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2018 NBA offseason


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Apr 17, 2013
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and as i said- one of the problems with the Cavs tanking this year is all the win-now vets they have.

How can you tank with Hill, Smith, TT, Korver, Love, etc. on the roster with little to no chance of moving those guys? No matter what the Cavs did this year they were going to be in a sort of limbo. But- if thats the price they had to pay to win a championship by completing the greatest comeback in nba history and going to 4 straight finals - then so be it.

I think you are confusion what will just be losing alot vs tanking.


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This is a terrible look for the spurs

Agreed. Especially considering right now there's a constant debate about Kawhi being cleared by the Spurs doctor and him not feeling right and Kawhi's own doctors saying something different. This doesn't speak well to their competence.
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You have ripped the Heat for years now over the Bosh signing, etc..
Cavs basically just replicated the move, which could lead them ( if they are even good enough) to the exact place you have claimed is the worst possible place to be.

But, now its all good since its the Cavs and not the Heat.

Too funny.

Yeah. Kevin Love's about to be 30 before the season starts. He's an injury prone PF that's now overpaid and doesn't play defense.

At least Bosh could play defense during his playing career and was injury free. His career ending is just a freak occurrence. This is just a bad contract.


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Not a top 5 pick, but definitely in the lottery. Sexton is still a rookie and you have to have realistic expectations of him. Outside of Donovan Mitchell, look at the production of all the talented young pg's who were drafted last year and their numbers. I think Sexton is probably going to fall in line somewhere there. I know you're high on Cedi, but with him you're going to need to be realistic about what he's going to accomplish in his second year after averaging 3.9 points a game last year.

So really it boils down to what your goals are. If you're looking to tank, then Hill, JR, TT and Clarkson all serve no purpose. You're betting off giving maximum minutes to Sexton, Hood, Osman and Nance Jr. Rolling with that lineup and Love is definitely a contender for a bottom 5 team.

I think you're really over-valuing alot of your roster. Many of the players on your team were good because of Lebron, not in spite of him (Love probably the only one excluded here). This is coming from a Warriors fan who continually over-valued guys like Anthony Randolph, Monta Ellis, Marco Belinelli, etc.
what you think they are going to make the playoffs this year?

I dont get what you are saying---- you are saying they do not have win now vets that are good enough to do anything- but are not bad enough to get a top 5 pick- this is exactly what I said as well---- that you cant just go from competing for a title and have all the pieces the Cavs have signed up and then pivot to tanking immediately.

I mean- i HOPE they are bad enough to tank this year and get a high lotto pick- but i just dont see how that is going to happen.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
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what you think they are going to make the playoffs this year?

I dont get what you are saying---- you are saying they do not have win now vets that are good enough to do anything- but are not bad enough to get a top 5 pick- this is exactly what I said as well---- that you cant just go from competing for a title and have all the pieces the Cavs have signed up and then pivot to tanking immediately.

I mean- i HOPE they are bad enough to tank this year and get a high lotto pick- but i just dont see how that is going to happen.

If you're going out there and playing your best players, you're not exactly tanking. You're just hoping to lose. Two different scenarios.



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Or they see what is being said and come in with a "Us vs the world mentality" and want to prove the doubters wrong.

Listen, I'm not predicting a title or even a WCF berth. But, a 50 win season and 2nd round appearance is possible.

That's the way I predict the Lakers season goes - 52 wins and a 2nd round exit.


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Sep 21, 2014
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This is a terrible look for the spurs

If he was diagnosed recently... how do we know when Green actually tore his groin?

The Spurs haven't played basketball in about 3 months.

And, furthermore, if he played through it... and didn't make complaint... it's not clear how the staff should have been able to diagnose such a thing. Did he make complaint?


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Ramona Shelburne made a great point.....

The Lakers don't need all 5 of their goofballs to hit.....if 2-3 are still good plus James and the kids (they naturally will improve)......they'll be fine.


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Nobody had a crystal ball.
Heat was forced to give up all the picks when both Bosh and James wanted sign and trades.
I know you didnt like the Dragic trade, but Miami fans did.
Heat were good when both Dragic and Bosh were on the court together.

As far as the Cavs, not sure who all this young talent is?
At this point I’d call it hope.

Sexton.....and that's it. And who knows what he'll turn out like considering he hasn't played 1 NBA game.
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what you think they are going to make the playoffs this year?

I dont get what you are saying---- you are saying they do not have win now vets that are good enough to do anything- but are not bad enough to get a top 5 pick- this is exactly what I said as well---- that you cant just go from competing for a title and have all the pieces the Cavs have signed up and then pivot to tanking immediately.

I mean- i HOPE they are bad enough to tank this year and get a high lotto pick- but i just dont see how that is going to happen.
Love is the only viable starter.

Hill declined.

JR, well see JR in the playoffs....

TT is a rebounder and a defender.

Korver is an outside shooting specialist.

Osman averaged what.....5ppg last season?

Sexton will be a rookie.

Take off the homer goggles.


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Aug 18, 2014
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what you think they are going to make the playoffs this year?

I dont get what you are saying---- you are saying they do not have win now vets that are good enough to do anything- but are not bad enough to get a top 5 pick- this is exactly what I said as well---- that you cant just go from competing for a title and have all the pieces the Cavs have signed up and then pivot to tanking immediately.

I mean- i HOPE they are bad enough to tank this year and get a high lotto pick- but i just dont see how that is going to happen.

The Cavs are a likely mid lottery team. Love gets some significant injuries and they are high lottery team.

They are a mishmash of players that were all put together to play with Lebron, to varying degrees of success.

George Hill is washed and injury prone. JR Smith is washed and can't hit a contested shot anymore. TT is a reclamation project at this point, at best. Korver is likely gone.

Nance is a nice role player. Clarkson is a streaky role player. Rodney Hood, assuming he comes back, is a guy who could turn into a starter quality player but isn't really there yet.

The Cavs have a rookie point guard that could be very good but rookie point guards rarely do well.

35 wins is probably the high water mark for the Cavs this year. IMO, they wind up with somewhere between 25-30 wins
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Jun 26, 2014
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The Cavs are a likely mid lottery team. Love gets some significant injuries and they are high lottery team.

They are a mishmash of players that were all put together to play with Lebron, to varying degrees of success.

George Hill is washed and injury prone. JR Smith is washed and can't hit a contested shot anymore. TT is a reclamation project at this point, at best. Korver is likely gone.

Nance is a nice role player. Clarkson is a streaky role player. Rodney Hood, assuming he comes back, is a guy who could turn into a starter quality player but isn't really there yet.

The Cavs have a rookie point guard that could be very good but rookie point guards rarely do well.

35 wins is probably the high water mark for the Cavs this year. IMO, they wind up with somewhere between 25-30 wins
Looks like they are keeping Love since they extended him.

If he's healthy and plays 78 games or more....they win 33-35 games.

If he plays 60-65.....they win 28 games or less.


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Agreed. Especially considering right now there's a constant debate about Kawhi being cleared by the Spurs doctor and him not feeling right and Kawhi's own doctors saying something different. This doesn't speak well to their competence.
Shouldn't shock anybody here.....siding with Leonard on this.


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If Marbury was an icon in China......Wade would be like Jesus.......

I'd do it. 8 mill a season for what.....a 25-30 game season?

The most he can get here is like 5.3 million.


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Jun 26, 2014
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Love is the only viable starter.

Hill declined.

JR, well see JR in the playoffs....

TT is a rebounder and a defender.

Korver is an outside shooting specialist.

Osman averaged what.....5ppg last season?

Sexton will be a rookie.

Take off the homer goggles.
Forgot Hood (if they re-sign him) and Clarkson but neither is going to help than win a lot more.