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2013 NCAA FB Season / 2014 NFL draft


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
So here's my couple-of-weeks-before-the-draft ideal mock (relatively realistic):

*49ers trade 56 & 2 3rd rounders for pick in mid-high 20's.
*49ers trade 30 + Lamichael James for pick in same range)

1a - (25 - 27ish range): Bradley Roby
1b - (same range): Louis Nix
2 - Donte Moncrief
Pick 100 (comp'): Dri Archer
4th round - Brandon Thomas
5th & later - BPA

I honestly don't remember what picks they have after the 5th round.

I would throw a party I this happened, but the one regret I'd have is that they couldn't get Marcus Martin & Kareem Martin somehow (no relation). But as ridiculous of value as Nix & Roby look like, you gotta get 'em IMO.


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Aug 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So here's my couple-of-weeks-before-the-draft ideal mock (relatively realistic):

*49ers trade 56 & 2 3rd rounders for pick in mid-high 20's.
*49ers trade 30 + Lamichael James for pick in same range)

1a - (25 - 27ish range): Bradley Roby
1b - (same range): Louis Nix
2 - Donte Moncrief
Pick 100 (comp'): Dri Archer
4th round - Brandon Thomas
5th & later - BPA

I honestly don't remember what picks they have after the 5th round.

I would throw a party I this happened, but the one regret I'd have is that they couldn't get Marcus Martin & Kareem Martin somehow (no relation). But as ridiculous of value as Nix & Roby look like, you gotta get 'em IMO.

I don't think there's anything remotely realistic about those trades

I do like the rest of it though. Lets make it happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
I don't think there's anything remotely realistic about those trades

I do like the rest of it though. Lets make it happen.

Both of 'em? The draft picks trade seems about right to me. Trading Lamichael James, on the other hand, is a little trickier; and I have no idea what he's worth. Probably have to part with a 5th rounder as well to make the 2nd one happen?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Both of 'em? The draft picks trade seems about right to me. Trading Lamichael James, on the other hand, is a little trickier; and I have no idea what he's worth. Probably have to part with a 5th rounder as well to make the 2nd one happen?

You'd have to trade the 30th pick and LMJ for a 2nd rounder. Just kidding.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2011
Cape Cod
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15.5 days to go. Too long and just around the corner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
draftcountdown released a 3-round mock if anyone cares: 2014 NFL Mock Draft - DraftCountdown.com

Niners' picks: Marqise Lee, Rashaud Breeland, Ed Stinson, Trent Murphy, Charles Sims, Aaron Colvin. Terrible. Except for the Murphy pick.

Interesting notes (not that this mock matters, but it's something to kill the next 15 days):

Kyle Fuller
at 18 (bit of a reach)
Roby at 24 :(
Louis Nix at 42!!! :drool:
Moncrief at 46 :poke:
Tuitt at 48. Very nice.
Marcus Martin at 58. Boooo.
Jordan Matthews at 60. Seriously??? Wow. A few GMs should be fired if that happens.
Lamarcus Joyner at 59. Sounds about right.

Jackson Jeffcoat
wasn't even in the first 3 rounds. Wow. He'd be a steal at 100 if he's there IMO. Either Skuta or Brooks would probably have to go to fit him on the roster though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
draftcountdown released a 3-round mock if anyone cares: 2014 NFL Mock Draft - DraftCountdown.com

Niners' picks: Marqise Lee, Rashaud Breeland, Ed Stinson, Trent Murphy, Charles Sims, Aaron Colvin. Terrible. Except for the Murphy pick.

Interesting notes (not that this mock matters, but it's something to kill the next 15 days):

Kyle Fuller
at 18 (bit of a reach)
Roby at 24 :(
Louis Nix at 42!!! :drool:
Moncrief at 46 :poke:
Tuitt at 48. Very nice.
Marcus Martin at 58. Boooo.
Jordan Matthews at 60. Seriously??? Wow. A few GMs should be fired if that happens.
Lamarcus Joyner at 59. Sounds about right.

Jackson Jeffcoat
wasn't even in the first 3 rounds. Wow. He'd be a steal at 100 if he's there IMO. Either Skuta or Brooks would probably have to go to fit him on the roster though.

There are a lot of good players going in the 40s of that mock. Wouldn't mind trying to get up there.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2011
San Luis Obispo
Hoopla Cash
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draftcountdown released a 3-round mock if anyone cares: 2014 NFL Mock Draft - DraftCountdown.com

Niners' picks: Marqise Lee, Rashaud Breeland, Ed Stinson, Trent Murphy, Charles Sims, Aaron Colvin. Terrible. Except for the Murphy pick.

Interesting notes (not that this mock matters, but it's something to kill the next 15 days):

Kyle Fuller
at 18 (bit of a reach)
Roby at 24 :(
Louis Nix at 42!!! :drool:
Moncrief at 46 :poke:
Tuitt at 48. Very nice.
Marcus Martin at 58. Boooo.
Jordan Matthews at 60. Seriously??? Wow. A few GMs should be fired if that happens.
Lamarcus Joyner at 59. Sounds about right.

Jackson Jeffcoat
wasn't even in the first 3 rounds. Wow. He'd be a steal at 100 if he's there IMO. Either Skuta or Brooks would probably have to go to fit him on the roster though.

Fuller > Roby

I wouldn't be upset if we had to trade up for him in that range.

Hate the Lee pick as well as most of that mock for us.


Sep 6, 2011
Northern Virginia
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
draftcountdown released a 3-round mock if anyone cares: 2014 NFL Mock Draft - DraftCountdown.com

Niners' picks: Marqise Lee, Rashaud Breeland, Ed Stinson, Trent Murphy, Charles Sims, Aaron Colvin. Terrible. Except for the Murphy pick.

Interesting notes (not that this mock matters, but it's something to kill the next 15 days):

Kyle Fuller
at 18 (bit of a reach)
Roby at 24 :(
Louis Nix at 42!!! :drool:
Moncrief at 46 :poke:
Tuitt at 48. Very nice.
Marcus Martin at 58. Boooo.
Jordan Matthews at 60. Seriously??? Wow. A few GMs should be fired if that happens.
Lamarcus Joyner at 59. Sounds about right.

Jackson Jeffcoat
wasn't even in the first 3 rounds. Wow. He'd be a steal at 100 if he's there IMO. Either Skuta or Brooks would probably have to go to fit him on the roster though.

I wouldn't say "terrible", necessarily. Lee isn't a horrible pick, though in my Fanspeak drafts (damn but that tool is more addictive than crack) I've been avoiding Lee like the plague. I think he can be good, but his last year at USC just raises too many alarm bells for me. Breeland would actually be a pretty good pick IF he were taken maybe 2 or 3 rounds later (I didn't click the link but given his positioning in your list I assume he was taken in the 2nd). Same with Stinson; I think he could be a great 3-4 end with some time BUT taking him that early would be a major reach. I think you could get him in the 4th or even the 5th. Sims & Colvin? Pfft, wasted picks. I guess I don't like Murphy as much as you do, but picking him wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen.

Jeffcoat not in the first 3 rounds sounds right to me. I think he's a 4th round talent. But I think we should use a 2nd or 3rd on Marcus Smith, so it's not a big deal to me. If we can't get Marcus (or for that matter, Chris) Smith, Jeffcoat would be a decent pick.


Jul 2, 2012
Charlotte, NC
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Am I missing something here? Why the hell isn't Allen Robinson talked about more on this board? I keep seeing so many post calling for Cooks, Beckham, Ellington, Moncrief, Richardson and Bryant, but Robinson looks better than all of them

This kid looks like a clone of Crabtree, and while some might see that as a bad thing, I say why not, because a good WR is a good WR, no matter what skillset they bring to the table. You start looking for players that do one thing well and that's when you start drafting bust like AJ Jenkins.

Robinson might not be a burner, but goddamn does this kid look like a future probowl caliber player to me. I would absolutely hate for us to not draft him and then Seattle takes him a couple of picks later.


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Am I missing something here? Why the hell isn't Allen Robinson talked about more on this board? I keep seeing so many post calling for Cooks, Beckham, Ellington, Moncrief, Richardson and Bryant, but Robinson looks better than all of them

This kid looks like a clone of Crabtree, and while some might see that as a bad thing, I say why not, because a good WR is a good WR, no matter what skillset they bring to the table. You start looking for players that do one thing well and that's when you start drafting bust like AJ Jenkins.

Robinson might not be a burner, but goddamn does this kid look like a future probowl caliber player to me. I would absolutely hate for us to not draft him and then Seattle takes him a couple of picks later.


You can tell this is not my account because I'm an AJ Jenkins apologist. I think Harbs had it in for him by starting the likes of Marlon Moore, Kyle Williams, etc all ahead of Jenkins.

You probably missed out on many of my Allen Robinson posts, but that sound somewhat like yours. Since we're on the topic,..

people were questioning whether or not it's possible to take .47 seconds off your 3-cone drill, well I took a look at Allen Robinson's 3-cone and it looks like a misstep could have resulted in a significantly higher time. On the last turn he seems to cut it inside too soon (go to :26 second mark)



True story
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Am I missing something here? Why the hell isn't Allen Robinson talked about more on this board? I keep seeing so many post calling for Cooks, Beckham, Ellington, Moncrief, Richardson and Bryant, but Robinson looks better than all of them

This kid looks like a clone of Crabtree, and while some might see that as a bad thing, I say why not, because a good WR is a good WR, no matter what skillset they bring to the table. You start looking for players that do one thing well and that's when you start drafting bust like AJ Jenkins.

Robinson might not be a burner, but goddamn does this kid look like a future probowl caliber player to me. I would absolutely hate for us to not draft him and then Seattle takes him a couple of picks later.

Because we are being told how absolutely horrid Roby is my the biggest Robinson fan, and then Robinson did nothing against Roby. So if Robinson is so great and Robys so horrid, why did Robinson look like crap vs a very bad ohio state defense? I know you can't go off of one match up. Just trying to get under some skin. :suds:


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Because we are being told how absolutely horrid Roby is my the biggest Robinson fan, and then Robinson did nothing against Roby. So if Robinson is so great and Robys so horrid, why did Robinson look like crap vs a very bad ohio state defense? I know you can't go off of one match up. Just trying to get under some skin. :suds:

I think this video should be proof enough that Roby 1st of all was rarely on A-Rob and that O'Brien had a horrible gameplan going in not looking for his #1 guy.
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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Oh, John Morton's going to check him out. Great. That guy has been fantastic at his job. :gaah:

Yeah- don't like that part of it. He hasn't been nearly as good as the rest of the coaching staff in the Harbs era.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Yeah- don't like that part of it. He hasn't been nearly as good as the rest of the coaching staff in the Harbs era.

I emailed Barrows to ask about it, just cause it's so baffling. He said Harbaugh and Morton are very close; Harbaugh actually moved in with Morton following his divorce from his first wife. Seems like a blind spot, one that is killing this team.