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What years did the BCS get it wrong


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Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What does that have to do with a 3-way tie???? Nothing.

The BCS standing is what determined who the South Division Champion was going to be. The Coaches knew how it worked and they gave Oklahoma the nod over Texas and Texas Tech.

And ever since, Texas fans have been all butt hurt about the fact that they just don't get the love that Oklahoma gets. Mack even goes out and hires a so called "BCS Expert" to come in and evaluate the problem and give him solutions. The solution????? SCHEDULE BETTER!!! WELL, NO SHIT.... Which Texas has ever since. It really doesn't take an Einstein to figure it out.

I just looked it up. According to to Colley Matrix, Texas had the 4th rated SOS. That was higher than OU prior to the bowl games. Seems the "schedule better" portion of your reply was complete nonsense


Sooner, Cock, Rise Up
Feb 2, 2011
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If colt mcCoy hadn't gone down......


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Jul 16, 2013
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Yes, because a common opponent is much more significant than a head to head game.

I guess your right. 39-33>45-35>65-21>39-33 ....

So either the universe implodes because all the matter and energy gets sucked into figuring who deserved the shot or you just go with the conference champ.



Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Where does "Our QB was banged up from the KSU whipping, so he wasn't healthy in the NC game" fit in on that scale?

Had a lot more to do with not having our NFL running back.


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Had a lot more to do with not having our NFL running back.

Not sure who you are referring to with that, but again where would that fit in on the excuse scale


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Not sure who you are referring to with that, but again where would that fit in on the excuse scale

No sooner fan has ever made an excuse. It was a tough game. We lost. It happens. Texas fans are the only ones still butthurt about it.


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OKST barely had an overall schedule tougher than Alabama, and not everyone even had OKST schedule as better.

And for the record, "Bama" didn't make any arguments other than being the best team. Voters from around the country put Alabama in that game.

And that proved to be a MAJOR mistake, as this is what ended the BCS era. On the other hand, putting Bama in that BCS title game when they had no business being in it, did bring the playoff.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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The discussion of 2008 when OU went instead of Texas....

I can't say they got it wrong but I will say that 2008 was a year that a 4-team playoff (Florida, Texas, OU, Utah) would have been justified.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Where the BCS got it wrong:

'01 NU vs. Miami - Corn fuckers had no business in that game b/c they didn't even play in the Big 12 CCG b/c the week before, CU laid 60 + pts on the Corn Fuckers and raped them severely. I think Oregon should have played for the BCS title.

'03 OU vs. LSU - OU had ZERO business in this game, none whatsoever after getting brutally raped by KSU in the Big 12 CCG. Should have been LSU vs. USC.

'07 LSU vs. tOSU - not saying that LSU didn't deserve it, but WVU and MIZZOU were also qualified. In fact, I still think WVU was the best team in the country that year, and all 3 would have whipped that overrated tOSU team. Yes, WVU choked against an awful Pitt squad, but LSU also choked against two unranked conference foes. MIZZOU lost twice to a top ten OU squad then went on to embarrass an Arky team in the Cotton Bowl that beat LSU. Regardless, LSU wasn't the best team in the country that year, but was one of the best.

'08 UF vs. OU - Once again, Sooners had no business being in this game. They needed help from a computer. Should have been USC or Texas.

'11 Bama vs. LSU - rematches should never happen, period. I don't give a shit about quality losses. A loss is a loss. Bama had their shot and choked at home against LSU. LSU had to play an extra game in the SEC title game vs. UGA, while Bama sat at home and had over 44 days of preparation. Bama wasn't the first good team to lose a game in conference and not have a shot at the NC; has happened for decades. Should have been LSU vs. Okie St and I don't want to hear shit about how LSU would have whipped Okie Jr b/c I'm sorry, Aggy and MIZZWHO have proven how overrated and overhyped the SEC is. LSU was royally fucked out of this whole mess. But like I said previously, there was some good to come out of this, b/c the BCS committee fucked up big time by putting Bama in the BCS title game that year, it also ended the BCS era and brought on the playoff.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Where the BCS got it wrong:

'01 NU vs. Miami - Corn fuckers had no business in that game b/c they didn't even play in the Big 12 CCG b/c the week before, CU laid 60 + pts on the Corn Fuckers and raped them severely. I think Oregon should have played for the BCS title.

'03 OU vs. LSU - OU had ZERO business in this game, none whatsoever after getting brutally raped by KSU in the Big 12 CCG. Should have been LSU vs. USC.

'07 LSU vs. tOSU - not saying that LSU didn't deserve it, but WVU and MIZZOU were also qualified. In fact, I still think WVU was the best team in the country that year, and all 3 would have whipped that overrated tOSU team. Yes, WVU choked against an awful Pitt squad, but LSU also choked against two unranked conference foes. MIZZOU lost twice to a top ten OU squad then went on to embarrass an Arky team in the Cotton Bowl that beat LSU. Regardless, LSU wasn't the best team in the country that year, but was one of the best.

'08 UF vs. OU - Once again, Sooners had no business being in this game. They needed help from a computer. Should have been USC or Texas.

'11 Bama vs. LSU - rematches should never happen, period. I don't give a shit about quality losses. A loss is a loss. Bama had their shot and choked at home against LSU. LSU had to play an extra game in the SEC title game vs. UGA, while Bama sat at home and had over 44 days of preparation. Bama wasn't the first good team to lose a game in conference and not have a shot at the NC; has happened for decades. Should have been LSU vs. Okie St and I don't want to hear shit about how LSU would have whipped Okie Jr b/c I'm sorry, Aggy and MIZZWHO have proven how overrated and overhyped the SEC is. LSU was royally fucked out of this whole mess. But like I said previously, there was some good to come out of this, b/c the BCS committee fucked up big time by putting Bama in the BCS title game that year, it also ended the BCS era and brought on the playoff.

Get over it.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Title of thread: What years did the BCS get it wrong............If you're feelings are hurt, too fucking bad. Don't open this thread.....

Fair point. Just funny to see all the butthurt in here.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And that proved to be a MAJOR mistake, as this is what ended the BCS era. On the other hand, putting Bama in that BCS title game when they had no business being in it, did bring the playoff.

Wrong as usual.

The SEC has been voting for a playoff for years(since 2003 at least) and the other conferences have all voted against it, with the exception of the ACC.

The BCS era came to an end because the other conferences finally voted for a playoff due to that game. YOU'RE WELCOME!

It's just another step in college football where the SEC has had to pull the rest of the conferences forward by the hair.

So keep on crying.


I ♥ t-baggin
Aug 10, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Where the BCS got it wrong:

'01 NU vs. Miami - Corn fuckers had no business in that game b/c they didn't even play in the Big 12 CCG b/c the week before, CU laid 60 + pts on the Corn Fuckers and raped them severely. I think Oregon should have played for the BCS title.

'03 OU vs. LSU - OU had ZERO business in this game, none whatsoever after getting brutally raped by KSU in the Big 12 CCG. Should have been LSU vs. USC.

'07 LSU vs. tOSU - not saying that LSU didn't deserve it, but WVU and MIZZOU were also qualified. In fact, I still think WVU was the best team in the country that year, and all 3 would have whipped that overrated tOSU team. Yes, WVU choked against an awful Pitt squad, but LSU also choked against two unranked conference foes. MIZZOU lost twice to a top ten OU squad then went on to embarrass an Arky team in the Cotton Bowl that beat LSU. Regardless, LSU wasn't the best team in the country that year, but was one of the best.

'08 UF vs. OU - Once again, Sooners had no business being in this game. They needed help from a computer. Should have been USC or Texas.

'11 Bama vs. LSU - rematches should never happen, period. I don't give a shit about quality losses. A loss is a loss. Bama had their shot and choked at home against LSU. LSU had to play an extra game in the SEC title game vs. UGA, while Bama sat at home and had over 44 days of preparation. Bama wasn't the first good team to lose a game in conference and not have a shot at the NC; has happened for decades. Should have been LSU vs. Okie St and I don't want to hear shit about how LSU would have whipped Okie Jr b/c I'm sorry, Aggy and MIZZWHO have proven how overrated and overhyped the SEC is. LSU was royally fucked out of this whole mess. But like I said previously, there was some good to come out of this, b/c the BCS committee fucked up big time by putting Bama in the BCS title game that year, it also ended the BCS era and brought on the playoff.

You sure do cry alot lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Wrong as usual.

The SEC has been voting for a playoff for years(since 2003 at least) and the other conferences have all voted against it, with the exception of the ACC.

The BCS era came to an end because the other conferences finally voted for a playoff due to that game. YOU'RE WELCOME!

It's just another step in college football where the SEC has had to pull the rest of the conferences forward by the hair.

So keep on crying.

This is true. Having 2 SEC teams play against each other WAS the impetus for the other leagues to vote for a playoff for sure.


A mellow fellow
Oct 30, 2013
the Heart of Dixie
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2008 was bogus. Should have been Texas. It seems Oklahoma has always gotten the nod in the computers when there is a tie for the B12...

2011 was bad, but anyone who knows college football knows that Alabama and LSU were undisputedly the best teams in the country that year. Their common opponent scores were nearly identical. They destroyed everyone in their way. Only Alabama would have beaten LSU that year. Okie Lite might have scored 10 points on LSU... and then give up around 30. They lost to Iowa State... choke or not, they had their chance to shoe in the BCS Championship and blew it. They BLEW IT. They gave Alabama a chance. It's not Alabama's fault. It's Choklahoma State's fault. Nothing else needs to be said.


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Jul 2, 2013
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2008 was bogus. Should have been Texas. It seems Oklahoma has always gotten the nod in the computers when there is a tie for the B12...

2011 was bad, but anyone who knows college football knows that Alabama and LSU were undisputedly the best teams in the country that year. Their common opponent scores were nearly identical. They destroyed everyone in their way. Only Alabama would have beaten LSU that year. Okie Lite might have scored 10 points on LSU... and then give up around 30. They lost to Iowa State... choke or not, they had their chance to shoe in the BCS Championship and blew it. They BLEW IT. They gave Alabama a chance. It's not Alabama's fault. It's Choklahoma State's fault. Nothing else needs to be said.

Once again, with well over a month to prepare for one team, you have no idea how Okie jr would have fared against LSU, and I'm not sure Okie jr really blew it against ISU. Yeah they lost to a crap conference team, but they still won their conference whereas Bama didn't. Plus, Okie jr played a tougher schedule. And like I said before, two former Big 12 scrub programs are proving that the SEC is a lot of hype. TEAMS WIN TITLES, NOT CONFERENCES. Bama was a worthy team, but they lost at home and didn't play for their conference title; that should have taken them out of the equation.