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Where do the Lakers go from here...?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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yah imagine if the Lakers were in the news all the time because they got LeBron etc- theyd be winning more etc......there isnt enough duct tape in the world to keep that guys mouth shut if he gets a platform like that.
I would be more concerned about you committing suicide

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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like the Lakers FO truly gives a rat's ass what LaVar is yapping about...

I agree with what tf12 said earlier. they consider him white noise and are tuning him out...
More like just annoying noise - but according to Lakersnation, Pelinka and Lavar are really good friends. They are reportedly trying to charm him into being quiet

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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I won't phrase it the way Wiggy is.

But I'm in I'll believe it when I see it mode with Lebron going to LA.

This is one where I'm just perplexed as to where he'll go. I do think he's out in Cleveland, unless they somehow win a title this year. Which I doubt very much with the roster they have around him.
I think Houston or Cavs.

Lakers have a shot if they land another Superstar.

Does George qualify as that?

Allstar, yes.


Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Uh, he will.
I mean, Dallas, Phoenix.....hello?

Also, NOLA now understands that they are not true contenders.

I think they fooled themselves with that end of the year run and the bulldozing of the Blazers.

Warriors gave them their wake up call.

I think they sign Boogie if for no other reason than to BG32 him during the Season for other assets.

* Blake Griffin *


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Jul 17, 2014
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I could see that. I think the Heat are in a position that it makes sense for them to take that risk. Similar to when the Lakers got Dwight and Nash.

They have to wait out some deals before they can really do much to improve the team. So if they sign Boogie and he looks good, they'll be in position to make some improvements rather than just blow it up and start over.

If he doesn't look good, then they're in the same position they were going to be in without taking the risk.

If the Lakers take a chance on him and he doesn't pan out, it stops some or all of the forward momentum they're building.
the only problem for the Heat is they have absolutely zero avenue to create any cap space for at least a couple years.

They have Whiteside and Johnson alone making 44 million.......thats 42% of cap space in for the team in those 2.

they have zero avenue to sign even a good free agent- let alone an all star caliber talent like Cousins.

Whiteside- 25M
Dragic- 17M
J. Johnson 14M
Waiters- 12M
Onlyk- 11M
T. Johnson- 19M
Winslow- 3M
Bam- 3M
Richardson- 9M
Mickey - 2M

Those are their guaranteed contracts--- which equal 115M

if they wanted to make a serious offer to Cousins- theyd prob have to start at at least 20-25M a year....

In order to be able to offer just 20 a year they would have to get to about 80M in payroll after you figure in roster cap holds, etc.

that would mean shedding about 35M-40M in cap--- without taking any other money back in.

Which is basically another way of saying itll never happen.

thats good for the Lakers though- less competition.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I'll bet every decent trial attorney in Ohio hopes/prays that you are an opposing trial attorney.

It's absolutely unreal.
I absolutely thrash you so you get personal...hey its okay---- i understand you have been throgh a lot....the Sixers- who you trashed to open the year- and said youd rather have the Heats roster over theirs--- and said guys like Embiid and Simmons could turn out like Noel and Embiid- totally went in dry on your Heat- totally proving you wrong.

You are on the cusp of losing a major bet to me- because you stupidly believed in Vegas over THE KING.

Hey, i feel for ya man.....Sixers thrash you, LeBron and the Cavs make you look foolish- Heat with no cap space- no first round pick and an unceremonious first round shellacking.....you sure are on a roll! LOL.

do yourself a favor- cancel those season tickets--- its not getting better next year....you know that- i know that.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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the only problem for the Heat is they have absolutely zero avenue to create any cap space for at least a couple years.

They have Whiteside and Johnson alone making 44 million.......thats 42% of cap space in for the team in those 2.

they have zero avenue to sign even a good free agent- let alone an all star caliber talent like Cousins.

Whiteside- 25M
Dragic- 17M
J. Johnson 14M
Waiters- 12M
Onlyk- 11M
T. Johnson- 19M
Winslow- 3M
Bam- 3M
Richardson- 9M
Mickey - 2M

Those are their guaranteed contracts--- which equal 115M

if they wanted to make a serious offer to Cousins- theyd prob have to start at at least 20-25M a year....

In order to be able to offer just 20 a year they would have to get to about 80M in payroll after you figure in roster cap holds, etc.

that would mean shedding about 35M-40M in cap--- without taking any other money back in.

Which is basically another way of saying itll never happen.

thats good for the Lakers though- less competition.
Personally, I think Cleveland is a better fit for LeBron then the Lakers. LeBron now has players who don't mind letting him take most of the shots and are okay with deferring to him. I think the Lakers have players that have the potential to grow substantially - I obviously would risk it with one exception or two

If the Lakers can sign Paul George - It would be a good addition - I would put him in at the shooting guard and then re-sign Randle


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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uhhh... i think Lonzo does need the ball in his hands.

if he doesnt what is he doing? Every single team would double off him and make things harder on LeBron. Doubling off a point guard who cant shoot a 3 and cant hit a free throw and isnt a great finisher at the rim to go guard LEBron is precisely the type of thing that would get LeBron double teamed with little consequence time and time again

i mean its just obvious---- the Cavs and Heat surrounded LeBron with shooters so if he got doubled the shooters could make him pay. Ball cant shoot----- it would be like playing 4 on 5 on the offensive side of the ball.

Have you watched him play? Seriously.

He is a throw back point guard. He is always looking to early the ball up and facilitate ball movment whenever possible. He is not in the Chris Paul, James Harden mold where he has to hold the ball and create everything himself.

No, he does not shoot very well. But your assertion that Lonzo has to have the ball all the time is wrong. And, ironically, it is that very assertion that is the reason you are grossly underestimating the upside of the Laker core. They already play pretty well together and the pieces fit. I can't say that about most of the "young talent" you continue to rep as being superior.

Lonzo's ability to facilitate ball movement is the reason why.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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the one big thing i see that is the obstacle to him signing in Cleveland is if he thinks he cant beat Boston. I think he thinks PHilly is still a year- prob two away----- but Boston with HAyward and Kyrie could be a problem.

He is not going to set himself up to lose to Boston if its just not his fault in the series.

I think if the Cavs are able to move the lotto pick for a guy like McCollum, or better- he stays....if they dont and are unable to make another move then I have no clue what he does.

Even Philly is not a great fit because while Simmons is a ton better than Ball- Simmons is another guy that cant shoot and is the guy with the ball in his hands the whole time.

Its clear to anyone that watches LeBron that LeBron wants too and needs to run the show. He wants to and NEEDS to be that guy pounding the ball into the floor on top of the paint. He wouldnt give it up to Kyrie for any kind of real time and Kyrie is one of the best pure offensive players i have ever seen.

LeBron wants his shooters and wants that ball and wants the credit. HE wants those 12 assists a night in the playoffs and the ball in his hands the vast majority of the time. He wants his vets- guys that have been there- that he doesnt have to wipe their asses. He wants that ball at the top of the key- for a big man to come set the pick and start the play and then to make that read whether to pass or go for it. You arent going to find him playing off the ball hoping for a pass from a 22 year old kid- whether its Ball or Simmons. There is just no fucking way. Its why I doubt its Philly and if its LA then Ball will be outta town on the next thing smoking.


Because 2 years ago I was saying that LeBron and Kyrie didn't fit that well because LeBron needed the ball and every possession Kyrie used took one away from LeBron, who is the better creater.

You assured me that Kyrie was the perfect fit because LeBron wanted and needed someone who could lighten his load.

Funny just how much the narrative has changed. I wonder why?


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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well you are a fool then.

Those "kids" just smoked your Heat---- those "kids" that you said youd rather have the Heats roster in October- are really really good

if they werent REALLY REALLY good and obviously franchise talents- no one is talking about going there. If they were just dudes we would have never heard a peep about LeBron rumors.

There are only rumors becuase those 2 are good enough to be top 10 players in the league and are already top 20 players in the league

Kyrie- the same thing- if Kyrie was years away from helping and had huge holes in his game- LeBron never comes back. He is not going to play with kids that arent ready and give up years of his prime.

As I said--- id say in the last 10 years- Simmons is the 2nd best player to come into the NBA, and Embiid prob the 5th-6th best prospect. They are true superstar talents that can push to win RIGHT NOW.

I mean shit- ill say one thing about those two- before LeBron came to Cleveland kyrie hadnt got to the playoffs much less ripped though a playoff series (even if the opponent was rather weak).

This is fact.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Getting as much as he can get, doesn't necessarily mean getting as much as he wants.

That injury is a potential game changer for him. Of all of the injuries he could be coming back from, that's gotta be the worst or damn close to it.

For basketball players, the achilles is the worst. Considering he's a big though, he might be okay.

But someone, if not the Pelicans, is going to offer him max or near max money.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I think it's hilarious that people think that Lebron can only play one way. I mean, is he or is he not, the greatest swiss army knife type player since Magic?

How is it homerism to point out that he can play well and be happy in system that relies on ball movement and creates a lot of open shots for everyone?

Also funny that people say he has to play this one certain way, but then talk about him going to places like Philly and Houston.

I never said he couldn't do it. I said what makes Lebron the most effective is playing with the ball in his hand. Taking that away from him takes away his best ability.

He did it to an extent in Miami. But he wasn't putting up the offensive numbers that he is now.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Another spin.
Nobody is saying he should play off the ball for significant meaningful minutes.

Point was you said he needed to leave Wade/Bosh/Heat because he was being forced to carry too much of the load.
4 years later, he's never had to do more then the current position he's in.


We've been in constant arguments with Wiggy - some he was right about, some we were right about.

But yeah, that one was a big L. Because in the end, I don't think I've ever seen Lebron have to do so much just to win a playoff game against a rebuilding Pacers squad and a mentally fragile Raptors group.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I absolutely thrash you so you get personal...hey its okay---- i understand you have been throgh a lot....the Sixers- who you trashed to open the year- and said youd rather have the Heats roster over theirs--- and said guys like Embiid and Simmons could turn out like Noel and Embiid- totally went in dry on your Heat- totally proving you wrong.

You are on the cusp of losing a major bet to me- because you stupidly believed in Vegas over THE KING.

Hey, i feel for ya man.....Sixers thrash you, LeBron and the Cavs make you look foolish- Heat with no cap space- no first round pick and an unceremonious first round shellacking.....you sure are on a roll! LOL.

do yourself a favor- cancel those season tickets--- its not getting better next year....you know that- i know that.

You didn't trash anyone, you just tried making lawyer maneuvers to try to spin your ass out of being wrong and thats why I wrote what I wrote.
You said LeBron wouldn't waste his last years mentoring youth, which is incorrect if he chose Philly.
What you should have said is that LeBron won't waste his final years by going to a team not ready to win.
The age of the players on the roster has nothing to do with it. Correct?

You are famous for being wrong, called out, then never replying.
It happened multiple times again yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I absolutely thrash you so you get personal...hey its okay---- i understand you have been throgh a lot....the Sixers- who you trashed to open the year- and said youd rather have the Heats roster over theirs--- and said guys like Embiid and Simmons could turn out like Noel and Embiid- totally went in dry on your Heat- totally proving you wrong.

You are on the cusp of losing a major bet to me- because you stupidly believed in Vegas over THE KING.

Hey, i feel for ya man.....Sixers thrash you, LeBron and the Cavs make you look foolish- Heat with no cap space- no first round pick and an unceremonious first round shellacking.....you sure are on a roll! LOL.

do yourself a favor- cancel those season tickets--- its not getting better next year....you know that- i know that.

Watch this:

You are on the cusp of losing a major bet to me- because you stupidly believed in Vegas over THE KING.

Great, then since you have so munch belief in the King over Vegas you will 100% do double or nothing in the Finals?

do yourself a favor- cancel those season tickets--- its not getting better next year....you know that- i know that.[/QUOTE]

As of today, nothing to cancel because I only extended 1 year last Nov.
And, guess what?
I sold about half the season and ended up going for better than free.
Your words though show what we already know, you're only a bandwagon fan.
I'm a Heat fan. Win or lose.


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Apr 17, 2013
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the only problem for the Heat is they have absolutely zero avenue to create any cap space for at least a couple years.

They have Whiteside and Johnson alone making 44 million.......thats 42% of cap space in for the team in those 2.

they have zero avenue to sign even a good free agent- let alone an all star caliber talent like Cousins.

Whiteside- 25M
Dragic- 17M
J. Johnson 14M
Waiters- 12M
Onlyk- 11M
T. Johnson- 19M
Winslow- 3M
Bam- 3M
Richardson- 9M
Mickey - 2M

Those are their guaranteed contracts--- which equal 115M

if they wanted to make a serious offer to Cousins- theyd prob have to start at at least 20-25M a year....

In order to be able to offer just 20 a year they would have to get to about 80M in payroll after you figure in roster cap holds, etc.

that would mean shedding about 35M-40M in cap--- without taking any other money back in.

Which is basically another way of saying itll never happen.

thats good for the Lakers though- less competition.

Didn't we see your Warriors breakdown last year, right before you were wrong?
Maybe wait until after FA to tell us what and why the Heat couldn't or can't do.
I'll bet you ANYTHING that the Heat roster end of season won't be the same Game 1 next season.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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You didn't trash anyone, you just tried making lawyer maneuvers to try to spin your ass out of being wrong and thats why I wrote what I wrote.
You said LeBron wouldn't waste his last years mentoring youth, which is incorrect if he chose Philly.
What you should have said is that LeBron won't waste his final years by going to a team not ready to win.
The age of the players on the roster has nothing to do with it. Correct?

You are famous for being wrong, called out, then never replying.
It happened multiple times again yesterday.

lol, what's the old saying? " if you can't dazzle 'em with your brilliance, then baffle 'em with your bullshit...?"

seems to be WiggityWack's mantra...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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lol, what's the old saying? " if you can't dazzle 'em with your brilliance, then baffle 'em with your bullshit...?"

seems to be WiggityWack's mantra...

He’d rather write 10000 words trying to convince someone he’s correct, which wont happen, vs just admitting he phrased his original words wrong.



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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This is fact.

Its fact that the Sixers kids are more talented then the Lakers kids.

Its also fact that they are all kids, and thats the point.

Wiggy said James wouldn’t go to any team to mentor youth.

Its funnier yet, when James announced he was going back to the Cavs, he said it was to mentor youth even though he already knew he was trading Wiggins, etc...