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What is the end goal in Philly?


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The shooting guard spot is not open when you have Sauce Castillo.

Sauce was flat tonight -- right when they needed something spicey. I thought they were going to do it.


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The intention of what they're doing was to acquire as many assets as possible. The Sixers have actually done a great job of that so far and that will continue in the next couple of drafts. The biggest issue isn't with the "process" it's with who the Sixers have ended up taking during that "process"

2013 - Drafted Nerlens Noel #6; Drafted Michael Carter Williams #11
Analysis - The biggest problem with the "process" was unfortunately starting it in arguably the weakest draft class in some time. Noel isn't a starter in this league IMO. I think he can be a very productive bench player given his energy, rebounding and defense, but you can't play him and Okafor together. IMO he's a poor man's Tristan Thompson. MCW despite winning the rookie of the year is a fringe starting PG in this league. He's like 30th in PER, trading him was a good idea IMO, especially when that pick could be top 5 this year(protected top 3) or top 5 in 2017(protected top 3), the Sixers received a GREAT asset for a fringe starting PG in this league, that is a huge win IMO.

2014 - Drafted Joel Embiid #3; Drafted Dario Saric #12, acquired Nik Stauskas in a trade
Analysis - Drafting Embiid was obviously a huge risk, that hasn't panned out thus far. IF he can ever get healthy, he's a great complement to Okafor. Jury is still out, although given the injury history, it doesn't look good at all. Saric by all accounts is coming over next year. Had he come out this year, he'd be a top 5 pick, so he does have talent, it's just a wait and see. Stauskas has not looked good this year, but I do think trading for him(along with swap rights for 2016 & 2017, and a 2018 first round pick) for giving up two second round picks was a great value trade. Stauskas may turn out to be a bench player, and if he does turn out to a complimentary piece off the bench, that's fine w/me because who knows what 2016 and 2017 could turn into as well as the Kings 2018 first rounder(not like they are lighting the world on fire) so that could end up being a great pick.

2015 - Drafted Jahlil Okafor #3
Analysis - Okafor looks like the real deal thus far, and looks like he's a great asset to build around in the future.

Some of the future assets the Sixers have:

2016 Draft - Sixers pick, Lakers Pick(top 3 protected), Miami pick(top 10 protected), OKC pick(top 15 protected) Swap rights with the Kings(who will be in the lottery) - At worst Philly will get 3 first round picks
2017 - Swap rights with the Kings
2018 - Kings first round pick

As bleak as things look now, the future sets up extremely well, with the caveat of the Sixers front office being able to select the correct players. It looks like they've gotten it correct with with Okafor, and it looks like they made the right decision to trade MCW. Jury is still out on the 2014 draft, which will go along way in determining if the front office knows what they are doing.


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Jul 14, 2013
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When should we expect Philly to win 41 games and contend for a playoffs spot? 2019?

That might not be too far off. The 2016 draft sets up to be the most crucial draft class during this process. They'll be rookies in 16-17, 2nd year players in 17-18, and if they aren't competing for a playoff spot in the 2nd year, you hope they are by the 3rd year.

If the Sixers actually catch a break and don't get unlucky in the lottery like they've been and get the #1 pick, Simmons paired with Okafor is pretty good to build around. Then fill the roster in with the 3 other first rounders, Noel actually becomes a valuable piece off the bench, as does McConnell(not that I think he's that great) but I think is valuable in the backup PG roll. Then you have Stauskas out there as well, and throw in Saric too. The Sixers have the potential to add 6 impact players next year depending on health and luck.


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The end better justify the means, as the Sixers just set the record for most consecutive losses by a major U.S. pro sports team. If I were a member of the Sixers, I would be embarrassed by this record. More importantly, I would be worried about how to establish winning ways after all this losing. The development of current players is probably suffering because of it. Players are not building any confidence for the future. They are good at acquiring assets, but they are failing at actually building a team.


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In 10 years when Phili is still in a rebuilding period, we will finally have the perfect example of why trying to be the worst team in the league just to improve lottery position is an idiotic way to rebuild a team.

Any fan of a team that has been down for a long, long time understands this.

Despite what people think, mismanagement doesn't play a huge roll at long durations of futility. It's mostly just luck. The things that have to go right for you to actually draft a guy that can change the complexion of a team is almost completely luck. You have to have the ping pong balls bounce right. You have to have the ping pong balls bounce right in the year when there actually is a superstar available. You have to have the ping pong balls bounce right in the year where there is a superstar available and there are no fool's gold prospects in the draft.

And even then when you draft that player, you have to quickly build a complete team around him that convinces him to stay put. That is damn hard to do when you have zero talent on a team.

Okafor could turn out to be the next Shaq (I doubt it but just for example). If that is the case, what keeps him in Phili 4 years down the road? They will still be a horrible team because young teams are never good right away. And what quality FA is going to sign on to be part of a laughing stock like Phili is right now? Which means even if they drafted right, the chances of them being able to build a team that convinces the superstar to stay put is unlikely.

The Wolves drafted right back in the day and got Love. He's moved on. Portland with Alderidge. Gone. Going back further: Cleveland with Lebron gone and now back again. Howard with Orlando, Paul with the Hornets, Bosh with Toronto, ect, ect, ect.

Finding a real difference maker early in the draft is really tough. Keeping him happy when you draft him onto a complete crap team is just as hard. That is why Phili's strategy is almost certain to backfire. With all the assets they have they might actually draft a real difference maker here eventually. But with how hard it is to turn a complete garbage team into a good team, especially when they are young and an really unlikely FA destination, is still another huge step they will have to leap over if/when they get there. It's two HUGE hurdles to clear that most teams in their position have consistently failed to do.


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Here's my plan to fix the Sixers:

Three team trade, involving Sixers, Nuggets and Magic.

Sixers Trade: Nerlens Noel, Carl Landry, Lakers 2016 Pick (top 3 protected), Miami 2016 Pick (Top 10 protected)
Receive: Kenneth Faried, Victor Oladipo

Nuggets Trade: Kenneth Faried
Nuggets Receive: Channing Frye, Lakers 2016 Pick.

Magic Trade: Victor Oladipo, Channing Frye
Magic Receive: Nerlens Noel, Miami 2016 Pick.

The Nuggets were trying to shop Faried earlier and with Gallo back, he'll take over the 4 eventually for the system that Malone wants to run. They have Mudiay as their franchise PG, and they'll get a shot at another franchise player with a top pick in next years lottery. They do have to take Frye back for Salary purposes, but they can buy him out, saving additional money. At worst, he becomes the backup 4. The Nuggets aren't in contention right now for the playoffs. They'll have a shot at a lineup of Nurkic, Gallo, Chandler, Barton and Mudiay locked up for next year and a top Lottery pick. Don't think they could say no to that.

Magic trade Oladipo who has fallen out of the starting rotation for Fournier. They receive Nerlens Noel back and a solid defensive PF to pair next to Vucevic. They give up Frye who has 3 years 24M left and take back Landry who has 2 years 13M left on his deal. Landry's deal also expires right at the largest expected jump in Salary Cap.
They have a core of Vucevic, Noel, Harris, Fournier, Payton with Herzonja, Gordon, their pick and the 2016 Heat first rounder.

Sixers get back two immediate starters who could use a change of scenery. Faried and Oladipo both are players who were considered for Team USA camp, guys who can compete. You'd have an immediate lineup of Okafor, Faried, Covington, Oladipo and Canaan. Sixers would retain their own pick and the Thunder pick. They would allow Saric to stay over seas another year.

Then use your picks to draft a franchise wing (Ben Simmons, if they're lucky and win the lotto) and another best player available. If you miss on a wing, you could throw a lot of dollars at Nic Batum. He's still only 27.

Ideal situation for 2016 would be:

Okafor, Faried, Simmons (or Batum), Oladipo, Draft PG
Embiid, Covington, with Saric in the wings. Round out the roster with additional FA's.

Give me Hinkie's job. I'll do it for half his salary. Only half though, because like Latrell Sprewell, I gotta feed my family.