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Game Thread: WFT (1-4) vs NYG Lawrence Rd 1


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Sep 15, 2013
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Yeah if Kerrigan wants to stay like he says and takes a lesser deal to play one quarter of the snaps why cut him. He is a great role model and can mentor the young guys. I like both Sweat and Young but they can't play every down.

True that Cali, the other team gets paid too ... even if they are 0-5.
Didn't know he said he wants to stay. He is a great guy and hopefully he means that. If he takes a team friendly deal, yes, lets get him back of course.

I am guessing he will get paid and play for a contender. Hopefully its not like Scheriff where he says he wants to be here but nothing ever gets done. Sometimes what a player says to the media and what their agent says in negociations are two different things. Kerrigan is a man of integrity and if he does wish to stay here, we need to accomidate that.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Didn't know he said he wants to stay. He is a great guy and hopefully he means that. If he takes a team friendly deal, yes, lets get him back of course.

I am guessing he will get paid and play for a contender. Hopefully its not like Scheriff where he says he wants to be here but nothing ever gets done. Sometimes what a player says to the media and what their agent says in negociations are two different things. Kerrigan is a man of integrity and if he does wish to stay here, we need to accomidate that.
Agreed. I think RK and his wife like their life here. Feel like I read this somewhere.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree with Doc


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Doc ain’t on board with Turner and his ‘system’


Generic line for rent here
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I thought you guys had this game.....

Sportster 72

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Didn't know he said he wants to stay. He is a great guy and hopefully he means that. If he takes a team friendly deal, yes, lets get him back of course.

I am guessing he will get paid and play for a contender. Hopefully its not like Scheriff where he says he wants to be here but nothing ever gets done. Sometimes what a player says to the media and what their agent says in negociations are two different things. Kerrigan is a man of integrity and if he does wish to stay here, we need to accomidate that.
In the offseason Ryan made it clear he wants to stay in Washington. I think he is the kind of guy that knows he can probably make a career here because of his football. That is only a guess. I know he told RR he wanted to be here and there was some talk about him taking less. Some thought he might take a cut this year.

It is no surprise he is a favorite of mine. In some ways I wish he would go play somewhere that he could win for a couple of years. I respect him for wanting to stay. We'll see next year.

Sportster 72

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He said he told his agent “what ever it takes make sure I’m a redskin”
And the poor guy ended up a WTF!! LOL

Us old farts can't remember back that far. I can remember 1979 just fine but the off season ... forgetaboutit.
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Sep 3, 2014
The Boondocks
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He should stay if he signs a team friendly deal imo. Dude has quietly worked on a shitty team since he was drafted by us.. Now if he NEVER produced, I’d be right with ya on him

That's the reason I'd like to see him go to a contender. I'd dig seeing RK get a SB ring and that will probably be the closest I come to seeing another Redskins Super Bowl win.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's the reason I'd like to see him go to a contender. I'd dig seeing RK get a SB ring and that will probably be the closest I come to seeing another Redskins Super Bowl win.
I can respect that. If anyone deserves a SB on our team... who is still on our team...and was drafted by us..it is him, outside the fans of course... lol


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I thought you guys had this game.....
Well, we had a good shot, it was winnable for sure. Just didn’t execute...obviously, lol

Any Given Sunday.


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Sep 3, 2014
The Boondocks
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Im not surprised that we lost. We are not the worst team in the league. We are 1-5 b/c of alot of things.
No one is surprised we lost.

No we're not the worst team in the league. We're likely just good enough to ensure we won't be drafting a top tier QB. Cuz someone got a wild hair up their ass and tried to win the shittiest division in football.

And when you add those reasons up. We're a below average football team who got stupidly suckered into trying to win a below average division. Which only proved that not only do we have too little physical talent. We're not that smart either.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No one is surprised we lost.

No we're not the worst team in the league. We're likely just good enough to ensure we won't be drafting a top tier QB. Cuz someone got a wild hair up their ass and tried to win the shittiest division in football.

And when you add those reasons up. We're a below average football team who got stupidly suckered into trying to win a below average division. Which only proved that not only do we have too little physical talent. We're not that smart either.
Bingo. You wanna know how to build a perennial loser in the NFL? Just look at what we do year in and year out. No plan to get better, just react every year. This is how you continue to produce a team that wins 2-6 games a season for a decade. The first step in addressing an issue is recognizing what the actual issue is. With us, its continually thinking that we are only a few players away. Our that we are a mediocre team that just needs a few breaks and we can win this shitty division. That kind of skewed thinking is what keeps us in the cellar year in and year out.

I don't care what anyone says, a franchise QB is mandatory if you want sustained success in this league. We haven't had a true franchise QB in YEARS. By all indications from every expert, one of the best QBs in a long time is due to come out in this next draft and should go to the worst team in the league this year. How that is no us, I have no idea, but we will find some way to screw it up so that we end up getting the second, third, or 4th pick in the draft. All because we don't understand that this is a long term war.

But with our luck, even if we somehow do find ourselves with the 1st pick next year, I'm sure fate will intervene and screw us. Like maybe the NFL will decide to take our draft picks next year as a penalty for Dan's sexual harassment issues.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Have you watched the Jets this year? Believe it or not, they make us look talented. Now that is mind blowing.
I have not, but I can't fathom any team being worse than us. Its mind boggling to believe.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have not, but I can't fathom any team being worse than us. Its mind boggling to believe.
They truly are... and I agree...mind boggling