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Days are HUGE. In one day, Benjamin and Jordy can tear the knees up. One league benefiting from that with points and league swapping going on? I don't like the sounds of that.

At least if everyone drafts at the same time, we all get screwed.

:doh: Now I get it. Forgot about the inter league point competition. I knew there had to be a good reason.


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
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Days are HUGE. In one day, Benjamin and Jordy can tear the knees up. One league benefiting from that with points and league swapping going on? I don't like the sounds of that.

At least if everyone drafts at the same time, we all get screwed.
Gah..yeah, wasnt thinking about that aspect...very valid point


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
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Gagged the whole time while typing it up, but C league poll is up...
Damn you guys if this passes


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
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With the talk of the C league, I figured I needed to share my view of what this league is about. To me it is not about how often you post on this board, it is about 12 people (per league) who do not give up on their teams no matter what. How easy is it to have a year like I did this year, one injury and one waiver replacement? The real test of MBBRL is fighting it out when you know that your team is carp. @Stomp beat me the week we played even though I had one of the best teams and he had one of the worst. Because he never gave up. The two years before this one, injuries and bad drafting killed me, but I was able to fight my way out of oblivion one year and only be in it by 1/2 a point the other. If we do a C league, the 12 people have to know that you DO NOT give up no matter what.


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Sep 1, 2011
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With the talk of the C league, I figured I needed to share my view of what this league is about. To me it is not about how often you post on this board, it is about 12 people (per league) who do not give up on their teams no matter what. How easy is it to have a year like I did this year, one injury and one waiver replacement? The real test of MBBRL is fighting it out when you know that your team is carp. @Stomp beat me the week we played even though I had one of the best teams and he had one of the worst. Because he never gave up. The two years before this one, injuries and bad drafting killed me, but I was able to fight my way out of oblivion one year and only be in it by 1/2 a point the other. If we do a C league, the 12 people have to know that you DO NOT give up no matter what.
Absolutely never give up. That's a sin.


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
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With the talk of the C league, I figured I needed to share my view of what this league is about. To me it is not about how often you post on this board, it is about 12 people (per league) who do not give up on their teams no matter what. How easy is it to have a year like I did this year, one injury and one waiver replacement? The real test of MBBRL is fighting it out when you know that your team is carp. @Stomp beat me the week we played even though I had one of the best teams and he had one of the worst. Because he never gave up. The two years before this one, injuries and bad drafting killed me, but I was able to fight my way out of oblivion one year and only be in it by 1/2 a point the other. If we do a C league, the 12 people have to know that you DO NOT give up no matter what.
would never argue any of that whatsoever.

but the point about posting was that it has forever been the only real requirement to be a member..be a strong, active participant in the fantasy football message board community. we never cared if you thought you were good enough just that you cared enough to come here and talk about the hobby we're all pretty passionate about. Posting advice or even just questions, isn't what makes you a good fantasy owner..it's what makes you a valued member of the community, and thus a valued member of the league. It will always be..at least as long as a few of us originals are around and still running the show..the single most important criteria for entry and for hanging around


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
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would never argue any of that whatsoever.

but the point about posting was that it has forever been the only real requirement to be a member..be a strong, active participant in the fantasy football message board community. we never cared if you thought you were good enough just that you cared enough to come here and talk about the hobby we're all pretty passionate about. Posting advice or even just questions, isn't what makes you a good fantasy owner..it's what makes you a valued member of the community, and thus a valued member of the league. It will always be..at least as long as a few of us originals are around and still running the show..the single most important criteria for entry and for hanging around

I do post regularly and always read what is being said in all MBBRL leagues. But I do not tend to post much on the Who should I start threads.

My point was more I don't care if you are the worst team builder there is as long as you keep trying.

And no I don't think you were singling me out @TREFF I just was stating where I post.:suds:


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
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I do post regularly and always read what is being said in all MBBRL leagues. But I do not tend to post much on the Who should I start threads.

My point was more I don't care if you are the worst team builder there is as long as you keep trying.

And no I don't think you were singling me out @TREFF I just was stating where I post.:suds:
Naw, I was using the word you as a general term referring to anyone we were consideringas an owner, not you as in you.

I never post there either, most people ask those same questions right here


RIP to the real Bandit
Jul 13, 2013
Titusville, FL
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Wow I had a lot of catching up to do. A couple of things from me:

One thing is that I don't really post much in any other message board other than the MBBRL main and the B league page. i just don't have time to do go into other boards to answer questions and shoot the shit. Between the 8 leagues I'm in, doing the standings for the A and B league and having a 3 and a 1 year old, all while running my own insurance business out of the house, my time is tapped.

Two is that I don't post much in the off-season, really the suicide league draft is my first welcome back each year and I'm fine with that. I need five months or so to wind down as I'm sure Treff does also with his commissioner duties.

Three is that after much thought about the subject, I think that the C league would be a bad idea. I know it's already up in a poll, but here's my thought. We are nominating people right now and asking them if they are interested, but this is the peak of fantasy football interest. It's playoff and Super Bowl weeks etc. The hard part is getting people to pay attention in July and August when we are trying to get everything together. If somebody doesn't log in to this page until August 15th, they are not for us and I think that is going to be the hard part in filling a C league. As a commissioner of a league, I know how hard it is to get everybody back going with wake up calls each year.

Four is that I'm assuming we would have to amend the rules that the bottom two of the C league would be up for oblivion, the bottom two of the B league will go down the C league, the top two of the C league would move up to the B league, the bottom two from the A league would move down to the B league and the top two from the B league would move up to the A league.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2015
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As an outsider and reading the post's, I can see both sides...but someone mentioned the C league as a "prove it league" and that kind of caught my attention. I think you can do so much with this league. I kind of look at it like the "minor league" or "development league". You gotta prove your dedication, skills and worth to move up. You can kind of use this league to promote people who need to replace an owner, of if someone in the A/B league needed to take a step back for whatever reason, can be move to the C league instead of being replaced. If someone in the A/B league is not performing, well back down to the minors you go. You can make the C league anything you want, make it different. You can have 8 team with some small ass roster and bench spots. I mean, you can make the C league as difficult (or not) as possible...I think this way it does not mess up your original plans for A/B..Look of course I want to join, I love good competition and have take over some shitty ass teams before. I look forward to the challenge and would be more than willing to prove I can play in the "big leagues" Just my two cents...


You fell victim to one of the classic blunders.
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,500.00
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Wow. Lots of comments on both sides.

I still stick to my original thoughts.
A third C league would be good. But only if the numbers for a full 12 (or 11) are there.
Love the "Trolls Under the Bridge" league name. Perfect.

Here's where I see a potential problem with a C: Suppose you have 2 or 3 owners that give up. Or become M.I.A. at some point in the season. Rules may dictate that 2 teams move up. But is it fair to have 2 Barbarians move down to a league where there is only 75% participation?

  • In a sense this is good. It weeds out the folks who talk the talk but won't walk the walk.
  • So perhaps there needs to be an amendment that if the C doesn't come within, say, 200 points of the B or A league average, no one moves down to the C. (In other words, the C league needs to police itself a little.)

As Bandit said, rules would need to be adjusted for a C.
Also, as far as nominees are concerned, I'd rather see tougher rules for members that have left the MBBRL voluntarily and then decide down the line that they want to come back. As opposed to rules that subjugate active members who keep their team competitive and force them out (oblivion).

As for the "posting" rule... I still would like to see some more regular posts from active MBBRL members.
I realize "real life" gets in the way of fantasy at times.
But post about it. We're family. Let us know your difficulties. We're more likely to cut you some slack than harp on it.
Quoting a post and making a brief comment about it is still posting. As is posting a picture.
Doesn't have to be an in-depth look at whether Prosise will devalue Rawls' value next season.
Or similar topic.

Last night (Tuesday), the infamous former MBBRL member who shaped the format we're all discussing was sneaking a peak at the nominee thread:



Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I miss WW...

help us Obi-Wan Wan Wilwhite...you're our only hope:hope:


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Wow I had a lot of catching up to do. A couple of things from me:

One thing is that I don't really post much in any other message board other than the MBBRL main and the B league page. i just don't have time to do go into other boards to answer questions and shoot the shit. Between the 8 leagues I'm in, doing the standings for the A and B league and having a 3 and a 1 year old, all while running my own insurance business out of the house, my time is tapped.

Two is that I don't post much in the off-season, really the suicide league draft is my first welcome back each year and I'm fine with that. I need five months or so to wind down as I'm sure Treff does also with his commissioner duties.

Three is that after much thought about the subject, I think that the C league would be a bad idea. I know it's already up in a poll, but here's my thought. We are nominating people right now and asking them if they are interested, but this is the peak of fantasy football interest. It's playoff and Super Bowl weeks etc. The hard part is getting people to pay attention in July and August when we are trying to get everything together. If somebody doesn't log in to this page until August 15th, they are not for us and I think that is going to be the hard part in filling a C league. As a commissioner of a league, I know how hard it is to get everybody back going with wake up calls each year.

Four is that I'm assuming we would have to amend the rules that the bottom two of the C league would be up for oblivion, the bottom two of the B league will go down the C league, the top two of the C league would move up to the B league, the bottom two from the A league would move down to the B league and the top two from the B league would move up to the A league.
Bandit, if there is ever antone who would get cut slack for not posting frequently outside of the main league threads..you're the guy. The extra work you put in is a HUGE reason why these leagues are as enjoyable as they are. No one would ever say your not doing your part


I aint drunk Im just drinking
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,405.67
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Heres hoping u create a C league Im just trying to get my foot in the door
I think the biggest thing is being active If u R any good at fantasy ( with alot of luck thrown in) hopefully can move up to the next level:suds:


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Heres hoping u create a C league Im just trying to get my foot in the door
I think the biggest thing is being active If u R any good at fantasy ( with alot of luck thrown in) hopefully can move up to the next level:suds:
That's the idea...btw, I didn't chime in in your nomination....totally behind you, hope you make it in


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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I haven't chimed in on this yet.

There are a lot of nominees who Id vauge for. Guys I do Mocks with, guys I've played fantasy with. And Rich, who has been an acquired taste in my years here at tHoop.

But my votes will go to Micro and Stomp when the time comes.


Fantasy Football Guru--??
Apr 17, 2013
Colorado-behind enemy lines
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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So with the C league idea defeated, or at least put on hold to be revisited when there is a few more applicants..

And @molsaniceman ...
Are any and or all of you still accepting of your nominations to potentially join the Barbarian's at the Gate in 2017?
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