Valar Morghulis
Oops....The above first paragraph was suppose to be quoted by FSUmanager

Oops....The above first paragraph was suppose to be quoted by FSUmanager
Never heard that while watching the game. But if they did they should have been removed from the game and probably were. I will look some stuff up to see if that was said.
Someone coming out like say the AD or President would do nothing in the way of PR. All it would do most likely is spurn more outrage from the people removed from CFB. It is a case of damned if you do and damned if you do not. I personally when in that type of position just stay quiet unless provoked.
While im here...
How much playing time did fsu backup get?
Howd he honestly look?
Meant to watch some and spaced. Sorry for the change of topic, but I know an fsu fan is in here to answer.![]()
ANd before you cast stones at FSU I think you need to remember two names DJ Fluker and Trent Richardson. One has stated publicly that he was paid at Alabama, but there has been no investigation. Is that a cover up? And how did Trent's mother obtain the funds for that damn nice house? Was that a cover up. Please come down off your high horse because we can all play this game of point the finger with no actual proof to back up an assertion.
Yes we own the NCAA! They do everything we say. I'm not going to even get into that shit you're spewing. It's called a rumor mill just like Saban is going to Texas and bought home there. Talk about someone just talking shit to "cover up", or better stated, misdirect, my post! Pretty sure we all know there's truth to this Winston story. I was on his side until I found out both the victims and Winstons DNA were together. Then his attorney starts the spin by saying that doesn't matter because it was consensual! Just open your eyes. He will probably never get convicted since the TPD didn't do shit for their job but to throw out things like Richardson's Mom's nice house all of a sudden and Fluker said he was paid is an obvious distraction from this thread.
I believe it would do a few things to help: 1. It would let everyone know FSU has class and arent sticking their heads in the sand 2. It might actually make a few idiots shut up 3. It's the right thing to do - And while the average joe on the street might not even hear about it, I would guess folks shopping for a school for their kids would notice.
Them coming out will not help or hurt people looking for a university. You are either going to go there or not. It is that simple. Unless you are talking about Magnetics which FSU is known for it is not like people are choosing between FSU and MIT, Harvard, Miami, or Duke.
I am sorry, but I do not see the university coming out and saying anything publicly because they have no jurisdiction over people not associated with the university. If they want to say it to the students that is cool with me because there is a code of conduct like at all universities.
I have not been able to find any forum or site that is stating that particular chant today. Might be able to find more tomorrow morning once some of the sites I read post articles besides post game stuff.
Ive followed politics closely all of my life (to the point that I have an absolutely useless poli sci degree) and one thing Ive learned about stuff like this is that it is better to be in front of it than behind it. We are not talking about enforcing a law or rule, we're just talking about someone people like and respect coming out and saying keep it classy. Concepts like 'jurisdictions' dont even matter.
I have followed politics for a long time too. Not as much to get a damn poli-sci degree. In some cases that works and others it does not. Again it is the perception already out there. You seem to believe that Tallahassee as a city has become classless because of some of the residents who post on sites. FSU coming out will not change your mind on those same people. So again it would not really do any good. When they are asked about the situation they speak. Which is a good thing. But to the majority of accusers who are against Winston and the university it would make no difference. People have already drawn their line in the sand and a speech or letter going out will not change their stance because an accusation is all they need to form their opinion(that goes for either side of the accusatorial aisle). This is all I am saying.
Hey you are getting it. it is a RUMOR mill. Speculation. Just trying to show you exactly what people are doing now.
Loving all the Bama fans in here calling for Winston to be benched.
Off topic: WTF are you doing in Georgia? Im a transplant myself, so im a lil nosey.
Loving all the Bama fans in here calling for Winston to be benched.
Wife is a teacher. Hard to find teaching jobs in Ohio. Much easier down here. I miss some things about Ohio. Weather isn't one of them.
He should only be benched if he gets arrested. To me it just sounds like a he said she said case, but this poor girl is getting dragged through the mud it sounds like. I haven't been able to follow it much cause I'm really busy right now, but people don't need to throw accusations at this girl if she reported it a year ago. Just wait and see what happens.
Loving all the Bama fans in here calling for Winston to be benched.
I don't want him benched. If we played FSU I would hate if he didn't play but there is more to all this then a football game. I would be shocked if he is even charged but there is a huge difference between truly being innocent and being proven guilty. I can't get over his silence. I initially thought it was mistaken identity the way every FSU person was talking then we find out they had sex then it became it was consensual but for some reason the girl felt she should go immediately to the hospital and contact police. From there nothing has happened. You tell me what that looks like?
I don't want him benched. If we played FSU I would hate if he didn't play but there is more to all this then a football game. I would be shocked if he is even charged but there is a huge difference between truly being innocent and being proven guilty. I can't get over his silence. I initially thought it was mistaken identity the way every FSU person was talking then we find out they had sex then it became it was consensual but for some reason the girl felt she should go immediately to the hospital and contact police. From there nothing has happened. You tell me what that looks like?