Read my post on page 22 that says Wisconsin played really well. Kentucky was simply better.
Love how you arbitrary said that the Michigan game was 1/10th as good. I guess I can say the Wichita State vs Kentucky game was 100 times as good as any other game ever in the history of sports since there is no way anyone can ever prove against that because it is an opinion.
You can think that all you want. The difference is that I'm not going to troll you by making up lies about Wichita played poorly or tell you to "STFU and take it like a man" (because only real men use the phrase STFU) if you say it. I enjoy sports at the highs and the lows. I enjoyed both tonight, and though I am sad about the result, I'm happy for the effort and grit we showed.
You experience no highs or lows. You are just a mentally challenged, weak, emotionless, troll who thinks that "getting laid" on a campus 300 miles from me will somehow ease the pain. If you were a real sports fan, or even a real passionate person, you'd get it. You'd get that it's tough to emotionally invest yourself in a great group of people who work their ass off, only to come up short when they fought like hell. You'd get that it's a solemn occasion, but also a happy one to see how far they've come and remembering the memories you made. You would understand that sports are a part of who were are and more than an arbitrary box score.
But you don't get it, because you don't sports. You are here to troll. It's a shame. And it makes me sick that when the Bears win the title, someone like you can act all happy when you didn't go through the emotional roller coaster ride to get there.
I'll get over tonight, and I'll go back to the highs and lows of fandom. At the end of the day, you'll still be a pathetic schmuck trying to find someone to bring down, and not realizing that the journey makes the destination all the more better.