Well-Known Member
The Lunacy And Racism Of Asking Lamar Jackson To Play Receiver
Great points and an interesting read.
That article jerks the knee a little bit too much.
First off, asking whether someone CAN play another position is not the same as saying that you are going to play that player at another position. It's not like it has never happened before. Eric Crouch was a Heisman award winner who never even got a shot at playing QB. He was drafted as a DB. He was white. Terrelle Pryor was drafted as a QB but shifted to WR.
I'm pretty down on Lamar Jackson. I'm also really down on Josh Allen. However if I was asked to choose between the two I would probably take Jackson ESPECIALLY if he could switch a WR if he doesn't pan out as WR.
I would argue that Josh Allen is a great example of how teams don't care about skin color and fall in love with measurables.
7 teams had starting QBs in the NFL that were black including 2 that are legitimate MVP level players, Wilson and Newton. Too fall back to the trope of claiming the NFL doesn't trust black QBs is pretty silly.