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2017-2018 NBA Regular Season Thread


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Had no idea this happened. Skip is such a bitch lol



Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 102,675.00
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Had no idea this happened. Skip is such a bitch lol

Yeah this was a big deal back then. I watched it a bunch of times and it was hilarious. Skip is the ultimate hypocrite.

Dude was still trying to justify how good he was in his explanation. He said he was a three point shooter and his coach didn't want him to shoot. It was hilarious.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 102,675.00
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This makes me so sick @Mecca @CitySushi

Yeah, it's ridiculous. The kids supported him even after knowing they were cut out. They just loved their dad and wanted to help him out.

I really hope Craig Jr. gets some help from TNT or something. That'd be a great gesture on their part.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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This makes me so sick @Mecca @CitySushi

Gave him 2 bone marrow transplants.

Very painful procedure.

Look, if shit doesn't work out with me and Latino Heat and I get with some Dude later and have another kid, means dick as far as my children are concerned.

The young ones need financial support, I get that.

But, you intentionally excluded the older ones completely and then made your current wife's Mom as the 2nd alternate, not your adult children?


Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Yeah, it's ridiculous. The kids supported him even after knowing they were cut out. They just loved their dad and wanted to help him out.

I really hope Craig Jr. gets some help from TNT or something. That'd be a great gesture on their part.
Loved it when they had Jr. do the Popovich interview.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I know a lot of Knicks fans. I can't tell you how many times over the last 20 years I've heard them say that so and so is coming to MSG because everyone wants to play in New York.

The difference is, the Lakers have actually won in the last 20 years. Now, that Short Buss is gone, they also appear to have the right people in place and are headed in the right direction. The Knicks still have Dolan and at best, are spinning their wheels.

Sure there is a certain cachet to winning in LA or New York. But winning still takes precedence.

No doubt winning takes precedent and for Lebron to come, he'll need to feel like he can win. I don't think it's going to take the number of wins you think it will though. Lebron knows he's not coming by himself. So, he doesn't need to feel like he can win with this team as currently constructed. He'll need to feel like he can win with the core group and whatever max guy comes with him.

Kyria and Lovw were already all stars. Ingram, Kuzma, Ball, and Nance are not.

Kyrie and Love had also been in the league longer, so they had a lot more chances to get there.

Ingram has improved for sure. But he is still limited until he eats a few more cheeseburgers. Regardless, my point isn't that these guys CAN'T be all stars. My point is that Lebron needs to feel comfortable that they will become all starts NEXT YEAR.

I don't think he needs to feel like they have to be all stars. He just needs to feel like he can win with them. He knows that point guard and small forward are 2 of the deepest positions, especially in the West. So, Ball and Ingram can be very good and players that he can win with and still not make the all star team.

Every system works for Lebron.

Working for him and being a perfect fit are not the same thing. Some offenses work better than others. He won't have to force Luke's system to work for him, it already plays to what he likes to do.

Also, ever since his last year in Miami, the narrative has been that Lebron doesn't want to have to carry so much of the load. Yet, it seems like his load increases every year. He had to be the facilitator in Cleveland because Kyrie is a score first point guard. That's not going to change with IT.

With the Lakers, he won't have to be a facilitator all of the time. He'll have Lonzo who is all about keeping the ball moving and isn't looking for his own shot first or even 2nd or 3rd.

I hate the Knicks as much as anyone but I fundamentally disagree that Dolan is worse than Gilbert. The Cavs are relevant SOLELY because they hit the jackpot on 2 No. 1 picks over the past 15 years. That is purely despite Gilbert's efforts to destroy the team. Dolan is desperate to win but simply picks the wrong guys. He's brought into numerous Hall of Famers that have failed.

Either way, it still adds up to an owner who doesn't know what the hell he's doing. I doubt Dolan will give carte blanche to anyone. he had never even attempted to do that until he hired Phil. After that clusterfuck, I doubt he'll be eager to do it again, even for Lebron.

But Lebron isn't going to join a team that he thinks will take a couple of years to compete.

The point you seem to be missing is that it doesn't necessarily have to take a couple of years. As I keep saying. Lebron isn't coming to the Lakers by himself. He would be coming in with another max guy. Also, the Lakers will have to get rid of quite a few players to open up cap space. So, there would also be some veterans coming in on vet minimum type deals as well. In many ways, it would be a lot like when he went to Cleveland.

I'm a Sixers fan. I would love to see Lebron come to Philly. And there is certainly an argument to be made as to why Philly would be a great destination for him. However for that to be a possibility I think the Sixers MUST make the playoffs and at least play hard in the playoffs, and ideally win one series. Otherwise Lebron is better off staying in Cleveland another year.

As far as Lebron playing anywhere but LA or Cleveland...Philly is the only team that worries me. I don't think they necessarily need to make the playoffs either, although they probably will in the East. I just think they need to play well and show that they are willing and able to bring in another max guy.

Depending on how things go the rest of the season, I could see Lebron trying to decide between the Lakers and Philly and it may come down to whether or not he's just tired of playing in the East. lol

He's on the clock right now. I'm CERTAIN he wants to go somewhere that he can win 1 or 2 championships and where he won't be expected to be run the entire show.

On this, we both agree.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I want the Lakers to win X number of games, where X equals the number of wins where the Lakers wind up with the 6th worst record.

I'm not going took it up, but I'm assuming this has to with protections on their pick. lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I'm not going took it up, but I'm assuming this has to with protections on their pick. lol
If the pick lands 2 through 5... it goes to the C's