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Where do the Lakers go from here...?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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the only problem for the Heat is they have absolutely zero avenue to create any cap space for at least a couple years.

They have Whiteside and Johnson alone making 44 million.......thats 42% of cap space in for the team in those 2.

they have zero avenue to sign even a good free agent- let alone an all star caliber talent like Cousins.

Whiteside- 25M
Dragic- 17M
J. Johnson 14M
Waiters- 12M
Onlyk- 11M
T. Johnson- 19M
Winslow- 3M
Bam- 3M
Richardson- 9M
Mickey - 2M

Those are their guaranteed contracts--- which equal 115M

if they wanted to make a serious offer to Cousins- theyd prob have to start at at least 20-25M a year....

In order to be able to offer just 20 a year they would have to get to about 80M in payroll after you figure in roster cap holds, etc.

that would mean shedding about 35M-40M in cap--- without taking any other money back in.

Which is basically another way of saying itll never happen.

thats good for the Lakers though- less competition.

True. There's no doubt they'll have to find a way to create cap space, which will be difficult to do. But teams seem to do it every year despite it looking like they can't.

They'd have to find someone who is willing to take a chance on Whiteside just to get started. It's hard to determine what interest teams may have.

On the one hand, some of his comments over playing time have been a bit of a red flag along with the actual reduction in playing time.

On the other hand, talented 7 footers can almost always find a home in the NBA.

It's going to take some serious financial gymnastics and they'll probably have to fleece someone.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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For basketball players, the achilles is the worst. Considering he's a big though, he might be okay.

But someone, if not the Pelicans, is going to offer him max or near max money.

You may be right. I wouldn't want the Lakers to do it unless it was on a short deal. That injury just scares the hell out of me.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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gotta admit it didn't take long for him to revert to full-on Wiggy mode, like BKS pointed out the other day...


How does one achieve full-on wiggy mode? Is it like a Zen thing? I only ask because I don't want that to happen to me.:heh:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I never said he couldn't do it. I said what makes Lebron the most effective is playing with the ball in his hand. Taking that away from him takes away his best ability.

I disagree. I think he's doing everything because it's the only way the Cavs can win.

In an offense based on ball movement, he would get easier shots, so he wouldn't be working as hard and may become even more efficient.

Of course he'd also have the option of taking over the game when he sees fit. Playing in that type of offense could actually prolong his career.

He did it to an extent in Miami. But he wasn't putting up the offensive numbers that he is now.

In Miami he had D-Wade, Bosh and Ray Ray...he didn't have to put up the numbers he is now.

Also, the narrative when he left Miami was that the Heat were getting old and he was having to do too much for them to win and that's why he moved on.

Now, he's doing everything because "he wants to"?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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and i actually do feel bad for Magic and Pelinka in a way--- since they inherited a mess. @trojanfan12 If not for Deng and Mozgov- and tradees that happened years ago giving away picks like the Nash deal-- the Lakers would, in my mind, go from being a contender for James and other FAs to being the ABSOLUTE favorite.

I do have respect for the work Pelinka and MAgic have done considering they started out behind the eight ball in a major way---they hired a good coach and have done some good things.

With Riley i just cant understand why he thought that signing a ton of decent players to big deals was the way to go- when if he just took a step back for 2-3 years he could have been in contention to set the Heat up for years and years to come. The Dragic trade is going to haunt that franchise.

Yeah, what Magic and Pelinka have managed to is a minor miracle, imo. The Lakers are definitely back on the right track, it's just a matter of whether or not they can add a max guy or 2 over the next couple of years and continue to develop the kids.

On Riley, I think he did a lot of what he did with the expectation that they'd have Bosh back with D-Wade. Because of those 2, I think he tried to keep competing. I can't say that I blame him for that. But I think his best move now is to let some of these deals expire/try to trade them away and start over.


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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I disagree. I think he's doing everything because it's the only way the Cavs can win.

In an offense based on ball movement, he would get easier shots, so he wouldn't be working as hard and may become even more efficient.

Of course he'd also have the option of taking over the game when he sees fit. Playing in that type of offense could actually prolong his career.

In Miami he had D-Wade, Bosh and Ray Ray...he didn't have to put up the numbers he is now.

Also, the narrative when he left Miami was that the Heat were getting old and he was having to do too much for them to win and that's why he moved on.

Now, he's doing everything because "he wants to"?

Lebron was still having to do heavy lifting with Love and Irving in place. Ray Allen was a role player during his time at Miami; he wasn't the Allen of old.

I won't argue about Lebron having to do everything because he has to - because you're right. If he doesn't put up those numbers, the Cavs aren't winning anything.

I just don't think that in year 16, Lebron's going to become a new player. He's always been a guy that's controlled the offense.

Can someone point out a player of his caliber that changed their game this late into their career?


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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dude i know that you are sensible and you see that.....the Heat have 2 years before their cap mess is cleaned up. They still owe this years first rounder, and i think they still owe an unprocted first rounder to the Suns. They have what was it? 1 draft pick in the next 3 years or something?

Especially considering Boston, Philly and Milwaukee are all ascending.

I mean - read some of those posts--- turnup really thought the heat had a better roster and were better off than Philly last august. We all see how that turned out.

I know you have level headed expectations for the Heat.

and TOTALLY agree a top 3 pick ahs no guarantee of working out....like you said with the Cavs--- some guys have worked out in the lotto some havent--- same iwth Philly- for every okafor and noel that are terrible there could be a Simmons or Embiid who are franchise guys....

NOW THIS DRAFT is a little different as I think there are prob 6 guys that would have gone #1 last year in this draft- and some very very very good players up until about 11-12---- certainly NO guarantees- but the probability that you can get a star out of this draft is as high as any draft in the NBA in the last decade+.

This is the one draft where I wish we still had our 1st round pick. A guy I like a lot is Lonnie Walker coming out of Miami (shocker). But I think he's got star potential as a mid-round 1st pick. I'm willing to gloat about being right or eat my crow in shame.

And yes, we owe the Suns one more draft pick in 2020 I believe.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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are you on crack?

Kyrie is one of the ultimate off-the ball scorers in the NBA and regularly hits the 3 at 40%

LeBron does want someone that can lighten the load---- that doesnt involve
LeBron playing off the ball- and a guy that is the worst guard at shooting in the NBA.

Can you even imagine LeBron playing off the ball in the post at the 4 for 30 minutes a game? or even more ludicrous--- or running around picks Rip style at the 2 while a 22 year old kid that has never played in a big game runs the offense.

I mean its really kinda hilarious if you think about it. Apparently common sense isnt so common.

LeBron would not have to post or run around screens continuously. He just wouldn't have to initiate the offense every time down either. But it would still run through him. I am picturing LeBron being used more like Chris Webber in Sacramento. Catching at elbows or on the wing and going to work with multiple cutters running through And shooters spaced out.

Yes. Lonzo's shooting was bad. But it will improve. It did improve as the year went on after a truly abysmal start.

And again,

Why do you start every post with an insult when you don't agree? I know my shit. You know yours. Although, you tend to be very biased when discussing Cav personnel.

You go down this road often and are proven spectacularly wrong a good percentage of the time. How about just simply saying you disagree for a change? Might go over better.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Lebron was still having to do heavy lifting with Love and Irving in place. Ray Allen was a role player during his time at Miami; he wasn't the Allen of old.

But Ray Ray still presented another scoring option. In Cleveland, right now, Lebron has to be the leading scorer, rebounder and assist guy. If he's not, they're not likely to win.

There is a difference between running the offense and having to do everything. In Miami, he ran the offense, but he didn't have to do everything and he didn't have to lead the team in virtually every category, every game, for them to win.

Also, it's not about changing his game as much as it is about sharing the load. If he went to the Lakers, for example, he wouldn't necessarily run the offense because of how it's designed. So, he'd get the same number of shots without having to work so hard to get them.

Then, when it's crunch time, Lebron would be able to take over and do what Lebron does and he may even have more energy to do it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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LeBron does want someone that can lighten the load---- that doesnt involve LeBron playing off the ball- and a guy that is the worst guard at shooting in the NBA.

You understand the difference between lightening the load and having to do everything, right?

Lonzo's shooting has absolutely nothing to do with his ability to lighten Lebron's load. Lebron wouldn't have to initiate the offense nearly as much, bring the ball up as much and wouldn't have to lead the team in every category to get a win.

Lonzo looks to get the ball moving and into the hands of someone who is in position to score as fast as possible. As often as not, that would be Lebron.

So, Lebron would still be the biggest part of the offense, but he wouldn't have to do everything for the team to win like he does now.
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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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oh no dont worry dude-- its gonna be fine...Riley will make chicken salad out of chicken shit......Embiid and Simmons are just the future Noels and Okafors of the world--- lotto picks? ha....rather have a slew of decent but unspectacular players. Stars Schmars---- just sign a bunch of solid dudes and Spo will coach em up to beat anyone. If you cant see a core of Tyler Johnson, Whiteside, Winslow, Dragic, J. johnson , Onlyk isnt better than Philly then i just dont know what to say. No cap room? no problem- Riley will figure it out.

2nd reminder that you are on a short leash.


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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But Ray Ray still presented another scoring option. In Cleveland, right now, Lebron has to be the leading scorer, rebounder and assist guy. If he's not, they're not likely to win.

There is a difference between running the offense and having to do everything. In Miami, he ran the offense, but he didn't have to do everything and he didn't have to lead the team in virtually every category, every game, for them to win.

Also, it's not about changing his game as much as it is about sharing the load. If he went to the Lakers, for example, he wouldn't necessarily run the offense because of how it's designed. So, he'd get the same number of shots without having to work so hard to get them.

Then, when it's crunch time, Lebron would be able to take over and do what Lebron does and he may even have more energy to do it.

In that case, Korver's serving in an identical role currently as Ray Allen did with Miami. So we could just call Korver a scorer as well.

Lebron's also not the current leading rebounder for the Cavs - Love is.

I look at Lebron right now and I don't see much of a difference from his time at Miami. Everything goes through him.

My point still stands - if you want Lebron to play off the ball. He's more than capable of doing it. But what makes Lebron who he is as a player is that he's the best facilitator probably in the history of basketball.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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i mean- if you can get LeBron you get LeBron

having said that- Ball isa terrible fit with LeBron

Waltons offense is based on sharing the ball and equal scoring- something that would never fly with LeBron

LeBron is 34 and does not have any interest in giving up years of his prime to nurse along young guys that arent ready to win

Now- if you can get LeBron and George- id do it- trade ingram, trade ball, trade everyone- try and win.

However, if it doesnt happen there are guys that fit in Walton's system a lot better, guys whos age matches up with the Lakeres time table better, and guys that fit with the Lakers personnel better....

id blow it all up in an instant if it meant getting LeBron though.
I think it could work, but assuming they get a meeting with LeBron, then

LeBron, Pelinka, Walton, Magic Johnson and Jeanie Buss would need to meet with both LeBron and his rep's - they would need to explain their vision of how their system would work - Now LeBron did defer more in Miami, so to some extent it is unfair to label him a ball hog - He clearly does not have enough help and the only reason he is going to the finals is because the Eastern Conference is so weak. He would have to adjust his game - and who knows - He might be at the point of his career where he sees the need to slow down his game and defer more - All of the greats do that eventually. Certainly with the correct adjustments and with Paul George - The Lakers absolutely could win a championship or two. There is zero doubt about that - The Warriors sooner or later are going to diminish a bit even though I think they two or three more years before that is noticable


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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In that case, Korver's serving in an identical role currently as Ray Allen did with Miami. So we could just call Korver a scorer as well.

Not really. Korver is good, but he's not Ray Allen.

Lebron's also not the current leading rebounder for the Cavs - Love is.

Love averages 1 more rebound per game than Lebron

I look at Lebron right now and I don't see much of a difference from his time at Miami. Everything goes through him.

Running the offense through him (what they did in Miami) and him having to do everything (which he does in Cleveland) are not the same thing.

My point still stands - if you want Lebron to play off the ball. He's more than capable of doing it. But what makes Lebron who he is as a player is that he's the best facilitator probably in the history of basketball.

Again, it's not Lebron playing off the ball. It's him not having to initiate the offense every time down the floor and do everything for the team to win.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Damn, I can't believe I missed a great morning of Wiggy bashing!