True Lakers Fan
Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Except that Island isn't in Miami - You can't have an island in the middle of the city. The highland is off the shore on the ocean and with all due respect there are other things that are quite nice to see in Miami -I've been to Disneyworld, Bellingrath Gardens, and Fort Pickens. On the smaller end of things there is St Anne's cathedral that really light it up for Christmas. I will be mindful of your Island, however will check it out sometime if it's not in hurricane season when I am there. By the way - I don't think you get to tell people what defines a fan. Your statement is meaningless on that oneHave u ever been on the private island in Miami. I am talking about the Mandarin. Once you stayed there u can call yourself a miami fan. I go every year...So i am more up to date with the heat tbh