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tOfficial "Jameis Winston" Superthread

Will Winston Finish the Season For FSU?

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Ha. Yes, that one doesn't count.

OK, how about him coming out and stating how he had to mature and learn his lesson and then promptly fucking up again?

Was that a lie or just a misunderstanding?

Hey now, he didn't lie... He DID/DOES have to mature and learn his lesson...

...He just didn't.


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If something comes out that proves he did any of the major stuff he is accused of, he'll get what he deserves and I'll be one of the first to hope he gets a harsh punishment. But right now he hasn't really done anything major. He stole some crab legs and yelled a vulgar phrase in public. Big deal. Nothing has been proven by the r*pe accusations and it doesn't seem like he did it to me. I was never one to believe that players should be suspended until they are charged or they confuse to doing it before they are charged. As for the autographs, we'll have to see. I haven't read up to much on it.

His lawyer is setting the stage for the argument in a civil suit that his client did nothing wrong concerning the r*pe allegation, however that FSU and the TPD did. So, FSU's loyalty to this fellow is about to be repaid via lumping the blame on FSU.

TBH, these events have been so easy to see coming it makes me want to bang my ahead against a wall. A big part of my profession is cleaning up such messes and anticipating outcomes.....and I can't see how otherwise intelligent and educated people couldn't see what has happened beforehand and still can't see what is coming.

History repeats itself to an infuriating degree.


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Seeing how much the FSU fans try to defend the indefensible it's no wonder that the police and administration also covered up/and or destroyed/delayed/tampered with evidence.

What evidence was "destroyed" or "tampered with"? Saw someone else make that claim awhile back and then move the goalposts and never provide any data on that, and now here it is again...

Where was this stated?


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What evidence was "destroyed" or "tampered with"? Saw someone else make that claim awhile back and then move the goalposts and never provide any data on that, and now here it is again...

Where was this stated?

FSU and TPD didn't do their jobs for days. Curious how evidence that would have been available for a real investigation was either no longer there or witnesses had been coached. That is evidence tampering and destroying.


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Maybe Winston will get to the pros and then actually r*pe somebody... Who knows? Then they can look back at this and do an actual investigation of it...

Man.... Sounds vaguely familiar, doesn't it? How IS Aaron doing these days?

:L That's just goofy.

Even under the misguidance of that helpless stooge CUM, a player with r*pe, theft and other accusations would be out at UF. Our backup QB not dressing last Saturday is a classic example of making sure the proper message is shown to not embarrass the university. Cam Newton is another.

I don't know what the deal is with JW (well, yeah I kinda' do), but my point is the AD and Jimbo obviously do not give a shit about FSU becoming the seedy laughing stock.


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His lawyer is setting the stage for the argument in a civil suit that his client did nothing wrong concerning the r*pe allegation, however that FSU and the TPD did. So, FSU's loyalty to this fellow is about to be repaid via lumping the blame on FSU.

TBH, these events have been so easy to see coming it makes me want to bang my ahead against a wall. A big part of my profession is cleaning up such messes and anticipating outcomes.....and I can't see how otherwise intelligent and educated people couldn't see what has happened beforehand and still can't see what is coming.

History repeats itself to an infuriating degree.

Winston's attorney has said for months that the accuser's legal team has been following the Civil Lawsuit Playbook to a tee for close to a year now, so I guess it is only prudent that he set up the defense...

On a side note:

Winston hasn't even been CHARGED with r*pe, so I wonder how the FSU Hearing can possibly find Winston guilty on either of the two violations having to do with sexual misconduct...


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:L That's just goofy.

Even under the misguidance of that helpless stooge CUM, a player with r*pe, theft and other accusations would be out at UF. Our backup QB not dressing last Saturday is a classic example of making sure the proper message is shown to not embarrass the university. Cam Newton is another.

I don't know what the deal is with JW (well, yeah I kinda' do), but my point is the AD and Jimbo obviously do not give a shit about FSU becoming the seedy laughing stock.

Aaron got a one game suspension for six failed drug tests, an assault and it is now becoming clear that he may have been involved in a shooting.... ALL while at UF...

Yeah, one game... Sounds about right.

But yeah, WE'RE the "Clown College".. :lame:

Wild Turkey

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His lawyer is setting the stage for the argument in a civil suit that his client did nothing wrong concerning the r*pe allegation, however that FSU and the TPD did. So, FSU's loyalty to this fellow is about to be repaid via lumping the blame on FSU.

TBH, these events have been so easy to see coming it makes me want to bang my ahead against a wall. A big part of my profession is cleaning up such messes and anticipating outcomes.....and I can't see how otherwise intelligent and educated people couldn't see what has happened beforehand and still can't see what is coming.

History repeats itself to an infuriating degree.

I heard a psychologist on the radio yesterday who said Jameis Winston displayed the classic signs of a sociopath.

Sociopath - a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Now the person does not have to be a criminal although in Winston case it certainly seems likely and they don't have to be antisocial in fact they can be extremely charming as well because at the end of the day all a sociopath cares about is getting what they want and the means to an end do not matter. I think this is Jameis if you think about how he was suspended but looked happy as a lark on the sidelines the tell tale signs where there he didn't care he was in trouble because he didn't believe it was possible in his own mind.

Let's say he raped this girl in his mind it wouldn't be r*pe to the point he might even pass a lie detector test because he can't mentally conceive of anything being wrong with getting what he wants.

I thought it was interesting and I do think he probably is a sociopath and its only a matter of time before he does something again.


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FSU and TPD didn't do their jobs for days. Curious how evidence that would have been available for a real investigation was either no longer there or witnesses had been coached. That is evidence tampering and destroying.

Like what evidence? What was missing?

We know Casher deleted his cell phone video, but c'mon... I think that's a natural reaction, not an insidious act....


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I heard a psychologist on the radio yesterday who said Jameis Winston displayed the classic signs of a sociopath.

Sociopath - a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Now the person does not have to be a criminal although in Winston case it certainly seems likely and they don't have to be antisocial in fact they can be extremely charming as well because at the end of the day all a sociopath cares about is getting what they want and the means to an end do not matter. I think this is Jameis if you think about how he was suspended but looked happy as a lark on the sidelines the tell tale signs where there he didn't care he was in trouble because he didn't believe it was possible in his own mind.

Let's say he raped this girl in his mind it wouldn't be r*pe to the point he might even pass a lie detector test because he can't mentally conceive of anything being wrong with getting what he wants.

I thought it was interesting and I do think he probably is a sociopath and its only a matter of time before he does something again.

And his two buddies stood idle and did nothing while he raped this woman... That would imply that we have THREE sociopaths, right?

And the greatest point brought up by Winston's attorney is why the accuser went after Casher for taking the video in his Title IX hearing and said NOTHING about him being an accessory to r*pe? I mean don't you find that, at least, a little curious? :noidea:


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The video and the cell phone video was gone....maybe it wouldn't have been if the TPD would've investigated the case when it was reported.

They knew:
1. A FSU starting freshman named "Chris" was at the bar

2. That the victim had talked to "Chris" while also speaking to the probable suspect

There were only 2 freshman fb players named Chris and only 1 that was a starter, he should have been easy to find. Also, if they would've found him they may have noticed the scooters parked out front and that his roommate and apartment matched the description given by the victim. Instead, they barely did shit. They also may have been able to locate the cabbie who drove them to the apartment if they would've done more than send an email, it took Meggs no time to find out only one cab company gave student discounts a year later, the investigators at the time could've done the same.

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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And his two buddies stood idle and did nothing while he raped this woman... That would imply that we have THREE sociopaths, right?

And the greatest point brought up by Winston's attorney is why the accuser went after Casher for taking the video in his Title IX hearing and said NOTHING about him being an accessory to r*pe? I mean don't you find that, at least, a little curious? :noidea:

I think the whole thing has been handled horribly by the university and no the other two don't have to be sociopaths they could actually be natural followers with low self esteems that wanted the praise and adoration of Jameis. If Jameis is a true sociopath he would most likely have people around him that he could control or manipulate to some extent.


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I think the whole thing has been handled horribly by the university and no the other two don't have to be sociopaths they could actually be natural followers with low self esteems that wanted the praise and adoration of Jameis. If Jameis is a true sociopath he would most likely have people around him that he could control or manipulate to some extent.

Agree on the handling...

You sorta forgot to answer my last question... Why did Casher nor Darby get brought up in the Title IX hearing as "Accessories to r*pe"? Why did the accuser not accuse them of this when it is an agreed upon fact that Casher came into the room during the encounter?


Jul 2, 2013
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The video and the cell phone video was gone....maybe it wouldn't have been if the TPD would've investigated the case when it was reported.

They knew:
1. A FSU starting freshman named "Chris" was at the bar

2. That the victim had talked to "Chris" while also speaking to the probable suspect

There were only 2 freshman fb players named Chris and only 1 that was a starter, he should have been easy to find. Also, if they would've found him they may have noticed the scooters parked out front and that his roommate and apartment matched the description given by the victim. Instead, they barely did shit. They also may have been able to locate the cabbie who drove them to the apartment if they would've done more than send an email, it took Meggs no time to find out only one cab company gave student discounts a year later, the investigators at the time could've done the same.

You need to correct #1. Casher was NOT a starter in 2012. The starters were Tank Carridine and Bjeorn Werner. Casher played in two games his freshman season. Games 2 & 3 in garbage time. Where on earth did you get this info?


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The video and the cell phone video was gone....maybe it wouldn't have been if the TPD would've investigated the case when it was reported.

They knew:
1. A FSU starting freshman named "Chris" was at the bar

2. That the victim had talked to "Chris" while also speaking to the probable suspect

There were only 2 freshman fb players named Chris and only 1 that was a starter, he should have been easy to find. Also, if they would've found him they may have noticed the scooters parked out front and that his roommate and apartment matched the description given by the victim. Instead, they barely did shit. They also may have been able to locate the cabbie who drove them to the apartment if they would've done more than send an email, it took Meggs no time to find out only one cab company gave student discounts a year later, the investigators at the time could've done the same.

That TPD was lax on the investigation isn't being disputed... This is not "Tampering with" or "Destroying" evidence... If it is semantics, then fine, but let's lay this claim to rest then, because FSU and TPD didn't "destroy" or "tamper with" any evidence...


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You need to correct #1. Casher was NOT a starter in 2012. The starters were Tank Carridine and Bjeorn Werner. Casher played in two games his freshman season. Games 2 & 3 in garbage time. Where on earth did you get this info?

Regardless, how hard would he be to locate?


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Documents: Police, FSU hampered Jameis Winston investigation
Kevin Vaughan

FOX Sports

OCT 10, 2014 4:23P ET

Ramifications for Florida State in the Jameis Winston Case
OCT 11, 12:05 AMFOX Sports 1 investigative reporter, Kevin Vaughan, explains what Florida State is facing in their handling of the Jameis Winston sexual assault case. Plus, what's next for the Seminoles quarterback.

Florida State University officials and Tallahassee police took steps to both hide, and then hinder, the criminal investigation into a r*pe allegation against the school's Heisman-trophy winning quarterback Jameis Winston last fall, a FOX Sports investigation has found.
The upshot: University administrators and Winston’s attorney, Tim Jansen, had a head start on the state attorney in Tallahassee responsible for investigating and prosecuting serious crimes. Florida State administrators, for instance, had all the police reports at least four days before State Attorney Willie Meggs was handed the case.
After learning in December of 2013 that no charges would be filed, FOX Sports examined thousands of pages of documents — including law enforcement files, e-mails and other correspondence as well as video and audio interviews conducted by detectives and other records — through a series of requests filed with multiple agencies under Florida's public records laws.
Among the findings:
• The university's police chief obtained original police reports as well as supplemental reports from Tallahassee police on Nov. 8, 2013, at least four days before the case was turned over to Meggs, the local prosecutor responsible for investigating serious crimes and filing criminal charges.


Florida State's quarterback has been in trouble frequently since arriving on campus. Take a chronological look at the issues.
• The university's police chief forwarded the reports to a high-ranking administrator in the Florida State athletic department, and within days they ultimately wound up in the hands of Winston's defense attorney — also before Meggs was notified of the case and launched his own investigation.
• Two critical witnesses — Florida State football players who said they were present the morning of the alleged assault — discussed the case with Winston's lawyer and ultimately signed affidavits at his behest backing the quarterback's version of the incident. That happened before law enforcement officers tried to talk to them about what they saw and remembered, a dramatic road block in the state attorney's effort to determine whether Winston should be charged with r*pe.
• That same high-ranking administrator in the athletic department sought information from the university's police chief about a reporter seeking the reports on the allegations against Winston.
• The second-highest ranking officer in the campus police department ran interference with another reporter seeking information about the allegations, terming them a "rumor" that he was glad he could "dispel."
• Both of those police officials were involved in updating Florida State administrators on the case and helping formulate the school's public relations response in the first days after the explosive story became public.

Fox Sports


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Fox Sports got a SEC bias like ESPN?

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Orlando Sentinel
Miami Herald
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Washington Post



Aug 20, 2014
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Fox Sports got a SEC bias like ESPN?

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Business Insider
Orlando Sentinel
Miami Herald
NBC Sports
Washington Post


Serious question here, why hasn't anyone been charged with evidence tampering or obstruction of justice? IF Fsu and TPD really did all that stuff shouldn't the state be licking their chops at such an easy conviction since Fox Sports, NYT, TBT, etc all have the facts and info?


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Serious question here, why hasn't anyone been charged with evidence tampering or obstruction of justice? IF Fsu and TPD really did all that stuff shouldn't the state be licking their chops at such an easy conviction since Fox Sports, NYT, TBT, etc all have the facts and info?

Give it time...a lot of this stuff has only been revealed in the past 2 weeks.