That's a gigantic lie
Van Gundy and Jackson really wailing on the Thunder today for lack of effort on defense. They have done everything but call for Donovan’s head. I’ll do it, he has to go.
Unfortunately, no. I'm at work. I will correct that as soon as I get home. lol
I think it's a formality after they lose their playoff series.....
GAG JOB!! LOL lost their last 4 games to GAG, CHOKE away the 8th spot in the East to powerhouses like Orlando and Detroit and Brooklyn. LOL.....And when the Cavs actually do something or finish ahead of the Heat, get back to me.
Until then..... just your usual 100,000 meaningless words.
GAG JOB!! LOL lost their last 4 games to GAG, CHOKE away the 8th spot in the East to powerhouses like Orlando and Detroit and Brooklyn. LOL.....
the end of the Pat Riley era everyonbody!!!!
Doesn’t matter.
Todays game was prob better to watch then any game they would have played in playoffs.
But why did Lebron go to Miami if he was the better player than Wade? Why not convince Wade to go from Miami to Cleveland?