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Waving the white flag on the Heat season


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The thing that pisses me off as a Miami sports fan is when he left Cleveland it was hated. People hated him for screwing over Cleveland and turning his back on them. Google the articles written back then. But he turns his back on our fan base and he is applauded..loved. No one gave him any crap for leaving Miami in the sports media outside of Lebatard and Papi. Which is why I love them.

Two totally different circumstances. When LeBron left the Cavs to join the Heat he teamed up w/ Wade & Bosh to improve his chances of getting that elusive first title. When most NBA superstars leave one team for another it's done to improve a players chances of winning it all. LeBron did the opposite by going back home. He left a much better team for an idiot owner, a roster full of just about nobody's & a rookie HC w/ no previous NBA coaching experience. So unlike when he left the Cavs for the Heat this time LeBron has not improved his chances of getting another title.


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Two totally different circumstances. When LeBron left the Cavs to join the Heat he teamed up w/ Wade & Bosh to improve his chances of getting that elusive first title. When most NBA superstars leave one team for another it's done to improve a players chances of winning it all. LeBron did the opposite by going back home. He left a much better team for an idiot owner, a roster full of just about nobody's & a rookie HC w/ no previous NBA coaching experience. So unlike when he left the Cavs for the Heat this time LeBron has not improved his chances of getting another title.

Cave were preseason FAVORITES in Vegas to win it all.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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Cave were preseason FAVORITES in Vegas to win it all.

So you're saying the Cavs were preseason favorites to win it all w/ a rookie HC even before they drafted Wiggins & traded him for Love? I simply don't believe you.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Anyway LeBron Hater's just enjoy the playoffs. You all should get what ya want though. I just don't see the Cavs cutting down the nets this year. Hey any chance the Celtics make some noise in the playoffs this year? My guess is no.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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So you're saying the Cavs were preseason favorites to win it all w/ a rookie HC even before they drafted Wiggins & traded him for Love? I simply don't believe you.

A simple google search should clear up any confusion you have. Here I did it for you.

Updated Odds to win 2015 NBA Championship

See they were favored. Basically, your whole premise was made up BS you had in your head to justify some warped sense of LeBron love. This honestly should cause you to rethink your homerism and try to be a bit more objective. But I doubt it will

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Anyway LeBron Hater's just enjoy the playoffs. You all should get what ya want though. I just don't see the Cavs cutting down the nets this year. Hey any chance the Celtics make some noise in the playoffs this year? My guess is no.

Maybe not the Finals because despite last game they played, I don't believe they can beat the Spurs.

Maybe the Warriors....But, not the Spurs.

They should make the ECF.

Who outside the Hawks and maybe Bulls has a realistic shot of beating them in a 7 game series?

Like my Clips, the Celtics are gone fishin in the 1st round...lol


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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A simple google search should clear up any confusion you have. Here I did it for you.

Updated Odds to win 2015 NBA Championship

See they were favored. Basically, your whole premise was made up BS you had in your head to justify some warped sense of LeBron love. This honestly should cause you to rethink your homerism and try to be a bit more objective. But I doubt it will

Honestly didn't know they were preseason favorites. Anyway like I have said countless times I am not (and have never been) a Cavs fan. Not everyone originally from the state of Ohio roots for them. I have been a Celtics fan since the days of Larry the Legend. And they are the only NBA team I have ever rooted for.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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Maybe not the Finals because despite last game they played, I don't believe they can beat the Spurs.

Maybe the Warriors....But, not the Spurs.

They should make the ECF.

Who outside the Hawks and maybe Bulls has a realistic shot of beating them in a 7 game series?

Like my Clips, the Celtics are gone fishin in the 1st round...lol

Who outside of the Hawks or Bulls could beat 'em in a 7 game series? Come on Mecca there's only one real answer to your question...the Miami Heat!:D

I better get the hell outta here after this comment...:bolt:



Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,109.09
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Honestly didn't know they were preseason favorites. Anyway like I have said countless times I am not (and have never been) a Cavs fan. Not everyone originally from the state of Ohio roots for them. I have been a Celtics fan since the days of Larry the Legend. And they are the only NBA team I have ever rooted for.

Im just screwing with ya. It doesn't even matter. LeBron did hurt his legacy a bit by jumping ship. But Larry/Magic/Mike had the blessing of good franchises that built around them properly. The Cavs couldn't do that in round 1 of LeBron.. so far they have done better. But funny thing is, without LeBron leaving, they never get Kyrie.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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Jul 10, 2014

But they didn't know before the announcement that he was coming.:L

LMFAO! easy on the evidence. you're gonna give someone a migraine...


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Jul 17, 2014
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Who outside of the Hawks or Bulls could beat 'em in a 7 game series? Come on Mecca there's only one real answer to your question...the Miami Heat!:D

I better get the hell outta here after this comment...:bolt:


The Cavs will be favored in every series they play until the Finals- where it will depend on the matchup (assuming they make it that far)

If they match up against Memphis or Dallas or Houston or Portland they will probably be the favorites

If they match up against the Spurs or Warriors they will probably be the under-dogs......anyway you break it- as a long suffering Cleveland fan- who has only seen a Finals/World Series/Super Bowl appearance 3 times (Tribe in '95 and '97, Cavs in '07) i will be ecstatic and have a blast if they get to the Finals.

If they win it? -now- you have to understand- if wont be like the Browns if they won it in Cleveland- If the Browns won the super bowl- imagine the movie Batman Begins- if Raz- Al Ghul got his water vaporizer to Wayne Enterprises and successfully weaponized the mind-poison- They city would descend into madness. No one would work for a week.


Now if the Cavs won? And broke the streak- it would be a HELLUVA PARTY! but as i ahve said- that party is just beginning.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Jul 10, 2014

But they didn't know before the announcement that he was coming.:L

holy shit man- do you have any clue WTF you are even talking about? THEY COULDNT EVEN OFFER LEBRON A MAX before they made those moves!!! How can they sign the guy if they dont even have the money to sign the guy!

Again- this all comes down to the delusion that Gilbert and Riley were somehow owed something by LeBron- and LeBron was telling Gilbert things he was not telling Riley- REREAD THAT SENTENCE AND REALIZE HOW ASSININE ANY WHO THINKS THAT HAPPENED TRULY IS!- that LeBron was like- ya know what would be funny? Lets fuck Pat Riley and give Dan Gilbert exactly what he wants- we can have a private HAHA at Rileys expense and send the old fart across country to beg on his hands and knees because me and you are such good buddies Dano!

the worst type of Heat fan is the one that thinks LeBron owed them anything. If Pat Riley was burning to death LeBron didnt owe it to him to whip out hog and piss on him to put the flames out.

Riley stunk of desperation - did stupid moves like trading up for Napier, signing McBob and Granger- thinking that any of theses moves might make LeBron think about staying? I MEAN THINK ABOUT THAT

HMMMMM... come back and play with the tallest SG in the league in Bosh, and a guy that cant stay healthy inWade- BUT WE GOT GRANGER AND MCBOB!!!! ---- or go to Cleveland with Kyrie Irving, the assets to get Kevin Love- and a TON of other young players and picks to either keep (Thompson) or deal (Waiters) for players that will help this year (Smith) and for years to come (mozgov and shumpert)

hmmmmmm....REAL TOUGH CHOICE....

shoulda swallowed that ole pride Pat...now you get to play out the string of your careeer in irrelevance. To quote Marcellus Wiley in pulp fiction- "Thats pride fucking with you"


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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holy shit man- do you have any clue WTF you are even talking about? THEY COULDNT EVEN OFFER LEBRON A MAX before they made those moves!!! How can they sign the guy if they dont even have the money to sign the guy!

Again- this all comes down to the delusion that Gilbert and Riley were somehow owed something by LeBron- and LeBron was telling Gilbert things he was not telling Riley- REREAD THAT SENTENCE AND REALIZE HOW ASSININE ANY WHO THINKS THAT HAPPENED TRULY IS!- that LeBron was like- ya know what would be funny? Lets fuck Pat Riley and give Dan Gilbert exactly what he wants- we can have a private HAHA at Rileys expense and send the old fart across country to beg on his hands and knees because me and you are such good buddies Dano!

the worst type of Heat fan is the one that thinks LeBron owed them anything. If Pat Riley was burning to death LeBron didnt owe it to him to whip out hog and piss on him to put the flames out.

Riley stunk of desperation - did stupid moves like trading up for Napier, signing McBob and Granger- thinking that any of theses moves might make LeBron think about staying? I MEAN THINK ABOUT THAT

HMMMMM... come back and play with the tallest SG in the league in Bosh, and a guy that cant stay healthy inWade- BUT WE GOT GRANGER AND MCBOB!!!! ---- or go to Cleveland with Kyrie Irving, the assets to get Kevin Love- and a TON of other young players and picks to either keep (Thompson) or deal (Waiters) for players that will help this year (Smith) and for years to come (mozgov and shumpert)

hmmmmmm....REAL TOUGH CHOICE....

shoulda swallowed that ole pride Pat...now you get to play out the string of your careeer in irrelevance. To quote Marcellus Wiley in pulp fiction- "Thats pride fucking with you"

Wow, the level of stupidity in this post is simply mindboggling.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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Wow, the level of stupidity in this post is simply mindboggling.

so you believe that LeBron toldDan Gilbert stuff that he refused to tell Pat Riley? That LeBron had a secret agenda to screw the Heat?

just read that and really think about it- if thats what you really think then i dont know what to say.

and the funny thing is- these Heat fans want it both ways- they say everyone knew- Pau Gasol knew, the cavs knew....I suppose the only person taht did not know was Pat Riley....unreal.

when you put the pieces together you see just how ridiculous that notion is- its just pure and simple bitter grapes.

LeBron owed Riley nothing-

I will tell ya- at the end? I thought LeBron was coming back- Chris Sheridan said it was done a long time before that- these guys are telling me Pau Gasol knew lol, how who knows?

I guess Riley was the only guy in the league that did not know. IF that is true? that does not make him look good-

ESPECIALLY when you spend
4 million on Chalmers
3 million on Haslem
5 million on Anderson
5 million on McRoberts
2 million on Granger
trade up for Shabazz Napier

If i am a free agent THIs offseason i look at that and wonder what the hell happened? Alzheimers?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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so you believe that LeBron toldDan Gilbert stuff that he refused to tell Pat Riley? That LeBron had a secret agenda to screw the Heat?

just read that and really think about it- if thats what you really think then i dont know what to say.

and the funny thing is- these Heat fans want it both ways- they say everyone knew- Pau Gasol knew, the cavs knew....I suppose the only person taht did not know was Pat Riley....unreal.

when you put the pieces together you see just how ridiculous that notion is- its just pure and simple bitter grapes.

LeBron owed Riley nothing-

I will tell ya- at the end? I thought LeBron was coming back- Chris Sheridan said it was done a long time before that- these guys are telling me Pau Gasol knew lol, how who knows?

I guess Riley was the only guy in the league that did not know. IF that is true? that does not make him look good-

ESPECIALLY when you spend
4 million on Chalmers
3 million on Haslem
5 million on Anderson
5 million on McRoberts
2 million on Granger
trade up for Shabazz Napier

If i am a free agent THIs offseason i look at that and wonder what the hell happened? Alzheimers?

I believe that you just doubled down on stupid.


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Wiggy is an idiot



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Jul 17, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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I believe that you just doubled down on stupid.

so you believe it was a conspiracy agaisnt the HEat- that LEBRON JAMES AND DAN GILBERT conspired to wait as long as possible- that LeBron and Gilbert had their feet up in some Biscayne Bay condo during their "secret meeting" laughing like a couple of jackasses dreaming up ways to fuck with pat riley and the Heat?

Dan goes: "LeBron- I know we have had our differences- in fact- Heat fans keep calling up Cleveland radio stations and ssaying how our fans are delusional to think you would ever consider coming back- but - how about ya tell me what your gonna do? REALLY? you wil ltell me? your coming back? GREAT!!!!!!.....hmmm...what do you think we can have a ltitle fun with this? ya know what would be awesome? fly to Vegas- and tell Riley youwant to meet with him- get that 70 year old geriatric windbag on Arisons jet, let him give his speech- say nothing- dont tell him shit...and then wait as logn as you can to announce just so he thinks he has a chance to keep you! What? you are keeping the market frozen by signing? Melo and a bunch of the other elite players and a bunch of other players havent signed yet either? IT wont really work? Who cares!!!! itll be funny- i bet you can get that guy to believe anything! he will be so afraid to lose you that he will hang on your nutsack for all its worth!!!! shit- Pau GASOL knows at this point! IF Riley refuses toacknowledge the truth and wants to run his team int othe ground let him I say!!!, wait? your on board with this? Screw over your pal Dwade for no apparent reason? WOW THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!! THANKS SO much LeBron forgoing out of your way for making Dan Gilberts dreams come true!!!!, I will even promise to NEVER bring Delonte back! HAHA- GOTCHYA!!!"


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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so you believe it was a conspiracy agaisnt the HEat- that LEBRON JAMES AND DAN GILBERT conspired to wait as long as possible- that LeBron and Gilbert had their feet up in some Biscayne Bay condo during their "secret meeting" laughing like a couple of jackasses dreaming up ways to fuck with pat riley and the Heat?

Dan goes: "LeBron- I know we have had our differences- in fact- Heat fans keep calling up Cleveland radio stations and ssaying how our fans are delusional to think you would ever consider coming back- but - how about ya tell me what your gonna do? REALLY? you wil ltell me? your coming back? GREAT!!!!!!.....hmmm...what do you think we can have a ltitle fun with this? ya know what would be awesome? fly to Vegas- and tell Riley youwant to meet with him- get that 70 year old geriatric windbag on Arisons jet, let him give his speech- say nothing- dont tell him shit...and then wait as logn as you can to announce just so he thinks he has a chance to keep you! What? you are keeping the market frozen by signing? Melo and a bunch of the other elite players and a bunch of other players havent signed yet either? IT wont really work? Who cares!!!! itll be funny- i bet you can get that guy to believe anything! he will be so afraid to lose you that he will hang on your nutsack for all its worth!!!! shit- Pau GASOL knows at this point! IF Riley refuses toacknowledge the truth and wants to run his team int othe ground let him I say!!!, wait? your on board with this? Screw over your pal Dwade for no apparent reason? WOW THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!! THANKS SO much LeBron forgoing out of your way for making Dan Gilberts dreams come true!!!!, I will even promise to NEVER bring Delonte back! HAHA- GOTCHYA!!!"

Damn, you're putting all of your chips on stupid.