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Well-Known Member
werent you the one raving about all these useless stats the cutler puts up? now the guy whos system he was running inneficienly is gonna get an efficient quarterback to run it and a defense to back it up.
Get over it already. Sorry he is the scapegoat for hurting your beloved cutler, but he proved the offense works, he just didnt have the right quarterback to run it until McCown played.[/QUOTE
Just so I got this straight- I root for Jay Cutler (the QB of the Chicago Bears, that's your team too btw) and defend him using his stats (like ANY fan who makes a case for his player would) This means I can't dislike a HC who completely imploded his own team and threw my guy under the bus? Had odd notions on how to be a HC and when his team wasn't producing in ANY aspect of the game- Defense/Offense/Special teams. I have to give him credit for when my guy did good things?
What do I need to get over? Jay Cutler? Is that it? Ohhh That's gotta be it. I just have to stop liking Jay. Then I'll be a part of the cool kids! Yes!
PLEASE explain HOW Trestman PROVED his offense worked in 2014? Why were so many fans pissed about play calls. Run/pass Ratio? odd starts and stops in 2:00 situations? (shhh**I bet I know your answer!!***)
Are you telling me that you would have kept Tresty and his entire staff and all the off field problems and decision making- And the Bears would be GOOD... IF it wasn't for Jay Cutler? You think that would work? If the Bears simply had a different QB? It's all Jay's fault right? gah.