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May 26, 2013
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I find it hard to believe that the gun grabber in the White House would invite a RIFLE team there!!!!! Maybe once he meets them he will realize that people who shoot, hunt, etc are not all the thugs from Chicago that he thinks all shooters are!!!


Wetzel County Proud
May 15, 2013
Enoree SC
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I find it hard to believe that the gun grabber in the White House would invite a RIFLE team there!!!!! Maybe once he meets them he will realize that people who shoot, hunt, etc are not all the thugs from Chicago that he thinks all shooters are!!!

Good point Dad! :agree:


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I love it!!!! Let's GOOOOOOOO Mountaineers!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
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I find it hard to believe that the gun grabber in the White House would invite a RIFLE team there!!!!! Maybe once he meets them he will realize that people who shoot, hunt, etc are not all the thugs from Chicago that he thinks all shooters are!!!

You will have to show me the article that says differently, but I have yet to read or hear where Obama is against the second Ammendment....what I have heard him say is why does someone need to have a automatic weapon at home for protection?...like an AK-47 or Ouzzi?


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You will have to show me the article that says differently, but I have yet to read or hear where Obama is against the second Ammendment....what I have heard him say is why does someone need to have a automatic weapon at home for protection?...like an AK-47 or Ouzzi?

???????, REALLY???? WOW, :wtf2:

Summary: President Obama Gun Proposals

Obama Pledges Gun Control 'With Or Without Congress' In 2014 State of the Union Address


There are thousands more.............


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Sep 18, 2013
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Still don't quite see where it says he is BANNING the purchase of guns...do you even bother to read this stuff??..here...let me help you.......

From the very first link that you posted..........

Requires background checks for all gun sales and strengthens the background check system

Provides states with monetary incentives—$20 million in fiscal year FY 2013 and a proposed $50 million in FY 2014—to share information so that records on criminal history and people prohibited from gun ownership due to mental health reasons are more available

Bans military-style assault weapons and limits magazines to a capacity of 10 rounds

Provides additional tools to law enforcement. The plan proposes a crackdown on gun trafficking by asking Congress to pass legislation that closes “loopholes” in gun trafficking laws and establishes strict penalties for “straw purchasers” who pass a background check and then pass guns on to prohibited people

Urges Congress to pass the administration’s $4 billion proposal to keep 15,000 state and local police officers on the street to help deter gun crime

Maximizes efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime

Still missing that part were he is against the Second Ammendment...unless you are advocating that its Okay to permit, mentally impaired or felons convicted of gun crimes that they have a Second Ammendment right to carry weapons?...and that you are one of those that beleives you should be able to have armour peircing bullets available to you...and that the monies he wants to spend help law enforecement and schools stop the Columbines ang Va Tech tragedy's of the world...or are you saying u support gun crimes??:omg:

And again...more from the links you used above!!...

Most gun owners are responsible and law-abiding, and they use their guns
safely. The President strongly believes that the Second Amendment guarantees
an individual right to bear arms. But to better protect our children and our
communities from tragic mass shootings like those in Newtown, Aurora, Oak

Creek, and Tucson, there are four common-sense steps we can take right now.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
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Let's just talk sports then, if you think Obama supports the second amendment, there is nothing left to say to you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
The West by God Virginia hills
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Still don't quite see where it says he is BANNING the purchase of guns...do you even bother to read this stuff??..here...let me help you.......

From the very first link that you posted..........

Requires background checks for all gun sales and strengthens the background check system

Provides states with monetary incentives—$20 million in fiscal year FY 2013 and a proposed $50 million in FY 2014—to share information so that records on criminal history and people prohibited from gun ownership due to mental health reasons are more available

Bans military-style assault weapons and limits magazines to a capacity of 10 rounds

Provides additional tools to law enforcement. The plan proposes a crackdown on gun trafficking by asking Congress to pass legislation that closes “loopholes” in gun trafficking laws and establishes strict penalties for “straw purchasers” who pass a background check and then pass guns on to prohibited people

Urges Congress to pass the administration’s $4 billion proposal to keep 15,000 state and local police officers on the street to help deter gun crime

Maximizes efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime

Still missing that part were he is against the Second Ammendment...unless you are advocating that its Okay to permit, mentally impaired or felons convicted of gun crimes that they have a Second Ammendment right to carry weapons?...and that you are one of those that beleives you should be able to have armour peircing bullets available to you...and that the monies he wants to spend help law enforecement and schools stop the Columbines ang Va Tech tragedy's of the world...or are you saying u support gun crimes??:omg:

And again...more from the links you used above!!...

Most gun owners are responsible and law-abiding, and they use their guns
safely. The President strongly believes that the Second Amendment guarantees
an individual right to bear arms. But to better protect our children and our
communities from tragic mass shootings like those in Newtown, Aurora, Oak

Creek, and Tucson, there are four common-sense steps we can take right now.

Slippery slope, who gets labeled as "mentally impaired" once these laws are passed? I believe any and all weapons should be available to me should I wish to own it, missiles ect..included but that's just me and my view of freedom. Im sure the leftist commie scum like Obama in this country would call me "mentally impaired" :noidea: but imo, that's what makes them leftist commie scum.


Wetzel County Proud
May 15, 2013
Enoree SC
Hoopla Cash
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Calling Obama "the gun grabber in the white house" may be a bit circuitous but it is certainly not misguided. He would never come out and plainly say that guns need to be confiscated and banned, but I'm sure most can see the veiled implications of his direct statements and push for more gun legislation. His openly threatening moves against assault style rifles, magazine capacities and ammo type is indeed telling. There are existing laws on the books now that prohibit the permitting of firearms to convicted felons and "the mentally impaired".
We can go on forever debating whether it is the guns or the criminals that is the problem.
I do not hunt much anymore but I do visit the range quite frequently and if I want to rack off 30 rounds at a time then it is none of the government's damned business.
My family and I rest well at night knowing that this type of home security is within easy reach.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2013
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I would say the direction that this thread is going, it might be more appropriate for the fox news website.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
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Calling Obama "the gun grabber in the white house" may be a bit circuitous but it is certainly not misguided. He would never come out and plainly say that guns need to be confiscated and banned, but I'm sure most can see the veiled implications of his direct statements and push for more gun legislation. His openly threatening moves against assault style rifles, magazine capacities and ammo type is indeed telling. There are existing laws on the books now that prohibit the permitting of firearms to convicted felons and "the mentally impaired".
We can go on forever debating whether it is the guns or the criminals that is the problem.
I do not hunt much anymore but I do visit the range quite frequently and if I want to rack off 30 rounds at a time then it is none of the government's damned business.
My family and I rest well at night knowing that this type of home security is within easy reach.

Well..I guess this where the disagreement is...I respect your opinion...that is meant with sincerity..I am on the other side of the fence beleiving there is no place for armour piercing rounds on the streets and automatic weapons...I have no idea where you live, but just recently there was a mall shooting here in the DC area..the shooter was able to get off several rounds in no time and inflict a lot of damage with in seconds...if the gun was not automatic..then the percentages of damge inflicted would have drastically been reduced.......an the heels of that a DC cop was shot with a armour piercing round went right thru his vest...why would someone need that to hunt game with??


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
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Well..I guess this where the disagreement is...I respect your opinion...that is meant with sincerity..I am on the other side of the fence beleiving there is no place for armour piercing rounds on the streets and automatic weapons...I have no idea where you live, but just recently there was a mall shooting here in the DC area..the shooter was able to get off several rounds in no time and inflict a lot of damage with in seconds...if the gun was not automatic..then the percentages of damge inflicted would have drastically been reduced.......an the heels of that a DC cop was shot with a armour piercing round went right thru his vest...why would someone need that to hunt game with??

First off it was not an Automatic gun. The difference between a SIMI-AUTOMATIC and an AUTOMATIC is that the AUTOMATIC keeps shooting with one pull of the trigger. None of these shootings have been done with an AUTOMATIC. A SEMI-AUTOMATIC shoots a round with each pull of the trigger. Learn the difference, not what the media tells you.

It does not take an Armour piercing bullet to go thru a vest, just about any center fire rifle ammunition will go thru a vest.

"why would someone need that to hunt game with?" Well this is where the left gets things confused, NO WHERE in the second amendment does it protect MY RIGHT to own a hunting gun. It protects my right to own a gun to fight off a tyrannous government. The right to bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed upon. You tell me where it say I have a right to a hunting gun?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I find it hard to believe that the gun grabber in the White House would invite a RIFLE team there!!!!! Maybe once he meets them he will realize that people who shoot, hunt, etc are not all the thugs from Chicago that he thinks all shooters are!!!

I told you there was times I agree with you.........:agree: