Well-Known Member
Then, I'd also have to "sign him on" to any post-season starts that would appear (see doug's post above). Couldn't very well run him to the end of the season, then drop him from any playoff starts.
Now if I was an Indian, Royals, White Sox fan....putting extra stress on a valuable young arm of the Tiger's future, might not be all that bad of a scenario?????
Indians ran Fausto Roberto Juan Hernandez Loco Carmona into the ground going for a title, and as an Indians fan, in hindsight, I support the decision. Listen to Mr Winwood.
It's not as if the Tigers future is so bright you can guarantee playoffs in the years to come. And don't get me wrong, I feel that same way about the Indians. If you can make the playoffs, fuckin do it. Anything can happen. Look at the damn Giants - the shakiest ass "dynasty" ever, but there they are.