Barry may be more talented but I don't think we win 3 with Barry instead of 22. Emmitt got the tough yards, the short yardage one yard runs for first downs and TD's. He didn't kill drives losing 8 yards on first down dancing around.
Barry dancing around meant he had no wheres to run.....
Emmitt gaining those yards were a priduct of that line....
Do you think Emmitt behind Barrys or Walters line no real qb or wrs that he would have the same success.....I highly doubt it.
but asshats here now want to say emmitt wasn't even the best all time Dallas RB.
No I didnt just start saying Emmitt is not the best ever,Ive always stated that......
Jim Brown and Walter Payton are the two best ever......
I wonder how well Emmitt would with Bob Avellini,Gary Huff,Vince Evans,Mike Phipps and Jim McMahon as his starting qbs......
Along with the wrs of Bo Rather,Brian Baschnagel,James Scott,Ken Margerum,Steve Schubert,Rickey Watts and then Willie Gault......
Ya,those two teams are not even close.