Agree HHH has been doing a hell of his job with each project too tho. NXT played a massive role in upgrading the women's divisions. Some may be pushed a little too quick. But the over all quality took a major jump up. It may get overlooked at times but a lot of the top talent in the mens division rolled through NXT.Before being given full control of the WWE, Vince wants Trips to get his feet wet running NXT and yes he's done a terrific job with it. The same can be said with the Divas division.
Nope. If Bischoff's so great, why did his stint booking TNA with Hogan go so badly??? Bischoff booked 1 great angle (NWO) which he eventually ran into the ground and had zero followup to. Since he essentially stole the NWO angle from Japan and his booking stint didn't really last very long as he was replaced by Vince Russo (I believe) shortly after the NWO had run it's course, I don't know what booking chops you're referring to for Bischoff. Thinking about it, I'm not sure Bischoff ever had the book by himself either.It’s funny cause if HHH and his friends weren’t all d-bags at msg, is there even a WWE right now?
Or are we all debating bischoffs booking chops?
Nope. If Bischoff's so great, why did his stint booking TNA with Hogan go so badly??? Bischoff booked 1 great angle (NWO) which he eventually ran into the ground and had zero followup to. Since he essentially stole the NWO angle from Japan and his booking stint didn't really last very long as he was replaced by Vince Russo (I believe) shortly after the NWO had run it's course, I don't know what booking chops you're referring to for Bischoff. Thinking about it, I'm not sure Bischoff ever had the book by himself either.
Nope. If Bischoff's so great, why did his stint booking TNA with Hogan go so badly??? Bischoff booked 1 great angle (NWO) which he eventually ran into the ground and had zero followup to. Since he essentially stole the NWO angle from Japan and his booking stint didn't really last very long as he was replaced by Vince Russo (I believe) shortly after the NWO had run it's course, I don't know what booking chops you're referring to for Bischoff. Thinking about it, I'm not sure Bischoff ever had the book by himself either.