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Why isnt anyone talking about this? (Jag-Pats)

Pure Steel

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My Man, glad you enjoy, a lot of people ive told about it dont have the patience to let it play into its greatness

Season 4 is the greatest stuff ever
Does Cillian Murphy smoke a cigarette every 30 seconds?


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I don’t have a dog in this fight. It’s not a complaint if I don’t care. It’s just how things are.

I think its a bitch move to claim the referees don’t decide over 50% of professional sports games. They clearly do if you look at every game objectively.

God, you just never say anything that is even remotely intelligent.

I don't think I have ever seen a Bears game decided by officiating. Not once.


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#1 Im a NY Giants fan, the only thing I hate about the Patriots is when they arent on our schedule

Right... You clearly are unbiased here. :rolleyes2:

Lol... The Jack thing again? Dude, everyone and their mother watching the game, probably besides those two players thought Lewis looked down in real-time. I didn't even realize he had even lost the ball, at any point until Jack was up with it. Not to mention, that Lewis very well could have been touching Jack upon him gaining possession anyway. You also have no way of knowing if Jack would have scored... The whistle blew everyone on the field dead.

Not being able to change the outcome of a run, following a fumble recovery on a play that was blown dead. Is not exclusive to the Patriots. This is a regular occurrence in the league.

This is all just conjecture. If I wanted, right now. I could go make a lengthy video of every team in the NFL benefiting from calls, and frame it as them having "the refs conspiring with them".

You and the other tin-foiled hat wearing conspiracy theorists are behaving like children. "How could the greatest coach and QB of all-time win 6 titles in two decades! It's not like this is a league driven by coaching or QB play! There must be some other explanation!"

A hold? Really? Lol... Questionable holds. Holy shit, I never see that! Only in Pats games!

You people are beyond help. If those exact same plays happen with another team, the EXACT SAME game script. Nobody would even blink at any of those calls.

Funny how you stopped addressing the Gronk thing when it became apparent that it was a losing battle.

This is pathetic.

Listen, you love the Pats, no reason to expand that into a War and Peace version of "i Love the Pats"

That entire thing is a summary of the vomit inducing shit we read in this place every day

"The Pats opponent had 100 yards in penalties, and the Pats had 10 because Brady is great......Screw the video evidence that clearly shows the the Refs missing calls could be the reason the Jags didnt go to the SB"

There are a million pieces on the net claiming the Jags got robbed, dont be a defensive sensitive Pats humper that just lazily assumes "Oh they just hate the Pats".....Half the people writing these articles have praised the Pats over and over in the past

I knew from my couch in real time that Jack stripped that ball, so did a lot of people

As far as Gronk, I rested my case, his numbers stacked up with Kelce this season, the Pats dont lose without him, especially in big games.....This "No Question all time the greatest" is absolutely not without question, there is plenty of question surrounding that statement


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So it should have been 27-10 if called correctly

good, all this arguing for nothing

No... it would have been.

A) Jack down by contact


B) Jack running with the ball, and the play live. Therefore, Pats players actually in pursuit


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The ref on the White TD was busy being involved in the Pats TD dance, that may be the most incriminating tweet ever

And I didnt see the Amendola headbutt, its something Jags players discussed over and over after the game

As far as the Dion Lewis hold, there is a clear image of it inside another thread I dont remember, but it was as clear as day

1. Funny, stupid but funny
2. You sound like Tgann arguing something you didn't see that's brilliant. One of those same players who was proclaiming going to the SB and winning dat bitch. That guy? "He head butted my boy, right infront of the ref and nothing". Enjoy eating your crow Ramsey.
3. That was a still photo of course it looks like a hold. It likely was a hold. Holding happens every play. But it certainly wasn't blatant you drama queen. Or explain why not ONE member of the Jags argued for a call as their season just came to a close.


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Does Cillian Murphy smoke a cigarette every 30 seconds?


Crazy, and a bottle of whiskey just happens to be everywhere he is, everywhere

How hot is the chick tho, love her

Pure Steel

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Crazy, and a bottle of whiskey just happens to be everywhere he is, everywhere

How hot is the chick tho, love her
It's like Stan's without the hot chick.....


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No... it would have been.

A) Jack down by contact


B) Jack running with the ball, and the play live. Therefore, Pats players actually in pursuit

From a guy that claims to know a lot about football

Do you know how many times a season you could see an entire team flatfooted "Assuming" a whistle? While the one guy who knows what happens is running at full speed towards the end zone?

Thats exactly what was happening on the Jack play


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Listen, you love the Pats, no reason to expand that into a War and Peace version of "i Love the Pats"

That entire thing is a summary of the vomit inducing shit we read in this place every day

"The Pats opponent had 100 yards in penalties, and the Pats had 10 because Brady is great......Screw the video evidence that clearly shows the the Refs missing calls could be the reason the Jags didnt go to the SB"

There are a million pieces on the net claiming the Jags got robbed, dont be a defensive sensitive Pats humper that just lazily assumes "Oh they just hate the Pats".....Half the people writing these articles have praised the Pats over and over in the past

I knew from my couch in real time that Jack stripped that ball, so did a lot of people

As far as Gronk, I rested my case, his numbers stacked up with Kelce this season, the Pats dont lose without him, especially in big games.....This "No Question all time the greatest" is absolutely not without question, there is plenty of question surrounding that statement

Screw the video evidence that clearly shows the the Refs missing calls could be the reason the Jags didnt go to the SB

I have yet to see that...

There are a million pieces on the net claiming the Jags got robbed

A million!? Really!?

And on the internet! Wow! It must be real!

This "No Question all time the greatest" is absolutely not without question

Is he important to the team, Dirt? That was the subject, and you got handled.

dont be a defensive sensitive Pats humper that just lazily assumes "Oh they just hate the Pats".....Half the people writing these articles have praised the Pats over and over in the past

Oh, look I can do this too!

Don't be a defensive Pats hater that just lazily assumes "Oh, they're just a Pats humper".

LMAO. Do you see how this logic is useless?

I knew from my couch in real time that Jack stripped that ball, so did a lot of people

Oh, look... more conjecture. You knew for sure? No, you did not.

Just like how you knew the Giants offense declined without Simms, right? My goodness, just save face and bail from this thread.

I've seen some bad whiners with the Pats... but this is embarrassing.


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From a guy that claims to know a lot about football

Do you know how many times a season you could see an entire team flatfooted "Assuming" a whistle? While the one guy who knows what happens is running at full speed towards the end zone?

Thats exactly what was happening on the Jack play

Are there only four people on a football field? Lol

There was likely 3-4 guys in between Jack and the end zone. Not to mention, the possibility that he was down.

This coming from a guy who says he knows football.



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Screw the video evidence that clearly shows the the Refs missing calls could be the reason the Jags didnt go to the SB

I have yet to see that...

There are a million pieces on the net claiming the Jags got robbed

A million!? Really!?

And on the internet! Wow! It must be real!

This "No Question all time the greatest" is absolutely not without question

Is he important to the team, Dirt? That was the subject, and you got handled.

dont be a defensive sensitive Pats humper that just lazily assumes "Oh they just hate the Pats".....Half the people writing these articles have praised the Pats over and over in the past

Oh, look I can do this too!

Don't be a defensive Pats hater that just lazily assumes "Oh, they're just a Pats humper".

LMAO. Do you see how this logic is useless?

I knew from my couch in real time that Jack stripped that ball, so did a lot of people

Oh, look... more conjecture. You knew for sure? No, you did not.

Just like how you knew the Giants offense declined without Simms, right? My goodness, just save face and bail from this thread.

I've seen some bad whiners with the Pats... but this is embarrassing.

Hey My Man, you can drop all the insults you want

problem is, my statements are supported by evidence, understand, your evidence is "I just really love the Patriots"

The Pats win Super Bowls without Gronk, so the level of his importance is completely overblown

Miles Jack stripped the ball, was untouched and was well on his way to a TD, this is supported by video evidence

The End


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Funny. It wasn't controversial 2 years earlier:



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Are there only four people on a football field? Lol

There was likely 3-4 guys in between Jack and the end zone. Not to mention, the possibility that he was down.

This coming from a guy who says he knows football.

Did you assume I wouldnt watch it?

Jack immediately gets up with a head of steam, and all you see is Tom Brady between him and the end zone, unless you realistically assume Cooks or Hogan are tracking him down from the total opposite side, which at the least, wouldnt happen until the 10 or 15 yard line


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Hey My Man, you can drop all the insults you want

problem is, my statements are supported by evidence, understand, your evidence is "I just really love the Patriots"

The Pats win Super Bowls without Gronk, so the level of his importance is completely overblown

Miles Jack stripped the ball, was untouched and was well on his way to a TD, this is supported by video evidence

The End

problem is, my statements are supported by evidence, understand, your evidence is "I just really love the Patriots"

Your conjecture is not evidence... You haven't even given me anything that I can counter. You haven't made an assertion, backed with anything.

Oh my god, this is too good. You actually think spewing out "blown call!" = evidence of a league-wide conspiracy to help the Patriots win titles?

I have done nothing but recite data and facts. I am the only one who has. All you have done is speculate Myles Jack may have scored a TD, and said "There was this holding call.... and uh... the Pats had a questionable PI!"

That's what your argument consists of, along with "There's people on the internet who agree!"

I am overwhelmed. This clearly displays a calculated conspiracy to help the Patriots win Super Bowls. Bahaha

Miles Jack stripped the ball, was untouched and was well on his way to a TD, this is supported by video evidence

You have shown no evidence that he was "not touched" or that he "would have scored".

The Pats win Super Bowls without Gronk, so the level of his importance is completely overblown

Carson Wentz, Phil Simms... enough said. You're intellectually dishonest, and not credible as a poster.


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Funny. It wasn't controversial 2 years earlier:

yeah, problem is its been called correctly twice in history, incorrectly called 40,594,347 times

Amazing the Pats were on the correct side of that call one out of the 2 times


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Did you assume I wouldnt watch it?

Jack immediately gets up with a head of steam, and all you see is Tom Brady between him and the end zone, unless you realistically assume Cooks or Hogan are tracking him down from the total opposite side, which at the least, wouldnt happen until the 10 or 15 yard line

You cannot see anything in front of Jack... It's more than plausible that there were a few players with angles or in front of him.

Also, how is this proof of a conspiracy again?

This is proof that a bang/bang play needed to be challenged, in order to be called correctly. Is that exclusive to Pats games? lol

There's no way you are delusional enough to actually believe this is evidence of something... is there?


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problem is, my statements are supported by evidence, understand, your evidence is "I just really love the Patriots"

Your conjecture is not evidence... You haven't even given me anything that I can counter. You haven't made an assertion, backed with anything.

Oh my god, this is too good. You actually think spewing out "blown call!" = evidence of a league-wide conspiracy to help the Patriots win titles?

I have done nothing but recite data and facts. I am the only one who has. All you have done is speculate Myles Jack may have scored a TD, and said "There was this holding call.... and uh... the Pats had a questionable PI!"

That's what your argument consists of, along with "There's people on the internet who agree!"

I am overwhelmed. This clearly displays a calculated conspiracy to help the Patriots win Super Bowls. Bahaha

Miles Jack stripped the ball, was untouched and was well on his way to a TD, this is supported by video evidence

You have shown no evidence that he was "not touched" or that he "would have scored".

The Pats win Super Bowls without Gronk, so the level of his importance is completely overblown

Carson Wentz, Phil Simms... enough said. You're intellectually dishonest, and not credible as a poster.

No, Youre right, the video you posted definitely proves that Miles Jack would have been not only tackled right away, he probably would have lost 25 yards

You posted the evidence, you see what you want, not what actually happened, thats obvious

Nick Foles played one great playoff game, and one game where he put up 13 points
He won the games thanks to being given Homefield by Carson Wentz, and he is about to look awful in the SB

Phil Simms wasnt the all time great you portray here


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yeah, problem is its been called correctly twice in history, incorrectly called 40,594,347 times

Amazing the Pats were on the correct side of that call one out of the 2 times


The conspiracy was going on back in 2001, under a different commissioner... when Brady was a no-name 7th round QB and first year starter?


And I noticed more of the intellectual dishonesty here.

The rule with a forward pass back then was "any forward arm movement with the ball by a thrower, is regarded as an attempt to pass". It was called all of the time.

This is turning into a sad, dismal spiral by yourself.

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