across, you don't enable them by giving them a slap on the wrist.

You take away what is most important to them. For my kid -- right now it is batman action figures. If he acts up and I give him a time out. He will act up an hour later doing the same thing he was just punished for. If he acts up and I take away his batman action figures for an hour and tell him if it happens again, they are gone for good. It doesn't happen again

Same principles in CFB -- if you get arrested, ESPECIALLY for a DUI (or some sort of assault), it should be an automatic suspension. Take away what is most important to them. Let them know if it happens again, they are kicked off the team.

'Community service', ride alongs, etc mean nothing to these kids. It teaches them nothing. Suspending them takes away what is most important to them and they let down the other thing that is most important to them (their teammates).

I have to disagree with you a bit. People respond differently to discipline methods and punishments. What worked for your children may or may not work for your neighbors' children. Unless the NCAA steps in and lays out an iron clad punishment regimen, you have to trust the coaches/school administration. IMHO the NCAA should leave it to the schools.

There is one constant. If you like the coach/program then he is doing the right thing. If you dislike the coach/program then he is not. I do not view Coach Saban as a win at all cost coach. I honestly do not believe that Mr. Hand is irreplaceable for the first game, especially with a month to prepare. If you agree with that then you can rule out the "he just wants to win" criticism.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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It is no different than raising a kid, except those kids are grown men. If you want to get a point across, you don't enable them by giving them a slap on the wrist.

You take away what is most important to them. For my kid -- right now it is batman action figures. If he acts up and I give him a time out. He will act up an hour later doing the same thing he was just punished for. If he acts up and I take away his batman action figures for an hour and tell him if it happens again, they are gone for good. It doesn't happen again

Same principles in CFB -- if you get arrested, ESPECIALLY for a DUI (or some sort of assault), it should be an automatic suspension. Take away what is most important to them. Let them know if it happens again, they are kicked off the team.

'Community service', ride alongs, etc mean nothing to these kids. It teaches them nothing. Suspending them takes away what is most important to them and they let down the other thing that is most important to them (their teammates).

Let me guess, you are not a licensed therapist...

GTFO with your drivel...you just spent two paragraphs telling us that your kid is only concerned about his batman action figures...and then lumped every CFB player into the same bucket.

You might as well have said we should take away all their batman action figures...at least then we might give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant it as a metaphor.

Instead we get your analysis of what motivates every college football player...Thanks for the generalization, Freud.

Anybody in here that says suspension is the only answer doesn't give a rat's ass about the particular player, they are only concerned about the appearance of discipline or punishment.


Well-Known Member
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I have to disagree with you a bit. People respond differently to discipline methods and punishments. What worked for your children may or may not work for your neighbors' children. Unless the NCAA steps in and lays out an iron clad punishment regimen, you have to trust the coaches/school administration. IMHO the NCAA should leave it to the schools.

There is one constant. If you like the coach/program then he is doing the right thing. If you dislike the coach/program then he is not. I do not view Coach Saban as a win at all cost coach. I honestly do not believe that Mr. Hand is irreplaceable for the first game, especially with a month to prepare. If you agree with that then you can rule out the "he just wants to win" criticism.

This was much better said, but I already know that Trustme is mentally deficient, so I felt the need to dumb it down.


Trolley conductor in Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.
Oct 11, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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This was much better said, but I already know that Trustme is mentally deficient, so I felt the need to dumb it down.

I will have a $1,000 water bill from showering while defending Coach Saban.:suds:

Actually I am at the age that I want to see all of the athletes succeed in life. I rarely pull against a team except when I need an outcome to help Auburn get into the SECCG, BCSCG of old or now the playoffs. Rivalry aside, Coach Saban is the best football coach in the business and he accomplishes it through discipline. He is teaching habits/philosophy that carries over to life without football. College football fans should be proud of him and most coaches in the business for doing just that.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Let me guess, you are not a licensed therapist...

GTFO with your drivel...you just spent two paragraphs telling us that your kid is only concerned about his batman action figures...and then lumped every CFB player into the same bucket.

You might as well have said we should take away all their batman action figures...at least then we might give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant it as a metaphor.

Instead we get your analysis of what motivates every college football player...Thanks for the generalization, Freud.

Anybody in here that says suspension is the only answer doesn't give a rat's ass about the particular player, they are only concerned about the appearance of discipline or punishment.

You don't have to be a therapist. It is nothing more than common sense.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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It is no different than raising a kid, except those kids are grown men. If you want to get a point across, you don't enable them by giving them a slap on the wrist.

You take away what is most important to them. For my kid -- right now it is batman action figures. If he acts up and I give him a time out. He will act up an hour later doing the same thing he was just punished for. If he acts up and I take away his batman action figures for an hour and tell him if it happens again, they are gone for good. It doesn't happen again

Same principles in CFB -- if you get arrested, ESPECIALLY for a DUI (or some sort of assault), it should be an automatic suspension. Take away what is most important to them. Let them know if it happens again, they are kicked off the team.

'Community service', ride alongs, etc mean nothing to these kids. It teaches them nothing. Suspending them takes away what is most important to them and they let down the other thing that is most important to them (their teammates).
Been there, raised three kids to adult stage. You are preaching to the choir. I detailed items I thought would be better served as punishments. Ride along was not one. Community service, abuse classes, al ano meetings to let him see how alcohol and substance abuse destroys lives were all on my list. Community service in some form was on it, and that was to teach him about those who are less fortunate, not given a gift like he has and how he is squandering that gift doing stupid things.
Plenty of ways to punish without suspending for a game or any team activites. I am speaking in terms of individuals, not every player. I have said I have no issue with a coach suspending a player...if he is also trying to show the kid where he screwed up and how his actions effect not just himself, but others he may not even know. Yet some want to twist my words into something they are not.
Honestly, i am more concerned about the kid and how to not repeat the issue, than I am taking something away from him. Punishments in my home were always about what was done and why. My kids are all well adjusted leaders among their peers, so I must not have too bad a grasp on corrective measure.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
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"What works for some might not work for all". lol. Amazing that Saban has managed to not only recruit top classes he's also mastered how to spot high school players who when they fuck up don;t need suspensions. You Bama fans are a seriously homeristic bunch.