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Adam Silver on KD-Warriors: Not Good For NBA


Jul 7, 2015
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“I’ve read several stories suggesting that that’s something that the league wants, this notion of two super teams, that it’s a huge television attraction,” Silver said. “I don’t think it’s good for the league, just to be really clear.

“There’s no question, when you aggregate a group of great players, they have a better chance of winning than many other teams. On the other hand, there are lots of things that have to happen. We’ll see what happens in Golden State. You had a great, great chemistry among a group of players and you’re adding another superstar to the mix, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens. But just to be absolutely clear, I do not think that's ideal from a league standpoint.”

Source: KD to Warriors bad for NBA? Adam Silver chimes in


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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“I’ve read several stories suggesting that that’s something that the league wants, this notion of two super teams, that it’s a huge television attraction,” Silver said. “I don’t think it’s good for the league, just to be really clear.

“There’s no question, when you aggregate a group of great players, they have a better chance of winning than many other teams. On the other hand, there are lots of things that have to happen. We’ll see what happens in Golden State. You had a great, great chemistry among a group of players and you’re adding another superstar to the mix, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens. But just to be absolutely clear, I do not think that's ideal from a league standpoint.”

Source: KD to Warriors bad for NBA? Adam Silver chimes in

Brace for a lockout next offseason. I believe the owners will attempt to take steps to prevent this from happening in the future, perhaps even to break up the Warriors.


Nov 11, 2013
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"You had a great, great chemistry among a group of players and you’re adding another superstar to the mix, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens"

Adam Silver sounds like he is hoping against hope just like most of the rest of us. :D

I think its actually a good point, though.

OF COURSE... if you are the Warriors you make the move for Durant. You'd be crazy not to. You have to try. The potential is too amazing.

BUT.... I wonder how much room a 73-win team that appears to have the perfect complimentary pieces and loads of chemistry really has room to improve. The ceiling is only so high and the Warriors were already pretty damn close. All that chemistry and well-fit puzzle pieces are at risk in this quest to improve even more.

For the Record.... YES... this is absolutely wishful thinking on my part.


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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Of course it's bad for the NBA, outside of Warriors fans and maybe people who want to see LeBron lose who actually likes this move? I'm guessing it's a short list.

I like seeing different teams facing off in the finals and it seems like Warriors/Cavs is gonna happen AGAIN this coming season and the season after that barring major injury and/or KD leaving. It was Durant's decision and he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but it takes a lot of drama and suspense out of the playoffs. Parity >> 2 or 3 superteams controlling the league.
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Apr 17, 2013
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Disagree with Silver. When the Heat Big 3 formed, ratings went through the roof. People either loved or loathed the Heat. They'd watch just to see them lose, same thing with this version of the Cavs.

The same approach will be taken with the Warriors. The NBA has always had 3-4 teams that are true contenders for the title. This year we have 3 (Cavs, Warriors, and Spurs).


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
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Of course it's bad for the NBA, outside of Warriors fans and maybe people who want to see LeBron lose who actually likes this move? I'm guessing it's a short list.

I like seeing different teams facing off in the finals and it seems like Warriors/Cavs is gonna happen AGAIN this coming season and the season after that barring major injury and/or KD leaving. It was Durant's decision and he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but it takes a lot of drama and suspense out of the playoffs. Parity >> 2 or 3 superteams controlling the league.

It is not just the hope of seeing different teams in the NBA Finals - it is also the hope that your team or most teams in the NBA can compete & have a shot at the Finals - perhaps not rt away but in the next few years like in the NFL or MLB.

It now appears as if only 3-4 teams will have a shot for the foreseeable future. It appears as if the only way a current NBA team can have a shot (even in 4-5 years) is to either be one of the current elite teams & attract another superstar or suck for another 3-4 seasons & build the team that way (which the NBA apparently opposes as per their treatment of the 76ers). This just appears to be a terrible way to run a league (will probably be great for a while but will bit them in the ass eventually).


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Jul 8, 2013
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Disagree with Silver. When the Heat Big 3 formed, ratings went through the roof. People either loved or loathed the Heat. They'd watch just to see them lose, same thing with this version of the Cavs.

The same approach will be taken with the Warriors. The NBA has always had 3-4 teams that are true contenders for the title. This year we have 3 (Cavs, Warriors, and Spurs).

Actually 4. You have to include the Thunder who were about as close as you can get to the Finals w/o actually making it.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Actually 4. You have to include the Thunder who were about as close as you can get to the Finals w/o actually making it.

I'm talking about this upcoming season. Thunder are no longer in the true contender category like they were.


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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It is not just the hope of seeing different teams in the NBA Finals - it is also the hope that your team or most teams in the NBA can compete & have a shot at the Finals - perhaps not rt away but in the next few years like in the NFL or MLB.

It now appears as if only 3-4 teams will have a shot for the foreseeable future. It appears as if the only way a current NBA team can have a shot (even in 4-5 years) is to either be one of the current elite teams & attract another superstar or suck for another 3-4 seasons & build the team that way (which the NBA apparently opposes as per their treatment of the 76ers). This just appears to be a terrible way to run a league (will probably be great for a while but will bit them in the ass eventually).
The Wolves could be on their way to that "sucking for years and get high picks" strategy like what OKC did(which was helped along with trading Love), but they still might need a star or superstar to join them to compete with the Warriors within the next 3-4 years. And KD going to GSW could make future superstar FA's only want to join up to create other super teams which will keep the number of true contenders every year small.
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Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Of course it's bad for the NBA, outside of Warriors fans and maybe people who want to see LeBron lose who actually likes this move? I'm guessing it's a short list.

I like seeing different teams facing off in the finals and it seems like Warriors/Cavs is gonna happen AGAIN this coming season and the season after that barring major injury and/or KD leaving. It was Durant's decision and he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but it takes a lot of drama and suspense out of the playoffs. Parity >> 2 or 3 superteams controlling the league.

Like Silver said there are a lot of things that have to happen. I don't think Cleveland is a lock by any means. The East got better IMO. The West still has competitive teams just not to the level of the Warriors. I think if they keep KD for the future, which possibly might not happen now, they could be great for years to come. I just think the Spurs and Clippers, if healthy, will have a chance.


Sports discussion
Oct 22, 2014
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I agree with Silver. It's up to him to change it so that something like this never happens again though.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Brace for a lockout next offseason. I believe the owners will attempt to take steps to prevent this from happening in the future, perhaps even to break up the Warriors.

Yep, lockout is coming soon.


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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Like Silver said there are a lot of things that have to happen. I don't think Cleveland is a lock by any means. The East got better IMO. The West still has competitive teams just not to the level of the Warriors. I think if they keep KD for the future, which possibly might not happen now, they could be great for years to come. I just think the Spurs and Clippers, if healthy, will have a chance.
Spurs have a chance, but I don't believe in the Clippers as legit contenders until they get past the 2nd round. I said seems like because there's no such thing as a lock. Injuries can happen, chemistry issues can throw a team off, etc. But even with the improved East and the Spurs adding Gasol, it's very very likely the finals is GSW/CLE 3 which sounds boring to me even if a lot of people would want to watch.


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Sep 26, 2011
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So we are going to be penalized just because we are great at drafting.. We only added one star through free agency. Which is durant. I guess we gotta stop drafting stars!!


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Like Silver said there are a lot of things that have to happen. I don't think Cleveland is a lock by any means. The East got better IMO. The West still has competitive teams just not to the level of the Warriors. I think if they keep KD for the future, which possibly might not happen now, they could be great for years to come. I just think the Spurs and Clippers, if healthy, will have a chance.

Cavs are a lock IMO. Also warriors FO is not worried about keeping KD


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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The only thing I take issue with is that Durant didn't take some minimum contract to form this super team. The Warriors gave him the maximum contract dollar amount allowed by the CBA. Add to that they did this all UNDER the salary cap. The Warriors didn't maneuver anyone into taking significantly less than their market value. Draymond was paid according to his market value, and stepped up last year to an all-star level player. Klay was given the max contract (not a true max by cap percentage, but dollar wise max). Iguodala signed for his market value, if not maybe slightly less (he reported accepted the Warriors deal over the Kings offer which was about 1.5M additional per year).

The only reason this works is because Curry signed for significantly less than his value, but that was only because he was coming off a major injury. The contract was a risk for both parties. If Curry never returned to form or had lingering issues, it would have been really bad for the Warriors. Likewise if Curry outplayed his contract he would be severely underpaid. The Warriors came up on this situation, but it was unknown at the time what would truly happen.

When the Heat big 3 formed, all three took less money so that they could play together. That was the true definition of forming a super team. The Warriors have built their team through the draft, added solid rotational players by free agency or trade (Bogut, Livingston, Iguodala). The only outliers here are Pachulia and West who both took less than their market value. But this happens every year with contending teams. West signed for the minimum last year with the Spurs, so his signing really doesn't equate here either. Also veterans are bought out at the deadline and always go to contending teams, but nothing is complained about with that either.

The Warriors operated within the constructs of the CBA, without telling players to take less so that they could form a super team. Each player, with the exception of Curry, was paid their value at the time they signed their contracts. Curry is going to get paid next year. KD will re-up for a bigger amount. The Warriors will be paying these guys this coming off-season.

The Warriors are an anomaly. The Cavs on the other hand had 110M+ in payroll last year.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Here's my idea to how to fix the situation of super teams forming:

Eliminate the max scales for years of service and just have a general max based on cap percentage of 27.5%. Each team is allowed one super max player, who can earn up to 40% of the salary cap.

By doing this the true superstars of the league will have incentive to try to and form their own teams instead of collaborating with others. If you have two stars on the same team, but one can make significantly more than their counterpart, how do you think that would last?

Take the Warriors for example. If you allow that situation, who would get the uncapped max between Steph and KD? If the Warriors could potentially offer 40M a year to Steph, but be limited to only 27M for KD, do you think that would sit well with either?

Also if you allow a large uncapped max to one player, it reduces the size of contracts that can be allowed to role players and would bring their salaries back closer to the mean.


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Dec 17, 2013
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So we are going to be penalized just because we are great at drafting.. We only added one star through free agency. Which is durant. I guess we gotta stop drafting stars!!

Thunder have done every bit as good in the draft.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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This shouldn't have anything to do with the Warriors and more to do with KD. HE joined a great team already to improve his legacy and win a championship. If anything should be said negatively it should be about KD and not about the Warriors. The Warriors did everything they could to become an even greater team and succeeded, hats off to them. KD takes a little bit less money to join the best team the last two years, that's on him. I still don't think he will take much hate and people will get over it BUT if the Warriors do not win it all, KD will take much criticism and unfortunately the Warriors will too...that's just the way it is of course.