Boredom Savant
ahhh, old enough to remember one Franco Harris? i wasn't...but i know allll about that immaculate reception he made.
Don't Tuck him into bed, either.
ahhh, old enough to remember one Franco Harris? i wasn't...but i know allll about that immaculate reception he made.
Sorry for continuing this, but Mike Pereira has quoted me on "impacting the game"Every call, questionable or not, "impacts the game." There is a difference between impacting the game and impacting the outcome. But this bit of common sense will be overshadowed over the media and fans' sound bite opportunity.
Sorry for continuing this, but Mike Pereira has quoted me on "impacting the game"
Super Bowl XL: Mike Pereira Says Leavy Didn't Err | Bleacher Report
As I said earlier in the thread, the NFL higher ups, current and former, can say the calls were right all they want. For me, not fining Holmgren tells me everything I need to know about what they really thought about the officiating in XL. Actions always have and always will speak much, much louder than words.
Oh and TimStealersFan wears black and yellow glasses that are 3 feet thick.
Not really. Ray Lewis shoots his mouth off annually in post-game pressers about poor officiating. He's been fined for very few of his comments. Bill Cowher tore up the officials after the 2002 divisional loss to the Titans that allowed them to re-kick a 31 yard field goal in OT to win it.... they did not fine the chin.
Actions may speak louder than words, but that isn't always the case. Judgment calls by the officials really can't be disputed. They're human, humans make errors.
2002 was back before the NFL fined you for sneezing on the field, 2006 wasn't. And please, Ray Lewis has been fined more times than I can count. I don't expect a Stealers fan to admit it, but the officiating had an impact on XL and all this fine stuff aside, I'm definitely going to take the word of the official who made the call over some guy who sits in an office. The officiating in XL was poor and everyone outside of Pittsburgh knows it.
I don't expect a Stealers fan to admit it, but the officiating had an impact on XL and all this fine stuff aside, The officiating in XL was poor and everyone outside of Pittsburgh knows it.
"some guy" longer in an office (retired), and he held a weekly segment on NFL Network for years explaining controversial calls of the week (with video backup). He was always logical, knowledgeable and level-headed (which means admitting and not glossing over when calls were wrong). I'll take his assessment over Leavy's emotional reaction to being up-close and personal with the Seahawks training camp.I'm definitely going to take the word of the official who made the call over some guy who sits in an office.
Any chance any fan of an NFL team other than the Steelers doesn't think the reffing was completely biased and one-sided in that game? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Didn't think so.
But, ya, Pittsburgh fans have it right. It's the fans of the other 31 teams that have it wrong. HAHAHAHA. Ya, hey.
Dup's argument may not be valid as it is coming from Dup, but he does have a point. In general football fans outside of Pittsbugh think the Stealers got the benefit of the officiating, and yes I do have proof.
These questions got over 100,000 votes, so it's a pretty good sample size. Some of the questions are in the Seahawks favor almost 3-1. Now I know Seahawks fans don't outnumber Stealers fans 3-1 so that tells you what the fans really thought about XL. For those who ventured to the NFL board back then there was also a thread titled, "These aren't Seahawks fans complaining" that got to over 1,000 responses the night of XL before it got axed. So if Stealers fans want to live in their own little world that's fine. But don't try to pretend like the officiating had no outcome on the game. The Seahawks never were given a real shot to win it.
Cars go fast.
PittsburghCheats' argument (I won't just assume it's Dup) seemed to be that there is no chance that anyone outside of Pittsburgh would agree the refs didn't directly decide the winner, and that everyone in Pittsburgh thought the game had fine officiating. That's retarded. That's what I had an issue with. People making up "facts" to support their arguments.
which tells you exactly who it is.
anyways... what is you avatar from? Reminds me of the movie "Hank and Mike"