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$21 million was not enough with his deadline approaching


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You obviously would rather argue. You came at me with the fuck ups and back it ups.

You made a statement whether you wish to agree with it or not that implied the same thing I said when comparing the Hawk victory over the Packers. Injuries, fluke plays, bad play calls... they're all the same. The differnce was/is after the NFCCG many Hawk fans (I didn't say you) would argue till they were blue in the face about how skilfully the Hawks won that game. Yet when the Hawks loose in a similiar fashion it's because of bad calls and injuries.

Do you care to discuss?
No, you did say me. I quoted it. You want to put things in people's mouths instead of asking them.

Your assertion that to say one game that ended close was lost due to a bad play call and really shitty injuries means that ALL games that end like that are the same is fucking stupid man, and you really must know that. I mean it's not just dumb, it's ludicrous.

GB was the better team that NFCCG and Seattle was damned fortunate to win it. I've never said anything else but that. How is that related to ANYTHING in that SB game? It's not. YOU turned it into something it's not and put words in someone elses mouth. And now won't just man up and move on from it.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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This thread turned to the SB way before my first post which was about RWs contract. You're right in the sense, I should've never got involved. Way too much hate between a bunch of Hawk fans and a bunch of Pat fans.
Sonny is one of my favorite posters on this site. I can list a few other Pats fans I've enjoyed talking to over the years and have no qualms with. The hate is really by a handful of either base. Why do you insist on continuing to lump everyone together?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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No, you did say me. I quoted it. You want to put things in people's mouths instead of asking them.

Your assertion that to say one game that ended close was lost due to a bad play call and really shitty injuries means that ALL games that end like that are the same is fucking stupid man, and you really must know that. I mean it's not just dumb, it's ludicrous.

GB was the better team that NFCCG and Seattle was damned fortunate to win it. I've never said anything else but that. How is that related to ANYTHING in that SB game? It's not. YOU turned it into something it's not and put words in someone elses mouth. And now won't just man up and move on from it.

Watch your blood pressure. You're like watching a ping pong match. One minute you want to discuss the next you're on the attack. It's all perception. I can't percieve the way you think nor can you percieve the way I think. You said the Hawks were the better team in the SB. That's what you perceive. I don't see it that way. So whether you feel a couple injuries, a circus catch, an idiot not allowing the onside kick to go to Nelson like it had been practiced, bad calls... I don't think they are that much different. I think it all depends on what team you're rooting for. I perceive that thought process as ludicrous. Some will argue it was luck others will argue it skill? Who's right, who's wrong?

Camp is starting relax. Have a good evening.


You can never have too many knives.
Jul 7, 2013
Chandler, Arizona
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The only info thats leaked is they offered 21mill, hows that low balling?

That's not the only info that has come out. I explained in my previous post that the Seahawks have offered 4/$84 mil & that that really isn't $21 mil per year like they would like you to believe when factoring in 2015 into the equation. In essence, if the reports are true, they are really only offering $17 mil a season.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Sonny is one of my favorite posters on this site. I can list a few other Pats fans I've enjoyed talking to over the years and have no qualms with. The hate is really by a handful of either base. Why do you insist on continuing to lump everyone together?
See I don't lump them together. I say things like a majority, or some, I may even say most on occassion. But you will never see me say ALL or EVERYONE. If I have I certainley didn't mean to. I'm usually quite careful about that.

Agreed it is a handful. I enjoy chatting with Harold and "normally" don't have issues with him. Some of us just know how to get to each others nerves a little easiers. Some are more strongly opinionated.

What I try to avoid is arguing just to argue. I will almost always try and justify my agruement. Too many come on here and just spew crap. When you question them, they have no answer. As long as you bring facts I'm good. Even if you just bring opinions and state it as such I'm good.

Gotta run have a good night.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Sure the Seahawks thanks to three HUGE plays at the end of the 3rd and into the 4th ended up with 19 more yards. The Pats held the ball 7 minutes more then the Hawks and the Hawks are a running team. With the number 1 D. Pats were 8-13 on 3rd down. Not sure what you're trying to bring up? It sounds similiar to the Hawks vs. GB game?

So you've now switched from "You guys were controlling the game" to "Well given we were playing the best defense in football, we were relatively controlling the game".

You made a claim that does not reflect the game. You guys were down. You aired it out and got a bunch of yards. We fell behind and aired it out and got a bunch of yards. Apparently they don't count when we do it while behind.

Not sure why Pats fans feel it is so important to say that they controlled the game.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Watch your blood pressure. You're like watching a ping pong match. One minute you want to discuss the next you're on the attack.
The guy up here in this thread ONLY to attack hawks fans over the SB said this! I mean you can't make this stuff up. :lol:

As for the rest of it, you again want to lump everything in one and make stretches. That's fine because at least this time you aren't putting words in others mouths. It's not exactly the same thing as just owning up to that and moving on, but I guess we will take our advancement where we can.

How do I view both of those teams in that game?
Injuries are a part of football. They happen. They can't alone be excuses. Great teams overcome them. They still are always a part of the story though. In Seattle's case it wasn't one injury. It wasn't 4 or 5, it was much more. They mounted up to the point where the last one (Avril) literally broke their back. Prior to that they were CLEARLY still better despite all of the injuries they were dealing with.

Give me any ONE of the following 5 and they win that game easily:
Mebane fully healthy and playing in that game.
Lane not breaking his wrist in that first quarter on the interception run back.
Avril not going out injured.
Thomas not playing with a dislocated shoulder.
Kam not playing with a knee that he had surgery on after the game.

Don't need all of them, nor two of them. Any ONE and it's a different game. And I'm not even talking about the rest of the injuries to the offense or other positions.

Do you see it that way? Of course not. Can't blame you, but that's the facts.

GB game? Well of course Seattle had injuries there as well. Mebane, Kam, Earl, and even Sherman, but GB played better until Seattle strung together a few lucky breaks combined with seriously bad play and bad play calling down the stretch by the other team.

Seattle was lucky to come out winners in the NFCCG and so was NE in the SB. That's not being inconsistent. That's very much calling a spade a spade on both games. I can take my homer hat off and call it like I see it. You? (rhetorical question)


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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So you've now switched from "You guys were controlling the game" to "Well given we were playing the best defense in football, we were relatively controlling the game".

You made a claim that does not reflect the game. You guys were down. You aired it out and got a bunch of yards. We fell behind and aired it out and got a bunch of yards. Apparently they don't count when we do it while behind.

Not sure why Pats fans feel it is so important to say that they controlled the game.
I can admit Seattle was lucky to win the NFCCG, but I'm not sure I've yet seen a Pats fan say the same about their good fortunes in that game. Objectivity is one of the rarest things on this site though so no surprise.


Jun 28, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Easy for me to say who wont see $21 mil in my life but how do you turn down a $19.5 mil pay raise? Especially when that isn't some sort of embarrassing offer at all


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Sep 1, 2011
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Easy for me to say who wont see $21 mil in my life but how do you turn down a $19.5 mil pay raise? Especially when that isn't some sort of embarrassing offer at all
Well if you feel that waiting will get you more, why not. May only have to wait until the end of the week.


Jun 28, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Well if you feel that waiting will get you more, why not. May only have to wait until the end of the week.

True he has proven to be a smart guy thus far. I like him as a quarterback so I hope he knows what he is doing for his sake. I don't think he is worth much more though


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Well if you feel that waiting will get you more, why not. May only have to wait until the end of the week.
If he goes past that self-imposed deadline and hasn't signed something (still doubt that happens) he's a complete moron.

There is no math you can come up with where it makes sense to leave over 19m on the table.


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If he goes past that self-imposed deadline and hasn't signed something (still doubt that happens) he's a complete moron.

There is no math you can come up with where it makes sense to leave over 19m on the table.
Do we really know what is being offered Wiz? I take all reports with a grain of salt.


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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my understanding only Big Ben's & AR's contracts are higher than what he was offered. it is no slap in the face offer, for those thinking it is cheap.
Personally if he doesn't want to sign.
the hawks could keep him for 3 yrs for about 57 mil. (1.5, 25, 30 mil) which would only avg. 19 mil a year.
Only hardship for the hawks is the cap hits in year 2 & 3.
If I am the hawks I wouldnt offer anymore money. (if they can afford the cap hits)

If he signs his deal & does well through out the contract, you know they will redo his deal & he gets paid again before the contract ends. So his 4 yr deal would really only be a 3 yr deal (5 yr deal would be 4 yr etc. etc.) before he signs another big contract. I think the Hawks really hold the cards on this one.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Do we really know what is being offered Wiz? I take all reports with a grain of salt.
No we don't, but as long as it wasn't something insulting like 17m/yr staying with 1.5m is really nuts.

Let's say for the sake of argument that he will be a starter for 12 years. You can say he is only putting it off, but the reality is he will be making FAR less for his 4th season and there is no real way to make that up over the rest of the 8 after that. Not to mention the risk of injury.

It would be seriously stupid to not sign.


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No we don't, but as long as it wasn't something insulting like 17m/yr staying with 1.5m is really nuts.

Let's say for the sake of argument that he will be a starter for 12 years. You can say he is only putting it off, but the reality is he will be making FAR less for his 4th season and there is no real way to make that up over the rest of the 8 after that. Not to mention the risk of injury.

It would be seriously stupid to not sign.
Your assuming the Seahawks are willing to tear up his 4th year. I'll wait to see if that's the case.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do we really know what is being offered Wiz? I take all reports with a grain of salt.

Agreed. And even if the 21 mil is true, we don't know if that factors next year in to that average or just the extension beyond that. The difference in those two scenarios is over 5 mil per year.


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Nov 19, 2014
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[QUE="flyerhawk, post: 6955625, member: 8481"]So you've now switched from "You guys were controlling the game" to "Well given we were playing the best defense in football, we were relatively controlling the game".

You made a claim that does not reflect the game. You guys were down. You aired it out and got a bunch of yards. We fell behind and aired it out and got a bunch of yards. Apparently they don't count when we do it while behind.

Not sure why Pats fans feel it is so important to say that they controlled the game.[/QUOTE]
An additional 7 minutes of possesion does that equate to control? I don't think it's that important. It's just another stat of how the game went. Especially when you take into account which team is a running team. Or maybe you're just lumping ALL us Pats fans as one?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The guy up here in this thread ONLY to attack hawks fans over the SB said this! I mean you can't make this stuff up. :lol:

As for the rest of it, you again want to lump everything in one and make stretches. That's fine because at least this time you aren't putting words in others mouths. It's not exactly the same thing as just owning up to that and moving on, but I guess we will take our advancement where we can.

How do I view both of those teams in that game?
Injuries are a part of football. They happen. They can't alone be excuses. Great teams overcome them. They still are always a part of the story though. In Seattle's case it wasn't one injury. It wasn't 4 or 5, it was much more. They mounted up to the point where the last one (Avril) literally broke their back. Prior to that they were CLEARLY still better despite all of the injuries they were dealing with.

Give me any ONE of the following 5 and they win that game easily:
Mebane fully healthy and playing in that game.
Lane not breaking his wrist in that first quarter on the interception run back.
Avril not going out injured.
Thomas not playing with a dislocated shoulder.
Kam not playing with a knee that he had surgery on after the game.

Don't need all of them, nor two of them. Any ONE and it's a different game. And I'm not even talking about the rest of the injuries to the offense or other positions.

Do you see it that way? Of course not. Can't blame you, but that's the facts.

GB game? Well of course Seattle had injuries there as well. Mebane, Kam, Earl, and even Sherman, but GB played better until Seattle strung together a few lucky breaks combined with seriously bad play and bad play calling down the stretch by the other team.

Seattle was lucky to come out winners in the NFCCG and so was NE in the SB. That's not being inconsistent. That's very much calling a spade a spade on both games. I can take my homer hat off and call it like I see it. You? (rhetorical question)
Let's stop being so melodramatic. First I'm not here to ONLY attack Hawk fans. Stop being so angry for a minute. I already mentioned my first post was about the contract. I also admitted I shouldn't have gotten involved with the SB smack talk. But hey that wouldn't fit your story you like to write would it?
Naturally with the ball on the one yard line the Pats were LUCKY to escape with that victory. Seattle's luck ran out at the wrong time. The Kearse circus catch was LUCK. Otherwise the interception probably never happens.
I'm sorry it sounds like whining to me. Both teams were injured. The Pats had three players have off season shoulder surgery; Vollmer, Wendell and oh the guy who made the game saving tackle on the Beast, Hightower. Jones had calf surgery. The Pats played almost the entire season without their starting MLB and RB.
I'm sure I won't change your view of who was the better team, who controlled the ball, who got lucky, who's injuries were worse... Nor will you change mine.
Back on topic. I believe RW will sign with the Hawks. But it will hurt the teams future unless they have excellent drafts. Because it's either the tag which hurts the cap or what I "think" is what's holding up tge deal. RW wants it front loaded. With the cap you can't pay everyone.
Have a great night.