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Wade: Lebron will never pass MJ


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Player development in who??? Kyrie? Love? JR? He didn't exactly leave Miami and join a team with a bunch of rookies.

But he left a team that didn't know how to win and had zero veterans other than Varajeo. They had talent but absolutely no experience, for them to win it in their second year is far bigger of an accomplishment than what he did in Miami, but they both won titles so it really doesn't matter.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You never answered my question and what has been this whole discussion been about...he TRIED recruiting players and nobody would budge. Are you always this slow...you obviously have no idea what you are talking about :laugh3:

Proof? Or are you just full of shit again?

Lebron never tried recruiting players to cleveland. He sat back and let the front office do all the work. And with Gilbert being a shitty owner, he clearly failed.

So back to the point in question, lebron pussied out and left.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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You hate on all current players, not just LeBron. So again, why do you post here when all you want to do is relive your glory days from the 90s? I was as big a Jordan fan as anybody, but with distance and a little perspective, I believe the 90s was one of the worst eras of NBA basketball.

I don't see anyone here trying to say LeBron is better than Jordan, but you still want to rail against him. For what? He is one of the truly great players in the history of the game. You don't like him, I get it, but you hate on him and fly off the handle calling people names when you don't agree. That is juvenile behavior.

I hate on ALL current players... A bit dramatic are we? Haven't hated on Lebron at all. Just think if he would have stayed he would have more respect from alot more people other than myself and might have built a dynasty for himself.

Glory days in the 90s? This is a Lebron/MJ thread man. WTF are you high on? Do I need permission from you to discuss the 80s 90s or current NBA? Like I said, STFU and cross your fingers the Wizards do something this year in the East. The East these days :lol:


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Glad to see somebody gets it.

LeBron would still have zero rings if he had stayed, and he likely would have bolted Cleveland in 2014 because they would not have been able to accumulate those assets they acquired when they won the lottery 3 years out of 4. So, Cleveland wouldn't have a title either.

But go ahead. Keep acting like LeBron was leaving an "up and coming contender" or that the situations were anywhere near similar with him and MJ. Saying that it is on a player to build a competitive roster around themselves is beyond ridiculous.

MJ never had to consider leaving to get his rings because he played for a top flite organization. So did Kobe. LeBron did not have that luxury, so he left. It is ironic that people glorify players for staying when they get drafted into a near ideal situation, then bash players for leaving when they don't.

Either stop judging a player's legacy based on a team accomplishment, or stop criticizing players who aren't drafted by an elite organization and need to leave to get theirs.

Curry won't leave because he doesn't have to. That does not make him a better man than Durant. He landed in a better situation.

You posted this not me.. Even after MJ's 3 years in Chicago - it was hardly a top flite organization. Doug Collins came in 1986 was let go 1989 and Phil Jackson came in as an assitant in 1987, but didn't get the head job until 1989. The Bulls were not a top flite organization until Phil's 1st year 89-90 when they got the 3rd overall seed in the East. My next post I said to "please Splain this" and called you a "ratard" -- was joking around cause I didn't understand it how anyone could think the Bulls were a good organization until 89-90.. 5 years after Jordan was drafted. Don't get all emotional because I called you a ratard.

Don't act like Jerry Krause is a genius either. The guy got lucky with Jordan falling to #3 in the draft. Kukoc may be the best find he had. Pippen excelled from being along side MJ and coached by Phil.

It took half a decade after MJ was drafted for the Bulls to even be considered a "top flite" organization. The Lakers and Celtics were top flite organizations. Bulls? Not until the 90's

So don't tell me Lebron could not have put in his time and the Cavs built a team around him. That's fuggin bullshit


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Apologies to everyone on here that whenever we have a best player ever thread or best team ever thread, we have to go back to the 90's or 80's.

If anyone else needs a kleenex let me know.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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66 wins the season before he left :L

Oh but Lebron would ZERO rings if he stayed. :pound: It took Lebron how many years to get to the Finals? Took MJ how long?

Best player in the league can sit back and grab just about whoever he wants, especially in today's recruiting/free agency.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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Proof? Or are you just full of shit again?

Lebron never tried recruiting players to cleveland. He sat back and let the front office do all the work. And with Gilbert being a shitty owner, he clearly failed.

So back to the point in question, lebron pussied out and left.

That statement right there clears it up. You have no idea what you are talking about. Just stop embarrassing yourself lol. When has Lebron ever sat back...he pushed for players and they couldn't get it done. It's that simple.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 506.35
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66 wins the season before he left :L

Regular season doesn't mean shit. I hope you know that. Lebron carried those teams. I can't believe people are actually thinking Lebron had a great team around him. I have named off the players around him...all role players. ALL of them, most of them average to good.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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That statement right there clears it up. You have no idea what you are talking about. Just stop embarrassing yourself lol. When has Lebron ever sat back...he pushed for players and they couldn't get it done. It's that simple.

Not to mention that Lebron went further than recruiting players - he colluded with two other players in deciding where they would form a super team and play together. So someone has amnesia in here and it's not us :lol:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Regular season doesn't mean shit. I hope you know that. Lebron carried those teams. I can't believe people are actually thinking Lebron had a great team around him. I have named off the players around him...all role players. ALL of them, most of them average to good.
Championships is the only thing that matters

Michael Jordan - 6 championships

Kobe Bryant - 5 championships

Lebron James - 3 championships and a losing record in the finals


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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What gets me is... Most Cleveland fans hated Lebron when he left and alot of people thought it was a bitch move leaving his home town. But now those same fans say that he had no chance of winning a title in Cleveland. Even though those teams won 60+ games some years.


The best player on the planet has to have some pull to bring other players in.

2010 free agents notables:
Kyle Lowry
Joe Johnson
Wesley Matthews
David Lee

All Lebron needed was a SG/PG and a goof PF/Center that could play D and grab boards. Pretty sure that's what he has now..

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Regular season doesn't mean shit. I hope you know that. Lebron carried those teams. I can't believe people are actually thinking Lebron had a great team around him. I have named off the players around him...all role players. ALL of them, most of them average to good.

I remember I actually thought JJ Hickson and Bobbie Gibson had game...lol



GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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JR was not there yet and Kyrie and Love had zero combined playoff experience. They had a lot to learn. Yes, they had talent, but they were more likely to finish in the lottery than the playoffs in 2015 without LeBron or the Love trade.

All I am saying is that there is a difference between joining a good core and a serious contender. LeBron just happens to be so good that wherever he goes becomes a contender and people overestimate the abilities of the other parts. Miami was the exception, as they were already a possible contender before LeBron made his decision.

LeBron joining Cleveland is absolutely nothing like Durant joining GS (not saying there is anything wrong with either), but some inhere would have you believe that Cleveland's core is similarly stacked.
Really? Is that why in their first year together LBJ, Kyrie AND Love made it all the way to the Finals?

Listen, I don't disagree about LBJ and his talents. I but I do disagree that Kyrie & Love weren't developed players when they teamed up. Love had been in the league since the 08-09 season and Kyrie since 11-12 season. They were developed. Maybe you could argue they hadn't been challenged to elevate their game to playoff levels, but please don't say they weren't developed as basketball players.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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That's a good point. Seeing what LeBron's best teammates from his first CLE stint have done since losing him as a teammate... further shows how little he had to work with.
Well, which Super Stars didn't have that problem in his era? No player is going to be on top forever- and he was no different.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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That's a good point. Seeing what LeBron's best teammates from his first CLE stint have done since losing him as a teammate... further shows how little he had to work with.

Same thing with Steve Nash.

Amare, Joe Johnson, Jared Dudley, Shawn Marion should have given him commissions from their contracts.

Those guys were talented, with or without him.

But, he made the game so much easier when they played with him.

Same for Lebron.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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What gets me is... Most Cleveland fans hated Lebron when he left and alot of people thought it was a bitch move leaving his home town. But now those same fans say that he had no chance of winning a title in Cleveland. Even though those teams won 60+ games some years.


The best player on the planet has to have some pull to bring other players in.

2010 free agents notables:
Kyle Lowry
Joe Johnson
Wesley Matthews
David Lee

All Lebron needed was a SG/PG and a goof PF/Center that could play D and grab boards. Pretty sure that's what he has now..

They expected Mo Williams to fill that role and Kyle Lowry was a malcontent during that time period.

I think it all went wrong for the Cavs when they brought Shaq in.

Shaq led to Jamison, instead of Amare.

Now, that's actually a good thing now that we know Stodemire was a lemon.

But, at the time, he had no desire to play with Shaq after their time together in the VAlley of the Sun.

****Off topic Alert ******

On our last board, we actually had a Cavs can who insisted that Jamison was a HOFer...he was dead serious!

******back on topic *******

I don't think Lebron would have a ring if he stayed in Ohio.

They would have never sucks enough to get those #1 picks and those guys you mentioned would not have gotten him over the hump.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Well, which Super Stars didn't have that problem in his era? No player is going to be on top forever- and he was no different.

Yeah, every now and again you get lucky and a guy like David West is willing to play clemEntines to chase a ring.

But, that's the exception, not the rule.

Usually, you fill the roster with journeyman, cast offs, has beens, minimum salary guys and draft picks.

After signing your big 3, there usually isn't much money left for anything else.
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