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Tom Brady Will Sue the NFL in Federal Court


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Aug 21, 2014
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I don't like the Patriots much at all and honestly dislike Tom Brady. But I hope this case does go to federal court, and they throw the NFL out on their ass.

Brady was suspended by the NFL for 4 games, and a full quarter of their contracted salary, because he "more probably than not was aware to some extent" that somebody else "more probably than not" was doing something to gain a competitive advantage. Anyone who honestly believes that the NFL should be able to suspend somebody because they probably were at least aware that somebody else wax probably breaking the rules, is first of all an idiot, and second of all is ready for the league to end.

I could easily make a case right now for that same $5,000,000 that Ted Wells got, that every single player, coach, and front office executive in the entire league INCLUDING ROGER GOODELL is more probably than not at least generally aware that (INSERT PLAYER NAME HERE) is more probably than not using some sort of banned performance enhancing substance.

It's a stupid reason to suspend somebody and "more probable than not" it violates federal labor laws unless it was strictly agreed to in the labor agreement between the NFLPA and the league. And obviously the NFLPA doesn't feel that they agreed to that. I don't care about deflate gate or his legacy or cheating or any of that crap. I just think Goodell is WAY overstepping his bounds and would like to see him get slapped down for it.


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I haven't seen anything different in here since March 2015. It's the same shit being re-stirred with the same popsicle stick by the same people with the same vendetta....................


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Well the Patriot Employees (ball boy and such) were using team phones but deleted some of the texts and without a federal warrant the investigators were not allowed to recover those. So if this does go to Federal Court then yes they have every right to recover those texts. And that is fine if you want to protect your right to privacy but you better be ready for the consequences such as that of looking guilty for refusing to cooperate. The courts have to abide by the innocent until proven guilty but in the court of public opinion that is not the case and he definitely looks guilty as hell because of it.

IF this goes that far then you are 100% correct. Brady will be forced to hand over his cell phone. Why he didn't initially is beyond me, except for the fact he probably didn't trust Goodell or whoever was going to "see" the cell. Could he have had something incriminating on his cell and that's why he didn't turn it in, absolutely... can't know for sure but we will if this goes any farther.

What I don't get is why it is taking so long for Goodell to "state" what is going to happen. The Report came out... Brady was suspended, appealed, had the appeal and now nothing, yet Goodell constantly states, "it's coming."


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Apr 17, 2013
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So instead of clearing yourself, you'd walk away from your career then sue your employer in federal court to get your career back?

Makes perfect sense.

People have sued for a hell of a lot less.


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I haven't seen anything different in here since March 2015. It's the same shit being re-stirred with the same popsicle stick by the same people with the same vendetta....................

Yet you run away from the very most basic questions.


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I don't like the Patriots much at all and honestly dislike Tom Brady. But I hope this case does go to federal court, and they throw the NFL out on their ass.

Brady was suspended by the NFL for 4 games, and a full quarter of their contracted salary, because he "more probably than not was aware to some extent" that somebody else "more probably than not" was doing something to gain a competitive advantage. Anyone who honestly believes that the NFL should be able to suspend somebody because they probably were at least aware that somebody else wax probably breaking the rules, is first of all an idiot, and second of all is ready for the league to end.

I could easily make a case right now for that same $5,000,000 that Ted Wells got, that every single player, coach, and front office executive in the entire league INCLUDING ROGER GOODELL is more probably than not at least generally aware that (INSERT PLAYER NAME HERE) is more probably than not using some sort of banned performance enhancing substance.

It's a stupid reason to suspend somebody and "more probable than not" it violates federal labor laws unless it was strictly agreed to in the labor agreement between the NFLPA and the league. And obviously the NFLPA doesn't feel that they agreed to that. I don't care about deflate gate or his legacy or cheating or any of that crap. I just think Goodell is WAY overstepping his bounds and would like to see him get slapped down for it.

Stop pretending like you're not a Brady apologist when everyone knows you are.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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IF this goes that far then you are 100% correct. Brady will be forced to hand over his cell phone. Why he didn't initially is beyond me, except for the fact he probably didn't trust Goodell or whoever was going to "see" the cell. Could he have had something incriminating on his cell and that's why he didn't turn it in, absolutely... can't know for sure but we will if this goes any farther.

What I don't get is why it is taking so long for Goodell to "state" what is going to happen. The Report came out... Brady was suspended, appealed, had the appeal and now nothing, yet Goodell constantly states, "it's coming."

Well my guess is this is two-fold. First being this next week is probably the most dead time in the NFL. You have the Franchise Tag period done with and another two weeks until training camps start. So it makes sense to fill the dead space with a huge announcement like what happens to Brady. Next would be the closer we get to the season the harder it is for Brady to fight it in my opinion as another person pointed out if he is suing the NFL it makes it hard for the NFL to want to play him during that time. So the whole taking this to court thing becomes a little more challenging the closer we get to the season. Most likely it wouldn't be able to make it to court in time for the season anyway if he announced it now or next week but again the closer we get the more pressure it puts on Brady and his people.


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And you must have the biggest hard on right now

He's being exposed for what he really is. The Lady of Justice is angry and she isn't going away.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Well my guess is this is two-fold. First being this next week is probably the most dead time in the NFL. You have the Franchise Tag period done with and another two weeks until training camps start. So it makes sense to fill the dead space with a huge announcement like what happens to Brady. Next would be the closer we get to the season the harder it is for Brady to fight it in my opinion as another person pointed out if he is suing the NFL it makes it hard for the NFL to want to play him during that time. So the whole taking this to court thing becomes a little more challenging the closer we get to the season. Most likely it wouldn't be able to make it to court in time for the season anyway if he announced it now or next week but again the closer we get the more pressure it puts on Brady and his people.

Yeah probably that is what he is going for but he really shouldn't come out and say an answer is coming soon and make it seem like that actually will be the case.


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Yeah probably that is what he is going for but he really shouldn't come out and say an answer is coming soon and make it seem like that actually will be the case.

Soon is a relative term. Such as me saying to my friend that I will see him soon could mean a matter of minutes or a matter of weeks. It is why people like Goodell talk in that way as it doesn't force their hand before they want to.


Well-Known Member
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He's being exposed for what he really is. The Lady of Justice is angry and she isn't going away.

Big IF.... But IF he does than you will certainly have the biggest hard on for life... :)

Now about my damn fantasy QB Charlie craphorse! :(


Well-Known Member
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Soon is a relative term. Such as me saying to my friend that I will see him soon could mean a matter of minutes or a matter of weeks. It is why people like Goodell talk in that way as it doesn't force their hand before they want to.

Oh, I know.... It's just annoying as hell.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Oh, I know.... It's just annoying as hell.

Couldn't agree more. I wish they would make things a bit more black and white in the league. First off they could easily clean up the rule book to make it where this penalty happens if this happens kind of thing instead of the case by case basis they have been doing. They could also set limits in how long an appeals process can last and how long after an appeal is heard that they can then make a decision.


Well-Known Member
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Couldn't agree more. I wish they would make things a bit more black and white in the league. First off they could easily clean up the rule book to make it where this penalty happens if this happens kind of thing instead of the case by case basis they have been doing. They could also set limits in how long an appeals process can last and how long after an appeal is heard that they can then make a decision.

but with all the money Goodell makes he aint changing a freaking thing


Well-Known Member
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but with all the money Goodell makes he aint changing a freaking thing

Well to me his bosses by how much they pay him have shown they love the job he is doing. In a money sense the NFL has never been more popular or more profitable so I guess you could say he has done his job really well. In the sense that fans think the NFL looks competent in what they are doing then I would say he has failed miserably. At the same time because of how bad he fails on some of this it keeps the NFL on the front page even in the off season. No other sport in my opinion can make that type of claim.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Stop pretending like you're not a Brady apologist when everyone knows you are.

He not only went to U of M, he also made a Gorillian dollars and married a supermodel. Seriously, I'm not sure it's possible for me to hate a guy more without ever meeting him.


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Aug 18, 2014
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I'm surprised how many are upset over Brady/NFLPA possibly taking it to another level. Was this a surprise?

Kessler isn't along just for the ride.