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Alabama vs Virginia Tech (who wins)

Who Wins

  • Alabama in a blowout

    Votes: 54 63.5%
  • Alabama in a close game

    Votes: 18 21.2%
  • Virginia Tech in a blowout

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Virginia Tech in a close game

    Votes: 10 11.8%

  • Total voters


Trout Fishing Aficionado
Oct 28, 2011
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Is this seriously being debated still? Bama rolls, and big. VT was not a good team last year. Logan Thomas was decent and that's all they even have. Their defense was OK but if teams like Pitt and North Carolina were able to put up 35+, what do you think McCarron, Yeldon, and those WRs are gonna do?

48-10 Tide rolls.

Thinking bama puts up 48 on this tech defense is laughable at best.:laugh3:


No Limit Holdem Refugee
Mar 29, 2012
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Keep trashing VT and the fans. I know you are a d-bag but I won't be judging your school / fan base by how much of a loser / homer you are.

Drive da' punch John-san. Wax on wax off, make beeeeeeg circle, side to side, up down, make goooooood fight.


Supporting Member Level 69
Aug 9, 2011
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Good point. UNC got 48, so Bama probably gets 60-65.

Nice contribution.

Indiana put up 49 on OSU last year. So any halfway decent team you play in 2013 should drop at least 80 on you.


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Mar 20, 2013
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Nice contribution.

Indiana put up 49 on OSU last year. So any halfway decent team you play in 2013 should drop at least 80 on you.

Except we actually showed improvement from that game. You guys didn't shut down a single decent offense last year. We were also under a brand new coaching staff on defense, so that takes some time to adjust to. I'm not saying our defense is going to be elite, but it's better than VT's. What does OSU have to do with this anyhow? What about your performances vs. any kind of decent offenses last year would lead you to believe it's "laughable" that Bama would score 48 on you?


Sleeper Pick
Apr 19, 2010
The Nation's Capital (where the news comes from)
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He was showing your logical fallacy....

Anyway, we will know in less than a month and we will see who has a better defense (Virginia Tech OR Ohio State) at the end of the year. I wouldn't swap defensive coaching staffs or rosters with you though. Last year was the exception, not the norm. If you follow college football you know this.


Trout Fishing Aficionado
Oct 28, 2011
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Except we actually showed improvement from that game. You guys didn't shut down a single decent offense last year. We were also under a brand new coaching staff on defense, so that takes some time to adjust to. I'm not saying our defense is going to be elite, but it's better than VT's. What does OSU have to do with this anyhow? What about your performances vs. any kind of decent offenses last year would lead you to believe it's "laughable" that Bama would score 48 on you?

...Because VT has a solid defense. Solid defenses dont usually tend to give up 48 points. Do you follow football much?


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Mar 20, 2013
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He was showing your logical fallacy....

Anyway, we will know in less than a month and we will see who has a better defense (Virginia Tech OR Ohio State) at the end of the year. I wouldn't swap defensive coaching staffs or rosters with you though. Last year was the exception, not the norm. If you follow college football you know this.

I think you need to look up the definition of "logical fallacy", because you aren't using it correctly. I'm sure you'd love to swap rosters if you weren't biased. We have 2 likely All-Americans on defense and an embarrassment of talent that came along last season. What does VT have? How was last year merely an exception, and what would you chalk that up to? Just bad luck? What makes you think there's gonna be such a sweeping improvement all the sudden? I have nothing against VT, it's just simply an observation made by seeing how you've done over the past few years. It isn't good.

...Because VT has a solid defense. Solid defenses dont usually tend to give up 48 points. Do you follow football much?

Do you? There was nothing solid about your defense last year. Every offense with a pulse was able to put up at least 27 or so on you. This isn't the VT of the early to mid 2000s anymore. It's been awhile since you've played a sincerely good offense and shut them down. If I'm missing one, prove me wrong. Simple as that.


Supporting Member Level 69
Aug 9, 2011
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Except we actually showed improvement from that game. You guys didn't shut down a single decent offense last year. We were also under a brand new coaching staff on defense, so that takes some time to adjust to. I'm not saying our defense is going to be elite, but it's better than VT's. What does OSU have to do with this anyhow? What about your performances vs. any kind of decent offenses last year would lead you to believe it's "laughable" that Bama would score 48 on you?


He was showing your logical fallacy....



Supporting Member Level 69
Aug 9, 2011
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Do you? There was nothing solid about your defense last year. Every offense with a pulse was able to put up at least 27 or so on you. This isn't the VT of the early to mid 2000s anymore. It's been awhile since you've played a sincerely good offense and shut them down. If I'm missing one, prove me wrong. Simple as that.

It's funny you keep dogging VT's defense, (which I agree was down last year) considering VT finished #18 in total defense. Just for reference, OSU was #34.


Sleeper Pick
Apr 19, 2010
The Nation's Capital (where the news comes from)
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When you say team a did this so team b should do that and he responds by saying the same and you discredit it, that is your logical fallacy.

When you say my team improved (based on your opinion) but yours didnt, that as well is logical fallacy.

Saying team a did this so team b should do that is (in fact) in and of itself logical fallacy.

We also have two likely AA on our defense are historically very good on defense. Look at the stats. That is why I say last year was the outlier. Because of this, no I would not swap my defensive coaching staff with yours. I wouldn't swap rosters because I like the guys we have and they stay out of trouble and are a pleasure to root for...oh and they win. We play you in a few years if conference expansion doesn't screw that up, so we will see. I don't have any issue with OSU, just fans who use two different sets of rules to evaluate two different teams.

Luckily the two teams play soon so we will get to see who is better.


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Mar 20, 2013
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It's funny you keep dogging VT's defense, (which I agree was down last year) considering VT finished #18 in total defense. Just for reference, OSU was #34.

Great. Once again, what does this have to do with Alabama vs. VT this year? Why the hell are you guys getting your panties in such a wad over this? Bama has a ton of studs on offense and is going to score a lot on VT.


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Mar 20, 2013
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When you say team a did this so team b should do that and he responds by saying the same and you discredit it, that is your logical fallacy.

When you say my team improved (based on your opinion) but yours didnt, that as well is logical fallacy.

Saying team a did this so team b should do that is (in fact) in and of itself logical fallacy.

We also have two likely AA on our defense are historically very good on defense. Look at the stats. That is why I say last year was the outlier. Because of this, no I would not swap my defensive coaching staff with yours. I wouldn't swap rosters because I like the guys we have and they stay out of trouble and are a pleasure to root for...oh and they win. We play you in a few years if conference expansion doesn't screw that up, so we will see. I don't have any issue with OSU, just fans who use two different sets of rules to evaluate two different teams.

Luckily the two teams play soon so we will get to see who is better.

I didn't discredit him, I merely pointed out the two teams were different as a whole. Once again, this isn't a logical fallacy. When I say my team improved and yours didn't, it is something based on evidence from the season. You really have no idea what a logical fallacy is at all. All you are doing is saying "you gave your opinion so that is a logical fallacy". Seriously look it up or stop making a mockery of the word. You really are lost.

In terms of the 2 defenses, I see one guy from VT getting talk about being a 4th string AA at best in Exum, while both Shazier and Roby for OSU are being mentioned for 1st string, so there goes that argument.

Phil Steele

SB Nation's 2013 college football preseason All-America teams led by Clowney, Alabama - SBNation.com

College Football 2013 All-America Team | AthlonSports.com

I can't find anything more that would even show a VT player anywhere on the defensive side.

In terms of who "wins", this is also something OSU clearly does better. When the 2 teams play, I see nothing that would suggest it will go any different than your recent OOC games against good teams - ending in a L for VT.


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Mar 20, 2013
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Seriously, you Hokes need to just calm down. This is nothing personal against you guys so stop taking it as such. It's merely an observation based on what we've seen from both teams in recent seasons. There's a reason why the majority of folks on this board also think it's gonna be a blowout loss for you as well. If it's not, great. However, there's nothing that would suggest it won't be.


Sleeper Pick
Apr 19, 2010
The Nation's Capital (where the news comes from)
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Did you not say UNC did this in 2012, so Bama will do that in 2013?

Do we need to discuss conditional probabilities and how this does not qualify?

As far as preseason lists....who cares.

As far as discussing big time OOC games, Ohio State has a LOT of room to talk. Lol.

Luckily we play each other and can see what happens.


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
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I voted bama in a blowout, but I don't think they'll really pull away until late.


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Mar 20, 2013
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Did you not say UNC did this in 2012, so Bama will do that in 2013?

Do we need to discuss conditional probabilities and how this does not qualify?

As far as preseason lists....who cares.

As far as discussing big time OOC games, Ohio State has a LOT of room to talk. Lol.

Luckily we play each other and can see what happens.

I actually said it was probable, not that it WILL happen. Go back and check yourself.

You can go ahead and talk about conditional probabilities as well, as long as you don't fuck it up as badly in definition as you did with "logical fallacy".

As far as preseason lists, they aren't clearly set in stone, but my argument clearly has more evidence to support it.

OOC games, OSU is 6-3 in BCS games. What is VT? Yeah, you're right, we actually do have a LOT of room to talk. Moreso than almost every team in the nation, in fact.

Are you actually able to contribute anything at all that would suggest Bama won't score a ton of points on VT? Because there is a ton of evidence that would say that they very likely will.


Sleeper Pick
Apr 19, 2010
The Nation's Capital (where the news comes from)
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I am not making any argument. I am pointing out the flaws in yours.

This one must still be in school.

I'm done mucking up this thread. If you want to continue discussing Virginia Tech versus OSU or your sophomoric understanding of logic and statistics, open a thread in the PB.



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Mar 20, 2013
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Condescending to someone about their age or education/understanding of things unrelated to sports - the ultimate sign of someone who has lost their argument but is unable to just admit it.

Shockingly enough, you still cannot provide a single reason why Bama will have any trouble scoring a ton of points on VT...