Judge Fudge
One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Good match.......
No need for those special effects
No need for those special effects
We got no controversial finishes, no cheap wins from cheating heels, no overbooked screwy matches, this was a straight forward show where everyone won on their own merits and for the biggest show of the year I'm glad WWE gave us 100% clean finishes in every match.
And Taker does what's best for business and puts Reigns over as he should.
Uh...did you see Orton/Wyatt? That was dumb AF
That show was too damn long. In the coming days maybe I'll feel more secure about how much I liked or didn't like it but right now I'm just burnt out by it. They need to lop off about 2 hours for future WMs
Except for maybe an extra 20 minutes or so thanks to the Network Wrestlemania has always been this long, WM is usually about 4 1/2-5 hours, now if you're counting being there live thanks to the 2 hour preshow making it like 7 hours then I'd agree.
That show was too damn long. In the coming days maybe I'll feel more secure about how much I liked or didn't like it but right now I'm just burnt out by it. They need to lop off about 2 hours for future WMs
My brother and i were like, fuck we need 2 36 packs and 10 pizzas to watch this.That show was too damn long. In the coming days maybe I'll feel more secure about how much I liked or didn't like it but right now I'm just burnt out by it. They need to lop off about 2 hours for future WMs
Uh...did you see Orton/Wyatt? That was dumb AF