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Urban Helped Cover Up Attempted Murder


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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How many of these Ohio State fans would be rushing to Meyer's defense is he was still coaching at Florida?

Probably the same number of Gator fans who would be ready to crucify him if he had never went to Ohio State.

There's a whole lot of homerism on this thread.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Yes, you did. Some (not me :whistle:) might have rolled their eyes but now it's starting to look like Hernandez at least tried to kill people in Gainesville. Of course, neither the University of Florida or the New England Patriots have any knowledge whatsoever that Hernandez was involved in this sort of activity. They're both shocked and saddened by it all.

Of course not. Meyer pulled the wool over our eyes too. :(


Preacher Man
Apr 17, 2013
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But trying to imply Meyer had any part in a coverup is :bullshit:

perhaps capto but it does make you think a little.. even if he did or didnt have anything to do with a coverup.. just how far reaching does the influence of high school, college, or even pro sports have in the community.. how much power do they yield.. again not saying he did anthing.. but its an interesting thought..



is a little bit warmer
Dec 18, 2009
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You're fucking kidding me, right? Did you not even read the title of this very thread that we are posting in? Have you read ANY of the posts from folks like HD? I hate saying it because HD is an actual moderator here, which is frustrating as he's lowering himself to trolling like this. I've seen people say OSU will get the death penalty even. Serious, high school clique type quality gossip going on.

CFB isn't his forte... I can understand the initial knee jerk reaction, but UF is the school that should be shitting themselves.


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Still on your campaign I see. I guess you're shocked that I have an opinion and didn't ask you before posting said opinion? A mod states an opinion and instantly those who disagree start playing the "trolling" card. Weaker 'n shit.

HD, you really don't even get what I'm saying. I know you have an opinion, and it is normally based on reason and logic and not tabloid journalism or sensationalist made-up stories. I mean, that article literally mentioned nothing in the slightest about Urban knowing about it. In fact, his name was never even printed once. Since Hernandez was only questioned and was never even suspected, and most every witness said it was a black guy that shot at those 2 people (and the other witness who said it was an Hispanic guy has recanted his statement), what would lead you to go on a campaign about giving OSU the death penalty and Urban being out of CFB and things "getting warm for OSU fans"? That is pretty much the definition of trolling.


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But trying to imply Meyer had any part in a coverup is :bullshit:

It's logical though, isn't it? And you wouldn't be doing the same if it were fuckin Rich Rodriguez about something that happened at Michigan? Come on, man.


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Apr 22, 2013
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How many of these Ohio State fans would be rushing to Meyer's defense is he was still coaching at Florida?

Probably the same number of Gator fans who would be ready to crucify him if he had never went to Ohio State.

There's a whole lot of homerism on this thread.
I would say the same even if it was tricky nicky saban being accused. To think a coach would cover up an attempted murder is retarded.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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I would say the same even if it was tricky nicky saban being accused. To think a coach would cover up an attempted murder is retarded.

I might could see tricky nicky trying to coverup a murder.

Kristen does have quite the temper, you know.....


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HD, you really don't even get what I'm saying. I know you have an opinion, and it is normally based on reason and logic and not tabloid journalism or sensationalist made-up stories. I mean, that article literally mentioned nothing in the slightest about Urban knowing about it. In fact, his name was never even printed once. Since Hernandez was only questioned and was never even suspected, and most every witness said it was a black guy that shot at those 2 people (and the other witness who said it was an Hispanic guy has recanted his statement), what would lead you to go on a campaign about giving OSU the death penalty and Urban being out of CFB and things "getting warm for OSU fans"? That is pretty much the definition of trolling.

I never said OSU deserved the death penalty. We're clearly speculating in this thread; it's what we do around here. But since you disagree, you call it trolling even though it's not the OSU board. And all I'm saying is that it seems logical to me that Urban Meyer covered this activity up and if so, he deserves the death penalty and I hope he gets it.

You disagree. I get that. I'm just not sure why my opinion bothers you worse than Brasky's does. :noidea:


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Apr 16, 2013
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How many of these Ohio State fans would be rushing to Meyer's defense is he was still coaching at Florida?

Probably the same number of Gator fans who would be ready to crucify him if he had never went to Ohio State.

There's a whole lot of homerism on this thread.

Not running to his defense (as tOSU coach or former UF coach) b/c theres NO WAY hes involved in any coverup. Players dont confide in their coaches that they killed somebody

Secondly, tOSUs football status has NOTHING to do with what Meyer might or might not have done at UF... They hired they guy. How the fuck would they know about any possible murders in Gainesville or Meyers non-involvement in them...

Seriously. Get real


Undocumented PhD
Jul 2, 2013
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It's amazing how folks take sides on issues that are pure speculation. There is zero proof that Urban was in anyway involved in a murder that Hernandez may or may not have committed. The press did the same thing to Paterno with no evidence and now it's Meyer's turn. Might not be a bad idea to simply wait for the facts to come out??????.

I'm willing to bet Urban was the gunman and Hernandez was the fall guy.


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Mar 20, 2013
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perhaps the post should have had a question mark at the end.. perhaps people cant come up with an attention grabbing headline to start the talk.. perhaps some of us need to have tougher skin.. if you have been around enough you know that there is no ill intent in HD comments.. most of the time they are good and thought provoking.. like most of us here that might say things between the line or exagerate things a bit to make them realavent or funny or both.. good gravy stop crying into your cheerios cause someone may or may not have insulted the coach of the college you root for.. you make it seem like you are a relative of his or something.. the best way is to ignore it and post fact or play along have some fun with it and it will smooth over.. the more you blow up the more you are going to get blown up... thats just my take..


Or perhaps the entire thread should be in the NFL forum under the posting "Aaron Hernandez now possibly being questioned in 2007 shooting", considering the story only had to do with him.

It isn't about ill intent. I don't take what someone on here says personal. At the end of the day, I'm going to sleep just fine. However, when I want to talk about sports, I want to come to a place where actual sports are being talked about and not made up shit/trolling. That was the demise of the ESPN board.

I never trolled the Penn State fans on Paterno, I never trolled UNC fans because of their filthy program, I don't troll Oregon because they were paying a guy to send them players, so I hope not to see people trolling my team based on something that was literally just thought up in someone's head. Oh well. If you really think he did it, then I guess we'll see. Just wish the topic of conversation could go to actual things in reality and not tabloid-quality crap.


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Now THIS is the exact sort of thing I was hoping for.

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Apr 22, 2013
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I might could see tricky nicky trying to coverup a murder.

Kristen does have quite the temper, you know.....
Ha. Well we disagree there. Even as shady as tricky nicky is no way he would do that.


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Just wish the topic of conversation could go to actual things in reality and not tabloid-quality crap.

I understand but quite frankly the only solution is to not participate when you feel that's the case.


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You were hoping Adam would tweet what is already in the news?

I wasn't aware that Outside the Lines was involved in the investigation.


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Mar 20, 2013
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I never said OSU deserved the death penalty. We're clearly speculating in this thread; it's what we do around here. But since you disagree, you call it trolling even though it's not the OSU board. And all I'm saying is that it seems logical to me that Urban Meyer covered this activity up and if so, he deserves the death penalty and I hope he gets it.

You disagree. I get that. I'm just not sure why my opinion bothers you worse than Brasky's does. :noidea:

"It's probably about to get a little warm for OSU fans, my man. He brought it all on himself by ratting out Florida. The gauntlet has been thrown."

"Meyer will be an assistant special teams coach for the Browns before it's over. He's likely finished in CFB."

"CFB death penalty immediately. Only reasonable course for the NCAA to take."

"This crushes Meyer's credibility with recruits and coaches. He'll never live it down."

You got all of that from a story that has now been denied and never actually had any credibility to begin with, and then another story in which Meyer was literally not mentioned one single time. I know you hate OSU fans (as I've read from one of your posts before), but like I said, this is the sort of crap that happens on trash boards like ESPN. You call it speculation, I call it trolling. If this was about your team, you'd be annoyed too.

There are plenty of reasons to rip on Ohio State, and I'm fine with it because they're based in reality. It just got old seeing made up OSU shit over and over again dominating the front page over at ESPN, so I got annoyed when the same thing started happening here, and from a mod, no less.

I'll stop being annoyed. Have a good one, HD.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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I wasn't aware that Outside the Lines was involved in the investigation.
Just says reporting not involved. Unless I am missing something.


But why is the rum gone?!
Apr 30, 2013
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On a serious note... Do you really think Universities have that much that it could alter a investigation into a double murder? I hope not. It's strange how he had been IDed as the shooter and they still didn't pursue him.
By no means am I implying they would alter such an investigation because both men I'm about to speak of were of the highest honor and absolutely beyond reproach, but to give you one example of what I'm sure is many, and identical to any college/host town; in one of my old units, the 2 star commander and the Command Sgt. Major were both from Gators, both worked in Gainesville, one as the then chief of police, and one as a very high ranking member of UF.

If something like that was going to take place, people in such a relationship as this (Army and civilian positions of high authority) would have little trouble facilitating such an event. And I'm sure such relationships are evident in every college town.