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$21 million was not enough with his deadline approaching


Undocumented PhD
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,109.09
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So if they didn't offer the largest contract to date...you consider that low balling? That's crazy talk.
Why? It's basically a league trend for anybody who is decent. Flacco's was the highest at one point and he's not exactly elite.


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Why? It's basically a league trend for anybody who is decent. Flacco's was the highest at one point and he's not exactly elite.
Some are getting record breaking contract, but trust me, the offers didn't start at record breaking, that's just where they arrived when a agreement took place.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why? It's basically a league trend for anybody who is decent. Flacco's was the highest at one point and he's not exactly elite.

Those guys are either negotiating as a ufa or extending an exisitig big back loaded contract. Wilson doesn't have that kind of leverage right now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Perhaps you are right that probably 1.6 of the 32 GMs in the league would prefer RW to Luck taking snaps. All just speculation, of course. No denying how valuable RW has been to Seattle.

I don't follow Seattle as closely or watch as many of their games as Seahwaks fans do, so I am interested in your point about about RW basically playing with the same players that T-Jax played with. Is that right?

You are correct with some change here and there but the overall core team was in place for both QB's. The offense I felt wasn't run as smoothly with T-jax behind center plus he just couldn't make the big play needed when the team trailed by 4 or 5 pts late in the game. Wilson under center has this offense running smoothly but I would like to see a few more TD's in the red zone. He has lead this team to multiple come from behind victories and he can extend plays when the play breaks down. I honestly don't know how RW would do in another system, but he's great in Pete's system.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, and how many picks did he throw to that point? He was not playing well until he had time to set his feet and a scrub to pick on. That's when he heated up.
OK maybe you watched a different game. The Pats had 227 of their 397 yards in the first half. I didn't look up the exact time Avril went out but I'm sure it wasn't the first play of the 3rd. I seem to remeber it was about half way thru? So actually the vast majority of yards came while Avril was still in the game. The Pats did have about 130 yards in that incredible 4th qtr. Give some credit where credit is due. Unlike the Pats being able to switch Browner to cover Matthews, Seattle just doesn't /didn't have the depth to overcome injuries.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You do realize that the Patriots were losing by 10 points with less than 8 minutes to go in the game and were losing until there was 2:00 left in the game? You also realize that the Seahawks had more yards on offense?
Sure the Seahawks thanks to three HUGE plays at the end of the 3rd and into the 4th ended up with 19 more yards. The Pats held the ball 7 minutes more then the Hawks and the Hawks are a running team. With the number 1 D. Pats were 8-13 on 3rd down. Not sure what you're trying to bring up? It sounds similiar to the Hawks vs. GB game?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Who cares when Wilson or Brady got hot in that game? You don't win the superbowl in the first 20 minutes. All 60 minutes count.
Very true and we know what the result was at the 60 minute mark.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Those guys are either negotiating as a ufa or extending an exisitig big back loaded contract. Wilson doesn't have that kind of leverage right now.
Why would he take a backloaded deal? Contracts aren't guarenteed. He'd be foolish to take a backloaded contract. An injury and or a bad season or two and that contract vanishes. Front loaded is probably what he's seeking. That's probably what's holding up the deal.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Very true and we know what the result was at the 60 minute mark.
Yep, the better team lost due to injuries and a bad play call. We sure do all know what happened.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Yep, the better team lost due to injuries and a bad play call. We sure do all know what happened.
You are so right. That's exactly what happened. Just like the NFCCG right? Oh no that's different. That was all skill. Hawk fans kill me. The Hawks shouldn't have even been in the SB with your logic if it was unbiased.


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You are so right. That's exactly what happened. Just like the NFCCG right? Oh no that's different. That was all skill. Hawk fans kill me. The Hawks shouldn't have even been in the SB with your logic if it was unbiased.
You know what? Water under the bridge. Going to the SB back to back was pretty amazing, I hoping for three in a row. Good luck with your Pats!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You know what? Water under the bridge. Going to the SB back to back was pretty amazing, I hoping for three in a row. Good luck with your Pats!
Likewise I'd love to have a rematch. It was a great game. Better for Pat fans but we've been on that side twice already.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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You are so right. That's exactly what happened. Just like the NFCCG right? Oh no that's different. That was all skill. Hawk fans kill me. The Hawks shouldn't have even been in the SB with your logic if it was unbiased.
Wait, did I ever say they were the better team in the NFCCG? Please go back and show me where I've said that. Love when fuckups put words in my mouth. Why not back it up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Wait, did I ever say they were the better team in the NFCCG? Please go back and show me where I've said that. Love when fuckups put words in my mouth. Why not back it up.
Easy hero, I see your jimmies are still in a wad. It's called a comparison. You made the statement that "the better team lost due to injuries and a bad play call", I compared your silly comment to the outcome of the GB game. It's really not that hard to connect the dots. Take of the # 12 shaped rose colored sunglasses for a minute and you'll be able to see that.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Easy hero, I see your jimmies are still in a wad. It's called a comparison. You made the statement that "the better team lost due to injuries and a bad play call", I compared your silly comment to the outcome of the GB game. It's really not that hard to connect the dots. Take of the # 12 shaped rose colored sunglasses for a minute and you'll be able to see that.
Oh no that's different. That was all skill. Hawk fans kill me.
Didn't say it. Never implied it. Don't agree with it.

Got any more words to put in people's mouths? Or would you rather have a discussion and maybe ask people what they think?

Pats fans kill me.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I mean I get it. You are up on a thread about RW dumping on about the SB (still) because it is making you feel better about all the crow you are having to eat on the Brady threads. Who can blame you really. That's some bad, bitter pill to have to swallow.

Say what you want about RW and his contract, but at least he's not a fucking cheater. No taint on that kid. And I mean really no taint. As in the kid doesn't even bang his GF ffs :tsk:. Beyond squeaky clean. As opposite of Brady as it gets.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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Why would he take a backloaded deal? Contracts aren't guarenteed. He'd be foolish to take a backloaded contract. An injury and or a bad season or two and that contract vanishes. Front loaded is probably what he's seeking. That's probably what's holding up the deal.

You misunderstood what i was saying.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Didn't say it. Never implied it. Don't agree with it.

Got any more words to put in people's mouths? Or would you rather have a discussion and maybe ask people what they think?

Pats fans kill me.
You obviously would rather argue. You came at me with the fuck ups and back it ups.

You made a statement whether you wish to agree with it or not that implied the same thing I said when comparing the Hawk victory over the Packers. Injuries, fluke plays, bad play calls... they're all the same. The differnce was/is after the NFCCG many Hawk fans (I didn't say you) would argue till they were blue in the face about how skilfully the Hawks won that game. Yet when the Hawks loose in a similiar fashion it's because of bad calls and injuries.

Do you care to discuss?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I mean I get it. You are up on a thread about RW dumping on about the SB (still) because it is making you feel better about all the crow you are having to eat on the Brady threads. Who can blame you really. That's some bad, bitter pill to have to swallow.

Say what you want about RW and his contract, but at least he's not a fucking cheater. No taint on that kid. And I mean really no taint. As in the kid doesn't even bang his GF ffs :tsk:. Beyond squeaky clean. As opposite of Brady as it gets.
This thread turned to the SB way before my first post which was about RWs contract. You're right in the sense, I should've never got involved. Way too much hate between a bunch of Hawk fans and a bunch of Pat fans.