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2017 Deadline


Sep 6, 2011
Northern Virginia
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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I don't discount the possibility that Cueto may yet opt out, for two reasons. One is the hubris of the athlete. Frequently, even in the light of a bad year, they think that their talent and appeal are undiminished, that they are still the badassest of all badasses. Cueto doesn't strike me as someone who would necessarily be immune to that sort of thinking. But linked to that is the second reason: athletes can usually count on some dimwit owner or GM who just can't resist the shiny new bauble. Cueto might reasonably expect that someone will willingly ignore his 'off year' and instead focus on last year or previous years as being his true north.

If he does stay, that has to mean Moore is a goner, right? I mean, we can't keep Cueto AND Moore AND Sammy, that would be (IMHO) borderline crazy.

On the other hand, I never dreamed that we would bring back Sandoval, and yet here we are.


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Hoopla Cash
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I don't discount the possibility that Cueto may yet opt out, for two reasons. One is the hubris of the athlete. Frequently, even in the light of a bad year, they think that their talent and appeal are undiminished, that they are still the badassest of all badasses. Cueto doesn't strike me as someone who would necessarily be immune to that sort of thinking. But linked to that is the second reason: athletes can usually count on some dimwit owner or GM who just can't resist the shiny new bauble. Cueto might reasonably expect that someone will willingly ignore his 'off year' and instead focus on last year or previous years as being his true north.

If he does stay, that has to mean Moore is a goner, right? I mean, we can't keep Cueto AND Moore AND Sammy, that would be (IMHO) borderline crazy.

On the other hand, I never dreamed that we would bring back Sandoval, and yet here we are.
My answer on whether Moore comes back will be based on how the FO actually does in fulfilling their promise to "play the kids".


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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I don't discount the possibility that Cueto may yet opt out, for two reasons. One is the hubris of the athlete. Frequently, even in the light of a bad year, they think that their talent and appeal are undiminished, that they are still the badassest of all badasses. Cueto doesn't strike me as someone who would necessarily be immune to that sort of thinking. But linked to that is the second reason: athletes can usually count on some dimwit owner or GM who just can't resist the shiny new bauble. Cueto might reasonably expect that someone will willingly ignore his 'off year' and instead focus on last year or previous years as being his true north.

If he does stay, that has to mean Moore is a goner, right? I mean, we can't keep Cueto AND Moore AND Sammy, that would be (IMHO) borderline crazy.

On the other hand, I never dreamed that we would bring back Sandoval, and yet here we are.

It really depends on this next 2 months. If he pitches great, I'm sure he'll opt-out. The Giants are a sinking ship and I'm sure he can see that, on top of everything you said re: ego.

Moore isn't going anywhere though. He has a nice contract and you can't easily give up on that hope that he becomes good again. His contract has team options the next 2 years so the Giants can cut bait next year if it's hopeless. Have to give him 1 more shot though, Giants can't let that potential get away.