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Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
Fav. Team #1
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Not trying to sound harsh but I'm not sure how I feel about a 'C' league. The MBBRL was established to assemble the 'cream of the crop' - it started with the 12 most active (and seemingly knowledgeable) posters on CBS, then grew to 23 with the advent of the 'B' (the 24th was the drone). Oblivion was included strictly as a means to weed out the less successful of those 24. Thus, there is always potential for an additional 2 'new' folks to move in.

Not taking anything from the nominees, but it seems like adding another 11 or 12 posters for yet another MBBRL league, waters the foundation of the MBBRL down. As for oblivion, by rule, it will always be there in some form or another since the same move up/down criteria would have to be applied to the 'B' and 'C' as for 'A' and 'B'.

In the end, I think I've vote no to expansion - but probably could be persuaded otherwise (with some really good rationale).

BTW - there is nothing preventing anyone from starting their own competitive splinter league. ...

I think the C league would actually make it stronger because more players are introduced. You are not making it to the A league unless you have serious skills. The more leagues, the more quality players and the overall league gets stronger and more competitive.

That list of 7 nominees is a rock solid group. Even if the other 4/5 that come along with them were just serviceable, the league as a whole gets stronger by adding them.

Like Bandit said, I can not in good faith vote to remove either of the two guys in oblivion, but I really would like to see all 7 of the nominees get a legit shot. At least 4 have a track record of success in MBBRL leagues and the other 3 seem like very active players who would make strong additions.

If we are worried about MBBRL traditions being upheld, all it takes is communication with the new owners. Any new C leaguers who don't meet the standards for MBBRL activity automatically get cast to oblivion regardless of how their team does.

We might not have 12 right now, but we have 7 really good ones. Who knows, perhaps Scape or even the great one could be talked into taking a team for next season. We would be missing a great opportunity if we did not move on this now.

Lastly, I do want you all to consider one more thing:

In year 2 of the MBBRL, you were in a very similar place. You had the A league in place along with 5-6 ready for the B league. Barilko and I were rather late additions. Me right before the draft, and Barilko after. Had you all not taken the chance on adding a few unknowns to the mix 5 years ago, the A league might not have survived the CBS message board collapse.

Potential influx of new talent is what makes this league so great. Let's make sure these guys all get the chance they deserve. Let's go MBBRL C!


He's no good to me dead!
Mar 22, 2011
Jax, FL
Hoopla Cash
$ 350.34
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If we were to add a C league does that include relegation and promotion similar to the top two of B league moving up? If so that is alot of moving parts but could be alot of fun assuming we could get the necessary quality owners for a C league, which I would say we are well on our way to that.

I am not an original so I feel lucky to be included in with the rest of the B league, hopefully A league after this weekend, and consider this my favorite and most competitive league to be a part of so I would not want to stand in the way of someone else getting the same enjoyment. However I do agree that a line needs to be drawn somewhere.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
Fav. Team #1
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I can see your point Harold, and understand that 'limiting' to 24, or 36, or heck even 48, probably leaves some really good FF players out. But there has to be a line somewhere, otherwise the criteria for membership just becomes - I've seen something he posted one time and liked it. ..... not all, but many of the names I see as nominees are only active here during the season - - not year-round like the core group has always been. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that people have lives outside of fantasy football, but in my opinion that was not what made the MBBRL what it is.

As for oblivion, keep it or remove it - no major issue from me on that. ....

If the majority wants to expand, that's fine, but I'd still likely vote no at this point.


I am not active during the offseason because I play fantasy basketball and baseball just as religiously. I think the key is adding as many strong players as we can. I agree the last couple spots may be hard to fill, but it is okay if we miss on a couple as long as we get to add the good ones. Bad owners are not getting promoted and they will get cast out as worthy replacements are found.


MLS....come to STL!!!
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 7,521.41
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I vote yes to the c league
My 1st nomination for C would be @Brees#1
I might be in the minority there, but always like giving someone a shot who thinks theyve got what it takes.

Brees1 - Join the league if we go through with it. Best way to test your fantasy mettle, free of cost.
Not about being right or wrong, all about results.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I vote yes to the c league
My 1st nomination for C would be @Brees#1
I might be in the minority there, but always like giving someone a shot who thinks theyve got what it takes.

Brees1 - Join the league if we go through with it. Best way to test your fantasy mettle, free of cost.
Not about being right or wrong, all about results.

I know Ram was a B leaguer at first, where you with us there too, or were you an original? I can't remember.

I would be okay wout Brees in the C league. his team better not be bottom 2 though!


Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Figured I'd be in a minority on my views of adding more players, but that's ok. I only have one vote and one opinion. But if you end up doing a 'C' then the rules for moving up and down - AND oblivion should follow. So in the end a couple of guys stand the chance of getting booted out anyway. ....

I do not know enough about any of the names listed for inclusion so I can't, in good conscience, endorse anyone.


MLS....come to STL!!!
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 7,521.41
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I know Ram was a B leaguer at first, where you with us there too, or were you an original? I can't remember.

I would be okay wout Brees in the C league. his team better not be bottom 2 though!

Think i came on 1 yr before B league was created


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2013
Heinz Field
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I'm not for aC league whatsoever. We've got 24 now, and what? 6 nominees? No one is bring up more names, (no SP, no matter how hard you lobby Brees doesn't count. Not interested in an owner that can't even grasp the concept of being invited), which means we'd be stretching it to get to 36 and we're already running into questionable sportsmanship that we never dreamt of when we started this thing. Highly highly recommend no C league...the whole damned thing could collapse
hey u nominated him last yesr


He's no good to me dead!
Mar 22, 2011
Jax, FL
Hoopla Cash
$ 350.34
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I would support Brees for a C league. Give him a chance and he is less likely to ask for lineup advice from his leaguemates/opponents for fear of getting bad advice.

However I say give him a chance.


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I would support Brees for a C league. Give him a chance and he is less likely to ask for lineup advice from his leaguemates/opponents for fear of getting bad advice.

However I say give him a chance.
Ha, he already says it's bad advice.

And as discussed above, tried to give him a chance


Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
One final thought then I'm off the issue of expansion. Since breakdown and championship are the primary criteria for moving up/down, and oblivion has become an issue - why not just expand the two existing leagues to 14 ??

That offers 2 new faces and eliminates the need to send two into exile (for this yr). .... I'd be much more in favor of that than yet another league. ....


He's no good to me dead!
Mar 22, 2011
Jax, FL
Hoopla Cash
$ 350.34
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
One final thought then I'm off the issue of expansion. Since breakdown and championship are the primary criteria for moving up/down, and oblivion has become an issue - why not just expand the two existing leagues to 14 ??

That offers 2 new faces and eliminates the need to send two into exile (for this yr). .... I'd be much more in favor of that than yet another league. ....
I think there is good and bad here. I like the idea of avoiding exile for two quality owners however I dont like expanding to 14 teams. I think 12 is a good number for these leagues. I know that puts us in a tough spot for inclusion of new folks but I think going from 12 to 14 changes the dynamic of the league.


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I'm truly surprised that there's this much support for the idea. Guys, we're not even 6 months removed from not finding viable candidates to nominate for last years' oblivion. I do not want to be scrambling each and every August to find 2-4 owners beside we keep adding owners we aren't sure are dedicated to sticking around and just disappear without a trace.

Some have mentioned not wanting to "vote out" the current two, can't find a good reason. Well...first off, I prefer to look at it more as voting others in, not so much them out..helps me make that call, personally. But secondly, the 1st and foremost requirement for membership into MBBRL is be active on the boards. Outside of the MBBRL threads, where have they been?? Is there any doubts that all of the nominees have been much more active?? And thirdly, given what's happened in D1, and some would argue that has carried over into BATG (as those concerns where shared in PM's, I won't name names by it was multiple), there's a VERY good reason to vote one member out.


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 89,217.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
the way I see it... I think C-league is a good idea... And I don't think it is necessary to have a full 12 team league... Maybe we can even change the rules(depending on # of owners) in the C-league to test the owners whether they deserve to make it to the B-league...

Oblivion sucks, instead of oblivion, you are sent to the C-league where you have to fight to get back... there would be no oblivion in the C-league... Unless we ever get enough interest to start a D-league... we are not watering anything down, in fact we are just improving and promoting our community...

I am all in for brees to be a member of the C-league...

Sam Sportboy

Can't all be winners kid
Apr 17, 2013
My own private Idaho
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.74
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Well hell, I didn't think one little comment would start this much conversation but what can I say? I've always been good at that. So here's my take. I can see both sides as I'm sure we have all been in scramble mode before having to call around to get one more owner to fill a league and it sucks. I can totally see that happening unless we do have 12 more owners well before we need to plan for the drafts. IMO that is a given. Would be nice for Scape and Will to make a comeback, even give Duff a shout out. Now where I agree with TREFF 100% is on board activity. I was scared shitless last year as I was not able to be as active as I once was but I was also straight out with it and yoose guise gave me kind of a pass so I don't want to sound like a hip-o-crit but I think that is important and was one of the criteria to get into this/these leagues in the first place.

Now as far as what happened in D1, I'm not in that league and I have a vague idea of what happened and that is something that we can not allow in any of OUR leagues IMO, however, if we are going to use that to send somebody into oblivion then we all need to know the facts and all should vote, otherwise I would have to go by what I've seen/noticed when it comes down to it.
Bottom line for me is this: Most of you have been with me through a lot of shit. Granny dying, new job, moving from Utah to Idaho and all kinds of other stupid shit. There is no way I want to mess with this league or the integrity of this league................but if we had 12 more strong posters I would not be against an expansion.

And I would vote Brees in too

Now I'm going to go read some more of the MWHS thread. I'm to the part where @leftypower is ready to kill @The Foot


Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I think there is good and bad here. I like the idea of avoiding exile for two quality owners however I dont like expanding to 14 teams. I think 12 is a good number for these leagues. I know that puts us in a tough spot for inclusion of new folks but I think going from 12 to 14 changes the dynamic of the league.

I'm not going to argue with you guys for a 'C' league - but the expansion to 14 was put out there as a compromise to add a couple of more guys into the mix and save a couple from oblivion. Also saving us from, as Treff points out, searching for quality/active members each yr.

Yes, 14 would 'change the dynamics' but not nearly as much as trying to keep tabs on yet another league. IMO - going from 12 to 14 merely lessen the quality of players available at each pick, thus, making the draft a little tougher - but that's about it.

I'm kind of over this discussion - you guys hash it out.


He's no good to me dead!
Mar 22, 2011
Jax, FL
Hoopla Cash
$ 350.34
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I'm not going to argue with you guys for a 'C' league - but the expansion to 14 was put out there as a compromise to add a couple of more guys into the mix and save a couple from oblivion. Also saving us from, as Treff points out, searching for quality/active members each yr.

Yes, 14 would 'change the dynamics' but not nearly as much as trying to keep tabs on yet another league. IMO - going from 12 to 14 merely lessen the quality of players available at each pick, thus, making the draft a little tougher - but that's about it.

I'm kind of over this discussion - you guys hash it out.
Honestly I am good either way.


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Can't believe in even having to ask this, as I can't for the life of me understand why anyone thinks a C league is a good idea, but, do we need a poll?

Edited- if this crazy idea passes a poll and a 3rd league is created to join the Keepers of the Flame, and Barbarian's at the Gate, I'm using my commissioner's authority to name it "Trolls under the Bridge", end of story