Well-Known Member
same here as skin2winzI got the same answers as skinz2winz.
same here as skin2winzI got the same answers as skinz2winz.
1) be respectful no personal attacks or insults,name calling yes or no...fuck no, what are ya, fucktarded?
2) keep posts relevant to the topic yes or no...I love the blues, but also fishing.
3) limit threads of similar topics yes or no...I think I'll start a thread for this one, see what people think.
4) keeping the off topic lounge yes or no... I say keep it, but put it in here.
5) keeping politics off the board yes or no...REDSKINS' LIVES MATTER!!!
6) allowing adult language yes or no...cunts
7) trolling yes or no...Obviously, I'm a no on that one. Grow up, people!
8) spamming yes or no...You guise wanna buy some affordable, high-quality jerseys?
9) stalking yes or no...You have a lovely family.
10 ) bullying yes or no...shut up, and give me all your vcash!
11) smack talk thread , stay or go yes or no...Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.
I think politics should be allowed during the off season to give us a reason to keep talking. March to July is a boring ass time around here save for the draft.
well you should vote . because enforcement will be different . and i want you guys to choose instead of me dictatingNo to everything bad, yes to everything good is my vote.
Honestly skinsdad, Politics, “being respectful (with) no personal attacks or insults,” and adult language arent moderated with any particular hard and fast rules here anyway.
Just ask the numerous posters who got their panties in a bunch over something I wrote.
Constantly complaining that I havent been banned for something or other.
The name change thread is nothing but politics.
That being said - I thank you for being the mod, and am good with whatever you decide.
It's been more than a week.polls will stay open for another week i was thinking name change announcement was coming with an actual name so all the changes will take place at one time
we will have to find some one that can redo the banner with the new name and of course a vote for the banner will be coming
It's been more than a week.
If you're having any doubt about shutting down politics - we had the same issue at an Orioles site (yes, I'm unfortunate/stupid enough to be both a Skins and O's fan) today, and this is what the owner/moderator (who's very similar to you in political views) chose after putting it up to discussion: https://forum.orioleshangout.com/forums/index.php?/topic/38669-future-of-the-hangout/
i am in the process of changing the forum guidelines on this site
here is what we are going to vote on
the first guideline is
1) be respectful no personal attacks or insults,name calling yes or no: yes
2) keep posts relevant to the topic yes or no: yes
3) limit threads of similar topics yes or no: yes
4) keeping the off topic lounge yes or no: sure
5) keeping politics off the board yes or no: kind of tuff these days when the sports teams can’t. I vote no
6) allowing adult language yes or no: Allowed
7) trolling yes or no: no
8) spamming yes or no: no
9) stalking yes or no: no
10 ) bullying yes or no: no
11) smack talk thread , stay or go yes or no: stay
these guidelines have basically been in place for 9 yrs . its time to revisit them and the majority will win out . the moderator will not vote . in case of a tie the moderator will break a tie
this poll is for the regular users . if you left i dont see you getting a say in it i know who the regulars are , even the ones from different teams
so its up to
Decided to vote after all.
My vote stays at no to politics ... right now we see the same thing we saw before where two or three people argue their point back and forth like they are going to come to a conclusion. What is the point ... none of these differences of opinion are going to be solved. People feel how they feel, reading it 500 times from each person doesn't change a thing. This forum has lost a lot of people that were good contributors to this forum for years because this went unchecked. It was kept to one thread but now it is just in any old thread. You are going to lose a couple more until you get a consensus of 4 or 5 who want to talk about it. It is all tiring.
My vote stays at no to politics ... right now we see the same thing we saw before where two or three people argue their point back and forth like they are going to come to a conclusion. What is the point ... none of these differences of opinion are going to be solved. People feel how they feel, reading it 500 times from each person doesn't change a thing. This forum has lost a lot of people that were good contributors to this forum for years because this went unchecked. It was kept to one thread but now it is just in any old thread. You are going to lose a couple more until you get a consensus of 4 or 5 who want to talk about it. It is all tiring.
My friend, all of these Washington threads repeat so much over and over again and it really gets old from all posters. I've been guilty of this too so I'm not referring to anyone in particular.
Yeah, I realize that. I don't mind the rehashing. There is not a lot to talk about until they actually start playing. This year is a bit different.
I am just stating my stance on political discussion. I used to pop in the Politics thread from time to time just to tease the guys good naturedly by saying "page 164, anyone change their minds yet?"
It's the same on Facebook, some folks go over and over the same things again like their detractors are going to change their minds. I think some of us just want to find a place or two where we don't have to deal with the political and social stuff for a few minutes. I just want to come here and talk about football.
This^^^^^^My vote stays at no to politics ... right now we see the same thing we saw before where two or three people argue their point back and forth like they are going to come to a conclusion. What is the point ... none of these differences of opinion are going to be solved. People feel how they feel, reading it 500 times from each person doesn't change a thing. This forum has lost a lot of people that were good contributors to this forum for years because this went unchecked. It was kept to one thread but now it is just in any old thread. You are going to lose a couple more until you get a consensus of 4 or 5 who want to talk about it. It is all tiring.